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Hey there Jamen,

Love the flexibility you offer. I have a close knit group that I am recruiting for on the Thrall server named Assault. I’ll link our spam below, it includes my info - you can add it to reach out further if everything else aligns for you.

To your note on extracurricular events - we do a sign up weekly to run at least one M+. Currently that’s the extent, but there have been talks of doing some old achievement and transmog runs. In our guild, if you have an interest in something, it doesn’t necessarily have to be officer driven or inspired. Bring your desire to do things and others will follow along.

That being said, Thrall is a fairly high populated realm since the server does have at least one highly ranked raiding guild in the world. If things don’t work out, I am certain you can find other communities here on Thrall that you would enjoy, so your boost wouldn’t be a waste at all. However, since you are looking for something fun and close knit, I don’t think that would be an issue.
