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Doesn’t take more than a few seconds of thinking to realize the advantage someone, in any aspect of the game that requires combat, has with 89 corruption resistance vs someone who just hit rank 15. I read somewhere that catch up is now 13 weeks if you’re just rank 15.

But go on with your “weekly maintenance”.

youre mad that people who have committed more time into the game are stronger than you?
Thats like the whole basis of a MMORPG is time investment = power.

You’d still need hundreds of thousands of coalescing visions to do all that.

And then we’d be on here complaining about coalescing visions.

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Nice slippery slope argument.

Catch up mechanics are only needed because of gating. Getting to max resistance doesn’t take months of effort. It takes maybe a week of effort. The time gating is why some people feel they put in more work than they did. Oh I spent an hour each week for months! Why should you be able to catch up? Well you only had to do it that way because blizz wanted to make their content last artificially longer. If someone is willing to grind 13 full clear visions and 13 nzoth kills in a week, they should be able to do so. Why punish people who are able to play alot over a short period of time while rewarding people who can only play a little for a long period of time?

Cloak catchup system is a joke. Anyone who dissagrees is just a LFR hero gatekeeping new players and alts becuase all they have to show for their achievements is the timegated corruption resistence and wanna keep feeling like special snowflakes just for logging in everyday.


Do you know what time gating is?

Sure did! I had the beneifit of waiting a WHOLE week before I could progress to the next rank. WOW what a Privilege that was being time gated to upgrade a week no matter how many vessels I could farm!!

Remember we had to wait too because we didn’t have enough corruption resistance to use that new upgrade we had sitting in the bank.

Kind of baffling how many people think wanting to be able to grind a catch up mechanic without having a 0-purpose time gate = handout. Takes maybe 1 smithereen of brain power to realize the difference.


I know that i just came back after a year break, so i have been working on getting my cape up… but i mean im only at rank 9. Almost 10? I have to literally no life this game in order to catch up and i am so affected by it because I cant use a lot of corruptions like others and it makes such a big difference in dps if you have high corruptions vs none. My TD only hits like 50k and other people have their TD hitting like 250k.

Holy crap let people farm the extra cores in visions how is this even a thing wtf


I partly like the direction they went with this, it is CLOSE to what we need to make the next ‘grind’ meaningful. The problem with azerite power type mechanics was always that there was a perverse incentive to not engage in the mechanic at all. Because why spend an hour farming azerite today, when you could just farm 30 minutes a week later, or 15 minutes two weeks later. There was absolutely a feeling of “why am I even grinding this, when some guy’s alt can just spend a trivial amount of time to pass me”.

This is the sort of mechanic I want to see in shadowlands, but not at the end of an expansion. We are down to probably 4-5 months before the pre-patch, and as a result are quickly approaching the point where people just starting will NEVER catch up. Throw in corruptions being an abnormally large part of current player power, and you’re going to start seeing people get locked out of doing content (even the content meant to catch up, normal nyalotha) because they can’t use as many corruptions as the people not behind.

There are better ways to accomplish what I’d argue is a good goal. There SHOULD be a sense of accomplishment from ‘staying ahead’, but there should also be a way to catch up, even if that catch up requires a LOT of work.

IE: off the cuff suggestion for how this could be fixed:

1 core for completing a vision, per week.
1 core for completing normal nzoth per week.
1 core for completing heroic nzoth per week. (If at least 3 weeks behind)
1 core for 5 mask vision per week. (If at least 4 weeks behind)
1 core that you can purchase for a substantial amount of echos (I think 12k or so, equivalent to a high end corruption, per week. (if at least 4 weeks behind)

As someone catching up, you still have to “put in work”, it’s not the handout that azerite multipliers are. The person who “stayed ahead” ultimately put in less work, and is rewarded for their effort as a result. BUT, someone who WANTS to catch up, can, and in a reasonable amount of time. Catch ups should not be time gated, just like they shouldn’t be handed out like candy, they should be gated behind effort, and at LEAST as much as someone’s main put in.

i am a returning player and…i will never catch up: i get one core a week b/c i don’t have a guild to do raids yet. so…26 weeks to be competitive…the expan will be out by then. see, if the cloak was only a marginal increase, it would be fine, but it is not: someone able to stack full corruptions is going to be far far superior to someone who can’t. it’s kinda dumb. i miss wotlk, it would take a month tops to be raid ready instead of this baloney.

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if you think you need +89 resistance to be competitive, you are delusional.


The real question is why bother catching up? There is no new content until SL; and azerite/corruption will be replaced with a new grind.

i am under the impression that being able to stack up another 24-36% of say haste or mastery without ill effects of corruption is certainly going to improve performance by quite a bit?


What is the point of all this? Why can’t anyone just run 20 visions if they want to?

Whether I do one vision a week for 20 weeks or 20 visions in a day, the effort is the same.

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You need geared alts to do 5mask easily, so no on that. Should just get 1 core a vision run with at least 1 mask.

For the same reason azerite multipliers were a bad idea. There should be SOME bar higher than ‘do the same thing over and over’. That part of it I’m okay with, what is less defensible are the harsh time gates. Someone should be able to catch up fast if they really want it, but it shouldn’t necessarily be a simple "Well, the person who is caught up ran 20 X, so I should be able to just run 20 X to catch up.