Please Consider Moving Discord to Mumble

They really should be running for a government position to actually make a difference if they wanted too. But that means they would have to make their name and all that public, the ultimate QAnon Catch 22. So whats the next step? WoW forums!

I hadnā€™t heard about Discord hacking elections, causing mass depression/anxiety and suicide among young people, and inciting riots.

causing mass depression/anxiety and suicide among young people

Social media does do this. Discord is social media.


[quote=ā€œLalorde-stormrage, post:95, topic:1158398ā€]
Many companies have been caught selling data when they claim they do not[/quote]

Boy, isnā€™t that the truth? I run my own mail server and have a few domains that I keep for various things. My server is set up to forward wildcard email addresses for one of the domains to a single real mailbox, so when I need an email address to register somewhere, I can use a custom one without having to do anything else. Like, if (for example) for registering my Blizzard account, I could just give them ā€œblizzard@[mydomain].orgā€ and Iā€™ll automatically get any mail addressed there. If I get an email at that address from anyone thatā€™s not Blizzard, I know theyā€™ve sold my info to someone. I wish I had a dime for every time Iā€™ve gotten ads addressed to my custom registration accounts, when the company had EXPLICITLY said they didnā€™t sell information. Note that Blizz is just used as an example - theyā€™ve never sold my info that I could see.

But the thing is, most folks arenā€™t geeks like us, and donā€™t have an in-depth understanding of how things work in the software engineering, networking, and most other tech fields, and donā€™t care about the stuff thatā€™s often important to us. Most folks have no idea what ā€œopen sourceā€ or ā€œsoftware libreā€ means, and donā€™t really understand or care that ā€œif the product is free, YOU most likely are the productā€. So while I totally get (and agree) where youā€™re coming from with Mumble (and I run a Mumble server myself), at the end of the day youā€™re fighting a losing battle. For most people, minimizing the friction involved with getting up and running with the most features is the #1 priority, and all else falls by the wayside. Discord is going to be the preferred solution for those folks, just like Facebook and Twitter are still the big dogs in the social media world even though other options are available.


Does Mumble have text chat?
How long does it remember what was said in chat? I know Discord goes back to at least 2019.
Can I post pics?
What about my emoji?

If the answer to any of that is no then :-1:

Iā€™ve never been censored by Discord.

Now that you mention it Iā€™ve never had a server go down before :thinking:

OOOOOOO Iā€™m never letting anyone get away with saying ā€œfirst world problemsā€ anymore :laughing: If Third world countries are complaining about Discord then the baseline for a ā€œfirst world problemā€ has to be much higher lol.


That sounds like itā€™s straight out of a customer support handbook. I bet you couldnā€™t sell vacuum cleaners door to door either. Just get a real job already.

define social media

That definition is incredibly broad, I would imagine all voip software is social media.


Itā€™s the new math. Third is first, first is third, 1=3 Why? I donā€™t know. Heā€™s on third.

What is ā€œcontentā€? Would every site you can leave a comment, review, vote, any interaction that leaves a result be social media. This forum, amazon, ebay, craigslistā€¦ is everything we post anywhere social media?

Mumble has literally never felt good to use. Hated it every time Iā€™d run into an oddball group running it instead of Vent or TS before Discord took over. Donā€™t really care about the privacy junk. -Everything- online is awful for that and pretending changing VOIP software is going to change anything is silly.

The only voice chat Iā€™d be willing to use over Discord at this point isā€¦ in-game voice chat (in WoWā€™s case anyway, since itā€™s actually solid now). And thatā€™s just because I like the idea of the game being more social. Doesnā€™t really apply if itā€™s opt-in and everyone avoids it like the plague.


I liked mumbles audio attenuation feature. You could have music blasting in your headphones and when someone needed to talk the music would lower and you would hear what was being said :+1: I donā€™t think Vent had this feature when I used mumble, not as familiar with TS. I donā€™t use voice anyways these days so the primary concern for me is being able to write messages and the preservation of those messages.

I would think so going off the definition I posted. When people hear social media they likely think of Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat but whatā€™s the difference between those and this forum or Discord? You can have a photo album but not on Snapchat I donā€™t think :thinking: is Snapchat not social media now? No one would agree to that so then is having a photo album necessary? Snapchat really throws a gear into defining social media using ā€œtraditionalā€ beliefs (like how youā€™d define Facebook or MySpace).

Iā€™m curious now how to define social media, itā€™s either going to be incredibly broad or itā€™s going to be restrictive and exclude platforms where most people would likely classify them as social media.

Do we need another term? Does that make things easier or more complicated? Which platforms get the new term and which remain ā€œsocial mediaā€?


I donā€™t have a discord of my own, OP. What would you have me do, be even less social?

Privacy doesnā€™t matter none us us have it anyway