Please Consider Moving Discord to Mumble

Let’s just Facebook chat.
snickers and wiggles toes


I’ve posted pretty much all that information within this thread. So if you took the time to even read the original post, half those questions should have been answered.
I also provided resources that go significantly more into detail on all the points such as which also references a lot of resources, one good one being

200mb. Eats less ram than WoW addons! ADDONS!

200MB is a lot for a program of it’s nature.
Can hit to around 500MB at times, and also generally is using around 10-20% of CPU.
Meanwhile Mumble sits at 25MB ram, really doesn’t really surpass around 100MB on massive servers with a lot going on. Maybe 0.1-5% CPU usage.
Also you act as if 200MB can’t affect users with old computers. Not a personal issue, but many users still do play on old hardware. WoW is an old game.
Furthermore, there is zero reason for it to use that much for resources. Electron is insanely bloated. Although that’s it’s own story and a bit off-topic.

By the way, WoW (with basic addons, Bartender, Bagnon, Immersion, Sexymap, Details and BadBoy) is currently using under 500MB of RAM, 40% CPU usage on my system, on max settings 1080p.

Peeps that are seemingly unable to distinguish between ‘community moderation’ and ‘censorship’ are not worth listening to

Their community moderation is a very big issue, and there are many issues of the moderators just doing whatever they want. They have that ability, they’re a private company and it’s their servers. You have zero say, they can change the rules at any time, they can remove whatever content they dislike, they can censor whatever opinions they dislike, they can manipulate information on the platform to whatever they like. They can read absolutely everything. Censorship and community moderation are both exactly the same, and completely different.

You do not control the servers. Period.

When you host a server, the only person who has access to the information is the specific people you give access to it, and the people viewing that information. You are your own moderator, you set your own rules, you do what you want. There is no real overhead.

So how much you get paid?
Because no one in the right mind would spend this much time advertising and fighting for this piece of software to push a giant aside such as discord for free…


how is mumble funded? this reads like an advertisement from someone with a vested interest

sure, like… all 5 of them.

And, no, you can take this super bizarre 10 year old push for Mumble and toss it in the trash…right where mumble belongs.

I was actually a super late adopter of discord, but once I started using it, the pros far outweighed the cons.

the combination of voice/text channel has been a huge boost to communities.

Go back to mumble and… what? resurrect our old website so we have a forum to communicate outside the game? lol… that’s just dumb. no thanks.


I have it on good authority that IRC is the next big thing.

what exactly were you posting in discord that got removed by discord mods?

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Discord audio quality is improved by subscription. So it’s technically available for a price.

They only censore alt right memes that depict extreme racism/misogyny/bigotry ect. You have to really be bad for discord mods to intervene.

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True anything is improved with a price and yes Mumble is free if you are not the server admin where as Discord the server is free to admin but can bee upgraded for price (Nitro option)

Yeah this is kind of a weird thing for the OP to be on a crusade about.


They have 17 total posts and they’re all in this thread.:roll_eyes:


This is a perfect description of my Discord, they host, for free.

This has never happened to me, or anyone I know. And some have some pretty raunchy NFW channels. What the crap did you post to be censored?

And another thing…

Are you really arguing RAM, really? Anyone with a worthy rig is running at least 16GB. Even with 8GB, 500MB is nothing.

If 500MB is dragging your system down, you need upgrades.

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That is a pretty weak advertisement. I don’t think you are the right one for the job.

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Probably because convenience outweighs privacy for the majority of the planet’s population. Many people simply do not care about privacy. Not as much as privacy wonks want them to anyway.

If you want to use Mumble, use it. Force your raid participants to download it and use it. They will grumble just as much because they already have Discord and it is used for much more than gaming these days.

Personally, I have no interest in running a server so if I join a group and they require something, I will just use what they say to use. The likelihood of joining groups is very low though.

I don’t know the OP, but read my long post about my ordeal with Discord I have in this thread as to what they can do…and it happened to me at a time I hadn’t even opened the app in a couple months…I’m 45 and what they accused my account of being a part of while I was not even online scared the crap out of me…and they(discord) couldn’t even be bothered to have a human talk to me, they responded over and over with their bot program

People can use what they want, Discord has essentially replaced the others for the reason it is the most convenient, has the features people most want, and is useable on the widest range of platforms, and despite that website talking of constant problems, usually is very reliable for most.

Mumble isn’t new, it’s been out since at least 2005, it was the preferred voice chat for my guild on another MMO a good while back before Discord and while it works good, it has its issues same as Ventrillo, Teamspeak, and all the others have their good points and bad.

Discord was made because of all the various issues of the self-hosted voicechats to make a central place, a quote supposedly for the reason of the name Discord (supposedly from a couple places I have tried to check in the past why they chose the name):
’ There wasn’t really one really good one, so chose ‘Discord’ as the name for the VOIP to be the one to get rid of the “discord”’

And overall it does its intended purpose well, which is why it is mainly used across gaming communities instead of each community usually having their own preferred one (Ventrillo/Teamspeak/Mumble typically), of course there are other factors too (having someone have to personally host a voice server or pay for hosting of one, etc…)

Either you use Discord with people in the raid group, or you get kicked for not being on voice. You want mumble, then make your own groups and guilds up and get people in them. And discord won’t kill you, it runs just fine and works. Take off the tin foil hat.

I can get where you’re coming from but also I have to say, I’ve never had issue with Discord and censorship with everything I say and post in mine for guild. Haven’t had to pay anything unless want bells and whistles as far as I can tell. And I haven’t had any privacy issues with them as well.

So all around other than moments when internet is crappy,not any issue enough to want to leave Discord for another.

To each their own.