Please Consider Moving Discord to Mumble

It’s also solely in game…

In game is only place I use voice chat. Do other people talk on discord while making breakfast or doing household chores?

Or you mean other games… I didn’t know anyone had time for other games…

Tell you what. I really like the layout of Discord. I think it’s one reason why its popular. If you take a look at Microsoft Teams it’s the same layout and style for a reason.

If you code me a mumble client. That has the same layout. Persistent messages, I can post GIFS, screen Sharing, phone app, Something I can just download and install and click create a server. I don’t want to go download 10 different plugins to get something up and running. I’ll consider it. You claimed above it’s super easy. This is your homework assignment due next month.

My guild has lots of activities outside of wow. We play other games. Some people do DnD nights. Model painting parties. Discord allows us to be be a guild outside of WoW.

My guilds have never used WoW’s built in info area or voice chat. One guild used chat and voice chat for a while, but that only works when everyone is on Blizzard games and using Discord became the better option for keeping in touch as more people played more non-Blizzard games.

You’re asking people to use 2 different programs instead of one. That’s a very hard sell. Ease of use is the more important factor for a lot of people. Discord has the voice channels right there in the same window where we’re using the chat channels, so the easy solution is to click the button to join voice in the Discord window.

That can definitely be seen as a problem. The thing is, the social network part of it is a big part of Discord’s appeal.

IRC? Popular? I have a hard time believing that. I’ve run into one company that uses IRC in many years and even they have a Discord server now.

As much as I agree with using options that respect privacy, that’s not how the world works. Features and ease of use tend to be higher priority for a lot of people than privacy. I think it’s unfortunate and I’d rather have companies that respect privacy, but it is what it is and Discord is the communications platform that’s the most widely used today. I do what I can to minimize data collection when possible, but I can’t avoid the chat platform that everyone uses today (Discord). Discord is popular among multiple games and even beyond games.

I think people do care about privacy on some level and if it’s brought to the forefront and easy to opt out of tracking then people will opt out (see Apple’s iOS 14.5 data tracking notifications that most people opted out of). The problem is that most of the time (including Discord) it’s under the radar and buried in privacy policies that few people ever read. Companies can hide the ability to opt out or make it burdensome, such as writing a letter and mailing it in via standard mail instead of un-checking an option on their website (I saw that snail mail requirement from a couple credit card companies over the years, even after smartphones were introduced land ong after the internet became a thing, although it’s been a while). There’s a big factor of “out of sight, out of mind” when it comes to companies tracking users, so a lot of people simply don’t think about it when evaluating which programs or services to use.

Very few people are technical enough to know what open source software even is. This is where I think you’re out of touch with all but the most technical individuals and possibly the people those technical individuals have explained things to.

I have an IT degree and understand what you’re referring to, but most people do not. People would have to have the technical knowledge, time, and motivation to do something, probably on a volunteer basis. There are very few people that would be able and willing to fork an open source chat program with the features they want.

Oh ya? Well MY guild says grats when I get an achieve… sometimes… If I’m not the only one online.

Layout of Discord

Not something I can do personally, however if it is genuinely something you would like to see, this might be the place to speak your opinion
I would imagine it’s doable with a theme.
I personally do not like Discord’s or Team’s UI at all.

Something I can just download and install and click create a server.

Due to the nature of how computers and the internet works. This will not be possible in the way Discord does it.
The only reason why it is possible on Discord is because Discord provides you with all the servers (which is just as big of an issue).

Mumble requires connecting to a server, which means either you have to rent a server, setup your own on your home network, or join anyone elses for free.
It is not difficult to setup on a VPS and there are videos that explain it. Realistically for a small-medium sized group it can be done on a $2/month VPS if you wanted.
You can also just host it on your home network, but just be aware if you don’t know what you’re doing it could be a security concern.

While it sounds unfortunate, and lacking in convenience, this is the nature of the internet. Nobody just puts up servers by clicking a button and a magical server fairy exists. Someone has to put in the small work to throw it up. This is true for game servers, websites, etc.
Nothing stopped 8 year olds from setting up Minecraft servers by looking at a YouTube video. Not a difficult thing, I just personally suggest doing it on a VPS.

That’s great. Why are you crusading to get other people to feel the same way… why do you even care? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Yes… Actually…

It is how I communicate with my Millennial and Zennial children a lot of the time. We will chat over Discord on a family server that my son started. We may not all be playing the same game or we may not play a game at all. Discord is easy enough that my parents, in their mid-70s, can join in if they wanted to. It came in handy while doing lockdowns and when my son was quarantined with Covid. My children also use it to run their D&D campaigns, collaborate about their Minecraft server, and other games.

I am also in about half a dozen other Discord servers/communities related to podcasts, social issues and more. Strangely, I am not in a single WOW related server at this time. Most of the time, I use it as a replacement for IRC more than voice chat because it has a lot of capabilities.


are you saying this to people making groups in lfr, guilds, or?
because none of these options have to provide alternatives lol.
dont like what voice theyre using dont join their group

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Seems like a bit of an advert, mumble is rubbish


Mumble? I thought we were all going to use use teamspeak or ventrillo again.

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But you said it was easy. If you have no coding experience how can you make a claim that it’s easy. I’m aware how all of this works I’m in Server IT with some coding experience. Going out and asking someone to code a custom client and hoping someone out there will do it is not “Easily done if users want it”.

Oh man. Wait until you figure out how scripts and scalability works in the server world. Get this. If you order a VPS or a game server or anything like that there is not a person in there going in and installing a physical server or cloning a virtual machine template, setting it up, Giving it an IP, installing game servers. It’s all automated…basically by what you might call a magical server fairy. Yes after a while someone will have to go in and install more physicals should the need arise.


Yeah, no.

This is some Qanon nonsense.

Discord is fine and is WAY better than Ventrilo or Teamspeak ever were, and Mumble couldn’t hold a candle to Discord.

This is either a hard troll, a conspiracy theory gone wild, or an ad.

Either way, it’s inappropriate for this forum.

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Guilds used to use Mumble but it sucks compared to Discord. Discord replaced Vent, Mumble, TS3, Skype, etc…

Discord is free, always works and most guilds use it as a hangout and informational area as well as voice and text chat.

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I don’t understand your complaint, I’m not asking random people with zero knowledge to go out and code a custom client. I’m just saying it’s possible. I know Mumble supports theming too.
Realistically I never cared to look into it personally because I have zero interest in changing the design. There could already be one for all I know.
It’s possible with Discord too, but they can ban you for it.

As far as the servers thing go, yeah I know it’s mostly automated enterprise wide, but it’s still in basics terms whats being done under the hood. And someone had to set that up, and still deal with any issues that occur, etc.
I don’t have much enterprise experience, but I assume they are using something like Ansible?
Please do briefly enlighten me on that I was actually slightly curious what is most commonly used for that.

My original point there though, was that someone has to setup crap somewhere along the chain. You don’t just click a button and a server is magically made and all the network configurations are secure and correct. Everyone’s network is different too. There’s a handful of complication that goes on that makes it difficult to do something where someone can just click a button. Maybe something P2P (I do not know) can be done from the ground up, but I would presume that has it’s own issues in other aspects that need to be solved… and if wanted to make that change to Mumble it would probably require some massive changes.

I don’t deny, yes it is convenient to be able to do that on Discord. But it’s important to understand that it has it’s cost.

No complaints really it’s just funny how you said it can be easily added but then when asked cannot do it yourself.

It’s like me saying how easy it is to build a house. Everyone should build their own house you can easily build it yourself and your own way. In reality I have no clue on how to build a house.


No complaints really it’s just funny how you said it can be easily added but then when asked cannot do it yourself.

I said I can’t personally do it, as in I’m not interested in filling that request.

Being alive in 2021 means you have no privacy. Not using one particular software doesn’t mean governments and companies don’t already know everything they want to know about you. If Discord were malicious and evil like Facebook, other social media, and Overwolf, I would be all for taking them down. But a few cookies or whatever on your hard drive ain’t the end of the world.

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Being alive in 2021 means you have no privacy

Privacy is not all or nothing. It’s not you either have it or you don’t.
There’s various stages of privacy.

The less information you provide the less information they will have.
Information ages over time, data can be considered out of date, etc.

If Discord were malicious and evil like Facebook, other social media, and Overwolf, I would be all for taking them down.

This is completely contradictory.

But a few cookies or whatever on your hard drive ain’t the end of the world.

Cookies are the least of worries. And cookies can be used maliciously, they themselves aren’t exactly malicious.