Please Consider Moving Discord to Mumble

Somewhat off topic but when Discord and Zoom’s background voice-to-text transcription logs get leaked there might be some panic and puckering for some. I have packets of :popcorn: ready for the show.

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Millions of people use discord, not just for WoW but a ton of other communities and stuff. Like each of my courses last semester had its own discord server. It’s convenient to have them all in one place. Sorry, OP, but you’re not gonna convince millions of people to switch over to mumble. Especially not with a post on the WoW forums, lmao.

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Yeah no, first off I’ve never heard of mumble until now, and even then its 10+ years old. Second off looking at some images of mumble is basically another version of ventrillo and teamspeak, both of which are very dated VoIP’s. In comparison to discord that is far more user friendly, and far easier to customize to whatever you need. Third your complaint about privacy is just a fallacy at best. Discord is essentially a social media platform, and similar to other platforms, like facebook and instagram. Data breaches do indeed happen, and censorship is to be expected similar to how the forums are censored as well. Finally I get the whole roboting issue and the servers going down at random times. Yet what do you expect from a free service, like heck ventrillio has a infamous video of a similar issue with it repeating what people said previously. No VoIP is going to be perfect, and its to be expected that outages, or latency issues can crop up, given even the ingame VC can go down or suffer latency issues.

All you have done in this post is make false claims, cite privacy issues that pretty much any social media platform suffers from. With poitning out common issues across any VoIP, or streaming service like YT or twitch, given service can indeed go out at any point, and it does suck when it does. Yet that’s to be expected and as long as they resolve the issue within a timely manner, its okay.

If you want to use mumble cause your so concerned about your privacy go ahead, no ones stopping you. Yet please don’t make false claims, or try to fear monger to get people to stop using discord. Seeing as you don’t seem to grasp that discord isn’t solely a VoIP like mumble is, but a social media platform with its main focus being on VoIP. With customization and chat communications being the icing on the cake that makes it a nice platform. To use to communicate to others with, and talk to others with easy to use servers you can customize at will.

and a good point was brought up earlier about using Discord in a browser window

As I previously mentioned this is a good point, however you still have to hand over information to Facebook and Discord to use those services because you need an account.
Also privacy related addons and ad blockers only do so much.
Also it’s worth considering how much trouble you are going through just to use these services.

Discord’s chat options in addition to voice have made it much easier to keep in touch with friends who aren’t playing the same game and who might not be online at the same time.

That is understandable. The Mumble Github does have a lot of conversation about persistent/offline messaging, it is kinda possible but not exactly in the same way as Discord.
It may be worth speaking your mind there to show the devs which features people want most.

As far as I’ve seen most guilds seem to use WoW’s built in info area thing for WoW stuff, so for my original suggestion of switching guild voice over I don’t see the issue.
Again my biggest point is to at least offer Mumble for voice for raids as anyone can use it without issue instead of forcing everyone onto Discord. I never said an entire deletion of Discord servers and switch to Mumble was necessary if people like using Discord.

Discord is more of a social network, rather than just a voice and text chat platform which in my opinion is a big part of it’s problem.

Lalorde, this is a valiant effort but in my opinion a lost cause. All of these people have all their friends on Discord. Many of them have a vested interest, quite literally. Some will have paid money to get an icon next to their name or to get a banner in their chat group. You are not going to convince any of them to do anything and will just be met with terse or harsh responses. In my opinion you should accept that your priorities and theirs are not aligned. If you have a group of friends willing to run murmur servers that’s great. If you want to chat with people in WoW guilds and especially raiding groups then you will need to be willing to use Discord and accept their centralized corporate authority. As a casual player I am fine with WoW’s voice chat.


So just a question. Do you have a smartphone?

Because it’s more convenient and popular. Everyone already has it installed and you don’t have to worry about getting people to install something new. People don’t care about privacy broadly speaking.

If it’s free and seems to work great they don’t worry about it. After all they have nothing to hide. And it’s widely used. It became the standard by being free and working better than existing comms in the same space. Now they’re starting to charge for things but keep it free for everyone by collecting and selling massive amounts of profiled data. What servers you’re in, who you interact with, what games you have installed, what other programs you have installed, your message contents and sentiment, etc.

Cheese and rice how is this advertisement still going?

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It extends far past just WoW at this point.

Pretty much, if you are planning to play any MMO that requires voice chat…Discord is the standard now.

Since most people already have Discord installed/set up…trying to convince everyone to switch to an older service with less features is an uphill battle


Millions of people use discord
Not just for WoW but a ton of other communities and stuff

Yes, you have not said anything new.

Like each of my courses last semester had its own discord server.

Ok. And? I fail to see how that’s a good thing.
There are much better alternatives for such a thing. Doing school or work on a gaming social network? Really?

Sorry, OP, but you’re not gonna convince millions of people to switch over to mumble

Who said anything about convincing millions to switch over to Mumble?
All I requested was people consider using Mumble for raid/dung/pvp/event voice calls to not alienate users who wish not to use Discord. Hence why this is on the World of Warcraft forums as you so clearly pointed out.

Yeah no, first off I’ve never heard of mumble until now

This is literally not an argument. You didn’t hear about Discord until it started gaining traction. This constant comment does not mean anything.

and even then its 10+ years old.

Umm…? Did you look at when World of Warcraft was released?
Or even consider it’s about 2022 and Discord was released in 2015?
Just because it’s old, does not mean it’s bad. There’s a reason IRC is still very popular. Same with XMPP.

discord that is far more user friendly, and far easier to customize to whatever you need.

Last I looked, Discord offered significantly less customization options than any of the other 3.
ACTUALLY Discord will ban people for using any plugins, or third party clients as well.

Discord is essentially a social media platform, and similar to other platforms, like facebook and instagram

I know. I do not disagree, and I consider that a problem as it’s a completely walled off garden, as is Facebook.

Data breaches do indeed happen

Correct, VERY OFTEN.

and censorship is to be expected similar to how the forums are censored as well.

And I never disagreed, I’ve already explicitly stated that it is to be expected.
That doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue.

Finally I get the whole roboting issue and the servers going down at random times. Yet what do you expect from a free service

A free service, that also tries charges users $10 a month for “premium” features such as more emoji spots.

Yet what do you expect from a free service

Maybe if they allowed users to use their own clients, didn’t require accounts, and allowed users to run their own servers 99% of all the issues with Discord could be avoided. This is not what they want.
I do not expect much from a free service, unless I’m the one self-hosting it. That is why I do not use Discord.

All you have done in this post is make false claims

I have not intentionally made false claims. If you see something please let me know so I can address it. You have not provided any information to back up your claim.

cite privacy issues that pretty much any social media platform suffers from

You’re right, many social media platforms DO suffer from these issues. But once again, there are alternatives. (

With poitning out common issues across any VoIP, or streaming service like YT or twitch, given service can indeed go out at any point, and it does suck when it does.

Not wrong again, the natural state of the internet is centralization. This is very bad. Cloudflare going down for example takes down HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of sites with it for hours on end and happens way too often.
This is a major flaw, and a more federated and decentralized style of infrastructure will be much better instead of relying on a handful of centralized sources.

Lalorde, this is a valiant effort but in my opinion a lost cause.

It is unfortunate, and I didn’t expect the thread to be perfect and everyone to just dandily switch over. I expected people to challenge me along the way.
My goal is not to convert every single person, but simply make people aware. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s expressed these concerns on the forum before, maybe for slightly different reasons. And I know I’m not the only one on the internet who expresses these concerns in general (there are very very large groups dedicated to this stuff).
It’s a matter of simply letting people know options exist, attempting to explain to them the pros and cons, and while some won’t care, some may, and others may not even be aware of the issues.
I appreciate you being kind though, and I agree it is difficult. But I’ve tried to stay true and answer everything as clear and honest and calmly.

So just a question. Do you have a smartphone?

Yes, there is no Google services installed on it and uses GrapheneOS.
This is an irrelevant question however, because just because you give your data to Windows for example, does not mean Facebook also needs that information. Or just because you give information to your doctor, does not mean your sister in law needs to know that information as well.

Because it’s more convenient and popular

It wasn’t at one point. People hop from one platform to the next, with the same inherent issues. Instead of picking one that does not have those issues.

After all they have nothing to hide.

You do not need to have anything to hide to care about privacy, but even then everyone has something to hide. Do you have passwords? Do you shut your blinds at night?
This comment comes up every-time people try to discuss something like this. There’s a reason I linked a video with this exact comment in it’s title, in my OP. ( I suggest the watch).

Now they’re starting to charge for things but keep it free for everyone by collecting and selling massive amounts of profiled data.

I don’t know if you’re even trying to argue, or just mention their line of thinking at this point. But you seem aware.
I still don’t agree with the common line of thinking.

The majority should not have to worry about running two programs because a small amount of people are paranoid about discord for whatever reason.

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The majority should be running the privacy respective option in the first place.

Yah no. No one cares.

Thanks for your contribution.

I mean fair enough I guess. If you are super paranoid about everything I guess power to you. To me I could care less if companies or whoever are reading our memes in discord. Should privacy be a bigger deal sure. But convincing me and millions others to switch to a worse app just to give them the “I’ll show them” mentality which would never happen. You’re barking up the wrong tree. Go run for a government office and try to make a difference, not a WoW forum.

Again I agree with privacy but at the same time do not care because they can sell my voice or whatever of me making dick jokes with my friends. I’m literally not affected in any way.

That’s not the underlying point however.
The point is there is no reason they should even have access to the messages in the first places.

just to give them the “I’ll show them” mentality

No it’s not to give “them” any mentality. It’s to be able to personally protect privacy, and encourage others to do the same and explain to them the issues and options they have.
No nothing is ever perfect, it’s even insanely difficult to go completely off grid.
But there’s many simple changes that can be made that do not give up convenience.
Think about all the privacy our parents and grandparents have both lost and given up, now that they are forced to use all this technology. While some have accepted, others have not. That was not convenient to them in any way. Privacy invasion is very easy these days, people are willingly putting cameras in their homes and do not see the issue. You explain it to them, and then they actually start to think about it and reconsider.

People will pay for privacy, VPNs are a massive thing right now for example. While VPNs are extremely misunderstood, many people think they just protect your privacy and VPN providers are making massive money. It’s just one example that shows that many people do actually care about privacy.
Privacy has become quite literally a marketing term (and this isn’t good imo because companies are misleading people). But it has gained a lot of attention because people do care.

Many people growing up with technology have naturally just given over their information without much thought. That’s an issue, and part of the reason why we keep having the issues we do.

There are a LOT of discord alternatives. People tend to use it because it’s easy to set up and get going plus everyone is more or less using it. Eventually it’ll die and get replaced by something else.

Just curious what privacy concerns? Tell me more.

If users chose to use a free and open source platform, they would be able to simply fork whatever features they want and make the client however they like.
As long as it can be interpreted by the servers.
They can also help commit code to add new features.

Instead we choose one crappy platform with many issues, then hop to another with those same issues, then another, then another.
Instead of just using one, even if it has a few missing features those can be added very easily if users wanted.
That is not possible with closed source platforms, you have to encourage the company to do it.

Just curious what privacy concerns? Tell me more.

Read the thread.

They are compiling a list of all the vtuber gifs I annoy my guildies with. The horror.

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There is nothing wrong with WoW’s built in chat, it just does not have a cool name that attracts teens. please change the name to Pwnedchat or Karen.