Please delay pre patch

Please delay pre patch till Novemeber 10th so that the M+ season can end with the most epic and most fun week out of the 12 week rotation Which would be bursting volcanic week on the 3rd of november.

Thank you blizzard <3


Nerf DH


Gives me more time to level alts.

I agree nerf DH


Pre patch is the only thing in the game im looking forward to right now.
Im glad its not delayed


Yeah go ahead, you probably won’t find many peeps to run the dungeons with. ALOT of folk would leave if they pushed it back that far.


Uhhhh… some of use have amazing class changes and would be pretty salty having to play with voidform any longer.

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Hopefully they delay the game so long they can give me a refund on my sub so I can go invest in a better game.

Why would you want pre-patch delayed for leveling alts? It’s even faster in pre-patch?

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You do you
And I’ll do me
And we wont do each other


Bliizard: Ok, will do
What actually happens: Nerfs Monks


I think a longer pre-patch is a good thing. Level squish and Chromie time is a huge undertaking in itself. That plus class changes(even at only lvl 50) means that they will have tons of data and the entire playerbase “testing” it in case tons of bugs big or small pop up.

Whereas if pre-patch was only like 2 weeks long they would be trying to hotfix the huge level squish right at the biggest crunch for SL.

I think a longer pre-patch will result in both the leveling experience and SL being stronger in the long run.

I don’t know. Depends on when the actual expansion comes out.

I am sure there would be some people trying feverishly to get the long boi if they extended the prepatch another month.

Can you whine a little harder? PLEASE. Here is some cheese for you.

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looks confused

+1 Nerf DH

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Again, no. How many times will you post the same thread?

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How about no?

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pre-patch needs a delay of a few weeks maybe even a month or two

right now its too buggy on pts until they can fix those it should be delayed

Please seek help

I see since your last thread didn’t quite go as planned and you got lambasted for it, you’re using a different justification this time around.

For anyone curious :

Uh ? Prepatch is mostly fine.

its broken and everyone knows that it needs to be fixed then released not released in a broken anti-consumer state then fixed