Please delete, my question was answered then people started trolling

This is a person i played with constantly and have access to their computer’s files. They didn’t bot and that’s what the temp ban was for regardless of what you believe.
I know you’re desperate to think there’s a functioning warden system but after my experiences i really doubt it.

You sound like a real fun human being. Such a that guy.
You know you can do something with someone and still use we?
We went to go renew his license.” Still his license. Uuugggh just a complete that guy.
(Me helping someone appeal by being in the room and googling how is the same concept… Playing WoW with irl friends. Ya know.)

Oh no. I don’t remember the exact terminology for something that occurred like a decade ago. This must be so tragic for you.


there’s no rules which say you can’t accompany someone to renew their license.

i believe that if random bans were handed out to people for simply farming, almost every one of us would have been banned by now.

so you’d prefer to embellish, instead of saying “i can’t recall the reason given, but…”

“Bot farming ore” gets the point accross to neurotypical people. Bruh. Cringe.


What in the world are you doing right now? Lol.

He’s recollecting a story from years ago, he remembers the gist. You can’t fault him for not giving you explicit details that you want, lol. Dude. Chill. Trust that people have good intent.

What’s your end goal of this convo?


Kralysta, I totally feel you, lol.

I definitely used to be the person that needed closure. If someone hurt or offended me, and then removed the option for me to express that frustration, it made it so much worse.

I don’t think everyone is like that; some are okay without closure. But I think a lot are, and hopefully they find empathy for you and the situation. I certainly did. I hated when someone in WoW would mistreat me and then block me, leaving me no channel to speak or explain, etc.

(1) I personally don’t see you getting banned. I’m not sure on their rules, but years ago I did a definite no-no, and I only got a 3-day ban.

(2) Like I had to, you have to learn a healthier way to place that frustration. You’re a human, and you’re entitled to your emotions, including sadness and anger. But unfortunately in this life, some people are not going to allow you the opportunity to explain or vent or grieve.
It may not always seem fair, but I think it helps to remember perhaps they are not in an emotional or mental place to hear you out. Perhaps they /ignored you for their own mental peace. And it’s best if you walk away to find your own. :slight_smile:

to show that they’re being less than truthful.

mission was already accomplished :slight_smile:

Sometimes when I read your posts…smh


I really don’t think so, lol.

What would he gain from lying on a random WoW forum?

I know this is shocking to people, especially these days, but it is possible that you’re wrong, and he’s not lying. You didn’t prove anything :confused: So… again… what have you gained.

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OP you should be fine.
Which is a right shame because you do not seem to have learnt a single thing.


You accomplished an abnormal amount of clinging to exact linguistic pedantics of conversational English, and a requisite “burden of proof” more strict than criminal court, sure.

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Unless you are death threating in chat (and even then I’m not sure) you will NEVER get banned for what you say in chat, you’ll only get silenced.

I would suggest if you have anger issues to just not talk in chat.

Nah you’re fine, nothing wrong with banter. Since Blizzard is only interested in money and virtue signaling without any real action, the most you should fear is an automated system giving you a short silence.

thousands of people do it.

especially after a ban wave.

we also see it regularly with people claiming they were “wrongly silenced”.
…it’s satisfying when a mod moves it to the CS forum, and the pants-on-fire poster gets outed.

what do YOU gain from lying on a random wow forum?

you admit that you’ve got no idea about policy, which means you don’t understand that what the OP did is viewed as an extremely bad thing.
you’re right about them not getting banned, but if they were reported, they’ll be getting a nice little holiday.

maybe we should ask this dude from fizzcrank what they gain from lying?

why are they spreading false info that “automated silence” is a thing?
(unless they’re a gullible fan of that troublemaking “influencer”?)

if it was as long ago as the poster is claiming, “temp bans” weren’t a thing.
if an account was found to be botting, it was closed.

As someone who isn’t neurotypical. Nobully is being a bit pedantic.

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I suppose it depends on what you said. If it was just a basic “I am mad, grumble, grumble!” then I imagine you’d be fine.

If you went off on a tirade and threatened to gut his cat and eat his children then you might have a problem.

what you did is considered harrassment. and if that person decides to report you, expect a 3 day vacation. unless this isnt your first offense, then probably longer.

and if you said anything threatening or particularly offensive, could be much longer.

Reminds me of a song:

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If this is the first time you blew up you’ll be fine.

You must be fun at parties (sarcasm) you should lighten up homie. Maybe try this thing called life. No one would be mad if you lightened up.

Oh. I never heard of them before but I am now a fan. Thank you.