Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

Usually, i follow Hanlon’s razor for whenever people make silly suggestions like that…

For Tulln, i make an exception with him, given the fact he has proven that it’s not the case of stupidity a lot of the time when he suggests things like that, given his past behavior. (and alts)

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I mean my god, I simply assumed that it was too stupid a suggestion for someone to have actually made


In my personal opinion, anybody who suggests having real names, or any of the actual private information be public, should be an immediate red flag for that person. (not report “flag” mind you.)

I don’t want anyone seeing my real name. The reason I post on here and not facebook is because here, the media doesn’t try to twist everything you say. If they convert the forums to realID, I’d want the opportunity to delete all my characters and posts.

Here, I am a cute little innocent gnome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: (with a teeny bit of an evil streak!)

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You can get around that with a proxy server.

If we go by the Blizzard standard? Kinda depends, apparently ‘raiders’ in general are to be believed over everyone else, and promoted/hired on to the dev team despite never having any experience working on games.

Wanna know where that’s led us, by the way? :3

This is very anti-queer. As a queer indentifying person myself, sometimes I identify with different characters, so I switch. Can Blizzard please stop this clear anti-LGBT(Q) hate speech? I am shaking right now this is literally violence.

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same here! was it that one sock puppet show on MTV? i loved that!

I tried playing classic I’d believe there is only 1 one them… at least 1 that posts in gendis. (I don’t count cuz I barely played it)

Wait so instead of arguing with 5 people I can argue with one… the baits when you reply to two from the same!

“They use RealID, and I will quit in a split second. My REAL LIFE NAME is on my RealID. NO THANK YOU!!!”


They should just do what other Blizzard forums do and post by BattleTag name.

To WoW’s peak since that describes a large amount of the devs from pre-Vanilla to Wrath?

I’ll be honest, I thought it was some sort of euphemism.

I need to wash my brain.

You are extraordinarily precious, aren’t you? If you clutch those pearls any tighter, they might just turn to diamonds.

How do you know it’s the two of them? Maybe it’s just the one of them. Maybe, just maybe, it’s just the one of us.:male_detective:

It seems like someone putting in that amount of effort into researching which forum avatars may (or may not) belong to the same players issues might be at increased risk of having… issues. Someone like that should probably look for healthier pursuits with which to fritter away their free time.

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What do you know, I learned something new today.

Cheers. :+1:

Sockpuppeting has to be the best coin term for forum trolls I’ve heard all week.

I find it interesting that someone that “concerned” about privacy is that adamant about preserving the ability to evade ignore for free.

Almost like they think it’s not a problem if they do it, and want to keep that…


That person knows if BattleTags goes in, they wont be able to stalk and harass people anymore.


Fixated is a pretty strong word. I disagree with sockpuppeting, and think it’s a crappy thing to do, but it doesn’t dictate my days or time.