Please Consider Moving Discord to Mumble

Nobody is moving to mumble. I haven’t even heard that name in a handful of years.

I like the text/image part of discord too, isn’t Mumble super basic in that regard?

What’s so bad that I need to worry about privacy for discord?

It’s not like I plot evil schemes against the world, so what else is there?

Isn’t the primary reason Discord monitors and censors things to prevent people (and bring to justice) from sharing illegal content on their platform?

I am very pleasantly surprised that GD has not flagged OP as a spam advertisement yet. It’s a Christmas miracle!

There’s only so much that I can talk about anymore, I’ve addressed pretty much all aspects I see multiple times.
Here’s two videos I suggest which may be able to help:

Whether you want to use it or not, that’s your say. Just consider that privacy is important to some, and some people around the world do not have all the luxuries such as privacy, and would kill for that. Some people want to ensure that it is protected.

I am very pleasantly surprised that GD has not flagged OP as a spam advertisement yet

It was flagged and then allowed.
It’s almost like it isn’t an advertisement.
A Christmas Miracle indeed!

Well I’m willing to try if I can convince others to as well.

Discord has user-writable files that are run by a JavaScript interpreter. Some of those files make up the username and password portion of the client. A malicious executable (without admin rights) can alter those files to change how the JS manages your username and password. In most cases, they go off to a third party site.

You’d think it stops there but your API key can also be read in plaintext from multiple logging locations. Once the culprit has that, they can start using it to data mine your account (Or harass your friends). If they also manage to steal your username and password, you’re screwed. The way the REST API is setup makes it so 2FA will not save you.

Once it all happens you might as well ask Discord to delete the account. You won’t be getting it back for up to a month. Even when you do get it back, odds are it’s queued for auto deletion for malicious activity.

These security loopholes and response times are absolutely unacceptable. Someone else needs to take the throne.

P.S. IT 101: If a user can do it they will. The solution is to stop it before it happens. So in other words, Discord needs to SECURE THEIR $&%*ING APPLICATION.


I have been using Discord to communicate with some younger family members during Covid and privacy is very important to me for myself and them. Could you explain how Discord is privacy invasive whereas Mumble is privacy respective?

Thank you, in advance, for your time.

I havent had any problems with discord in a long t ime
I guess Im lucky?

My guild still uses mumble. It’s been good.

given the stereotype that exists for discord mods. Also if you’re under a tyrannical government you’re going to VPN or encrypt. One thing i like about discord is it balances audio input and output… there wont be that one guy who makes your ears bleed.

Yes, they moderators on GD have proven time and time again that they really don’t care about advertisements…even when it’s for their competitors

Really, GD forum moderation is a joke.

Luckily, your horrible job at advertising has probably driven more people away from mumble than it attracted.

Nothing like trying to convince everybody they should go back to a voice chat system that lacks many modern features and requires someone to pay for the server.

your playing a game which requires you to have all your payment info on display as well as your addy to the company to pay a sub. I don’t think the majority of people care that much about privacy, it would be hypocritical almost lol.

Eww mumble, I hated when people used that.

I’m not the biggest fan of Discord, or the weird communities it has birthed, but I’ll take it over the other any day.

If we bring back anything can it just be Vent?

Hi, although it has been mentioned in my original post, I will try to summarize some points in layman because your question seems genuine.


Basically Discord is a centralized company, who provides all the servers. When you use Discord, you create an account, you have to provide them with your information, this essentially means Discord now has a profile on you. All chat messages can be read by them, even direct messages. You are not only forced to comply by whatever rules they say (and may change as time goes on, and they have), but you are basically forced to give all of your chat logs to them.

Based on recent and not-recent history, companies generally handle data very poorly. This generally results in data breaches, where all information can be leaked and tied to users to be publicly visible.
Furthermore, if Discord chooses, they can hold onto the data however long they please. While they do note their retention policies in their privacy policy, YOU as the user have no real way to verify this besides to just trust them. The same issue applies to whether or not they sell your data.
Many companies have been caught selling data when they claim they do not, and there are many cases of rogue employees gaining access to or sharing information they should not have.


With Mumble, there really is no centralized company. The developers create two pieces of software. The client and the server. The client is what all the users chatting would run. The server is something anybody can run. Basically all clients connect to a server.

Whomever runs that server, is in full control of everything that goes on in it. Meaning they can choose to log stuff yes, but you do not have to trust them if you do not wish. You are free to run your own server (although requires a bit of knowledge). You can also rent a server.
You can also join any of the many public servers for free (on the Discovery tab in Mumble)
One thing is, you can connect completely anonymously. There are no accounts, or e-mails, or anything.

Albeit Mumble does lack some features that Discord has, video chat probably being the biggest.
If that is something you care about, consider maybe Jitsi Meet. Other solid option is Signal or XMPP. In my opinion, for gaming Mumble would be the best option though.

I hope that helps and if you have any questions I’ll try my best. Hope your family is doing well.

To reply to some others:

Also if you’re under a tyrannical government you’re going to VPN or encrypt.

I completely agree, however this should be the standard period.
Discord tries their hardest to block VPN and Tor connections, and offers no encryption whatso ever.
There is no real reason not to use encryption, that’s part of the problem.

One thing i like about discord is it balances audio input and output

You can completely adjust your input and output, as well as individually adjust everyone’s volumes on Mumble.

Really, GD forum moderation is a joke.

Maybe go run your own forum, where you set your own rules…
Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

My guild still uses mumble. It’s been good.

I’m glad to hear that. Is your guild public?

your playing a game which requires you to have all your payment info on display as well as your addy to the company to pay a sub.

Just because someone chooses to hand their data to one thing, does not mean they want to hand their information out blindly to every company.
This is not only the case with technology, but this is why we have stuff such as HIPPA.

If we bring back anything can it just be Vent?

I fail to notice if Vent does anything different than what Mumble does, besides being closed source, and very unmaintained and outdated.
You also haven’t stated why you dislike Mumble, but I encourage giving Mumble an actual try or just messing around with it for a little.

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Good idea…that way I would just be talking to myself since noone else would use my forum.

Exactly like mumble. You’re right, it does sound familiar

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I understand the privacy concerns about Discord and a good point was brought up earlier about using Discord in a browser window (I do the same with Facebook) with privacy-related addons and ad blockers.

Discord’s chat options in addition to voice have made it much easier to keep in touch with friends who aren’t playing the same game and who might not be online at the same time. We used to all play WoW regularly, but now many of us are playing multiple games and others have quit playing WoW altogether. Being able to see the chat helps us organize events when we’re not all online. Mumble is voice only. The only thing I’ve seen come close feature-wise is the work-related application Microsoft Teams; Microsoft is trying to market Teams for personal use but I’m not interested in using it outside of work.

Instead of sitting on the forum making 6k+ posts, run by people you hate so much, maybe consider encouraging change and offering actual reasons people would enjoy your forum.
But you don’t seem to be interested in doing anything but complaining. You’re a hard person to please clearly.

I dislike Discord, I enjoy Mumble, I present people with the reasons, the information, the resources, and the pros and cons with an attempt for genuine discussion. I’m just not sitting here complaining it’s bad and I hate it.
I don’t know what else to help you with.

Luckily for me, I dont need your help.

But since these are public forums and I have nothing better to do, I will continue responding to this advertisement by pointing out the flaws of the product you are trying to sell us.

Let’s call it a service to the community

By the way this is the best argument (sarcasm) ever…so now instead of a company recording everything you say, you now have anonymous individuals controlling your information.

Top notch privacy right there


Nice try mumble. I’ll stick with discord.

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