Please Consider Moving Discord to Mumble

Because some of us aren’t super paranoid about privacy.


Where did this paranoia come from?
Open source is more secure?

Edit: you do know there’s an in game voice option, right?



Discord is perfect, stop making stuff up to ruin its name.

Mumble lacks core features. TS3 has whisper groups and other necessary commander features, so if you want a useful and robust voice comms app check that out. As far as voice features, it makes Discord look like baby’s first web app project. Discord is Facebook for zoomers, and it is run by extremely malicious and evil people. I don’t like or use it and never will.

I remember using mumble once and it was straight warm doo doo water

Also, this reads like an ad, your post saying it wasn’t an ad made it look even more like an ad


Late replies because the forum only lets me reply once someone else posted or something I guess.

I doubt mumble has the ability to support as many customizable bot functions as discord…

I was talking about the TTS bot he mentioned.
I know there are a handful of Mumble bots, I have zero idea how well they work, how to install them (most likely server admin has to add them), or what they do.
Anybody can write one to do anything though, as they can with Discord.

You’re free to look that up yourself though if you are interested.

Because some of us aren’t super paranoid about privacy.
Where did this paranoia come from?

While mentioned a lot about privacy, I’ve discussed other issues with Discord as a platform. And I don’t agree paranoia. Privacy is very important, and wars have been fought over it.
People still live in countries where they have very very little privacy. It’s important to protect such a thing in my opinion. We have the alternative software.
As I’ve stated in my original post, this video is a good video: I would suggest watching.

Open source is more secure?

I did not state this.
It is however theoretically more secure due to the fact that the source code can be independently audited however, compared to a platform which is completely proprietary and closed source meaning it cannot be. Meaning many vulnerabilities can be taken advantage of for a long time while going un-noticed or un-fixed due to incompetent developers. This is not uncommon at all.
Please note however, I say theoretically. You still rely on the developers of the open source software to be competent and fix these issues actively.

I also specify free/libre, because just “open source” is a different thing (basically a marketing term at this point):

Edit: you do know there’s an in game voice option, right?

Yes, this was already addressed above.

Discord is perfect, stop making stuff up to ruin its name.

What have I made up? You’ve provided no argumentative information, or sources. I’ve clearly explained the issues around it, and kept all intentional bias out of the actual information I’ve provided above, and attempted to make it very clear when I was interjecting my opinion by using terms such as “I”, “in my opinion”, etc.

  • It is also very common for companies to collect data, and also sell it.

  • It is also very common for companies to have data breaches which leaks massive amounts of information about their users.
    Cconsider all the personally identifiable information you’ve given Discord, and then along with all your chat logs. Now consider they are all completely public, and any of your family could see anything. I’m sure there are things you may not want people to see, and in some countries where people are less fortunate, a lot of stuff can quite literally get people killed.
    It would not be hard to cross reference a phone number, email, or credit card number to someone against a leak of chat logs.

  • Discord has confirmed government compliance (

  • Discord’s mobile app uses various trackers and has tons of unessecarry required permissions (honestly uncommon for apps these days unless they’re FLOSS;

TS3 has whisper groups and other necessary commander features

Can you elaborate on this? Not entirely sure what those are.

Discord is Facebook for zoomers, and it is run by extremely malicious and evil people. I don’t like or use it and never will.

I don’t disagree at all.
However TS3/Ventrillo isn’t much better (from a privacy perspective) as it is proprietary. They also (last I checked) require a license for servers over a certain member size.

Also anybody can submit pull requests to add features to Mumble if they know programming, naturally the state of the type of software.
If not a programmer, they can also try to request features on the Github issues. Maybe if it gets popular enough the developers will try to work on it.
But at least to help them understand what people want.

Also, this reads like an ad, your post saying it wasn’t an ad made it look even more like an ad

You tell me it reads like an ad, I address it stating it’s not, then you say that makes it look more like an ad (which is understandable). But I literally have ZERO idea how to prove it’s not a damn ad so I don’t know how to help you.
All I can say is it’s not an ad, and I just want to encourage people to use privacy respective platforms. Use XMPP, or Jisti Meet for all I care. I suggest Mumble because in my opinion it’s best fit for WoW’s type of content, is popular, and is privacy respective.
I never denied it lacked a few features such as video chat. Go complain to the developers if that’s stuff you’d like to see. I honestly don’t know how to help you with that. I suggested Jitsi Meet for video.
I don’t know what else to tell you literally. Sorry if it reads that way. Not intentional. That comment is getting annoying though. Do you expect me to magically say I’m the “lead developer” of a completely free, libre, and open source platform which anybody can contribute or fork and do what they want with? Like? I’m just someone who uses Mumble, enjoys it, and cares about privacy, and wants to be able to raid without needing to use Discord.

My experience with Discord and why I will NEVER use it again.

I was a user of discord for 5+ years until recently. I had taken a competitive break from WoW, logged on very rarely, doing things IRL and just the state of the game as a whole has left me disheartened.

So, I had not logged onto Discord in 2 months, I tried one day to open up the app to download any updates that I missed those 2 months…it won’t let me log in, says my account is “disabled”

Ok, how am I disabled? I hadn’t been on in 2 months. I search through emails, I tend to get a decent amount of spam so I dug an found it…they emailed me mid november that I had been perma disabled because “your account or a dedicated server it was a part of was found to be a part of sexualization of a minor” can’t remember exact words but that was the gist.

I freaked, basically they are saying my account was part of ped like activity which I know that I had not done. So I tried to appeal it, I was met with an auto response from their bot program named “clyde” that gave me a copy paste answer “your account violated ToS, we will not reinstate your account”.

I got a tad upset, I filed another appeal asking for evidence as to what was said/done and when as it could not have been me…i get the exact same copy paste response back as before, I mean exact and from Clyde again. I appeal a 3rd time, same exact copy paste response. I told them that I wanted a real person and not a bot and that this accusation was slander and defamation being tied to my email account back to me.

I try to call their phone number online…it rings and a prompt states for this call, push this, etc. I hit the 0 like instructed for an operator…I am transferred by the auto system NOT to an operator or person but directly to a voicemail box called “hammer and chisel”, not even a ring, I was sent directly to the voicemail box repeatedly.

I decide to file a BBB complaint stating my issue and that I want an explanation as to what happened and a removeal of my ban. I am met 2 weeks later with “we told the user on XYZ date that the account was disabled”.

I file an escalation because that is not what I asked them, I wanted details to what has happened if they are accusing my account of being a part of what they are…another 2 weeks later seems like a real person this time “we cannot find the account in question” of course they can’t…after 30 days an account is totally deleted and since they wasted weeks of time giving me the run around my disabled account got deleted.

I can only assume it was something that happened on a pug server I left myself in after I did a pug raid or pug mythic dungeon and the entire server got a ban, innocent or not. I had read that around the time of my ban there was a wave of 20 million accounts that got banned for various reasons adn that if something happens on a server, they “don’t go after individual accounts, they go for behaviors” and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time…sadly they didn’t even have the decency to tell me that.

Just a word of warning to Discord users…user beware, they care nothing for their users and apparently can make accusations without giving any proof.

Needless to say, I have saved all of those emails to and from myself and discord as well as all my BBB info with them, jsut in case this comes back on me somehow in the future. They accuse my account of being a part of a server doing potentially horrid things, that account tied to my email tied to my real name. My mother was a legal secretary for 3 decades+, not a lawyer but she knows the law, I consulted with her and if it does come back to me I can proceed with defamation and slander.

I will never ever use Discord again


I’ve seen the PowerPoint and heard the pitch. When do I get the free weekend at the ski resort?


Take the mystery box! It could be anything! It could even be a free weekend at the ski resort!


Or 10% off the 1st year of the time share.:smiley:

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This is a good point, although I’m unsure if related and cannot speak for your specific thing.
They can change their rules at absolutely any point, meaning things that you say now could be a bannable offense in the future. This is what happens when you do not have control of the server.
YouTube has been doing this as well.

It’s not like any of this should be controversial, it’s very clear and publicly available to see. Nothing is being hidden. You can also just look back on history to see the times this has happened.

Needless to say, I have saved all of those emails to and from myself and discord as well as all my BBB info with them, jsut in case this comes back on me somehow in the future

This was very smart.

I’ve seen the PowerPoint and heard the pitch. When do I get the free weekend at the ski resort?

If the post was the pitch, then the free weekend at the ski resort would be just downloading it and using it lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ventrilo or die!
(Looks around)

Die it is

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What privacy issues?
That your fake online nametag gets leaked? Along with a gaming gmail account name?

But yeah, been a gamer for like 20 years, never heard of this Mumble, let alone of “many users”. Besides, looks like Ventrillo to me.

But yeah, nice ad.






200mb. Eats less ram than WoW addons! ADDONS!

Take the mystery box! It could be anything! It could even be a free weekend at the ski resort!

“Sorry, but you need to be character level 50 or higher for the chance to win the free weekend at the Ski Resort, have this complimentary pet Murloc instead.” :wink:

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Does it matter which voip I use ? I just want to yell at some one :angry:

I seriously couldn’t sleep the first night after this happened…so many scenarios were running through my mind as to what could happen with this…normally I’m stress free go with the flow and just go through life without worries…I couldn’t turn my mind off.

I calmed down after I went to the BBB and saw Discords 1.15 star average and so many others talking about bans for absolutely nothing and like me “guilty by association” just because I left myself invited to a random server i pugged with and never associated with again and someone did/said something on it and the entire server and any accounts on it at that time, logged on or not, even just being a part of that server, got perma disabled.

After my horrendously bad experience with their (lack of) customer service and especially what they accused my account of being a part of(even if it was just sitting on the server not even logged in when whatever incident happened), I ecided to never use their service ever again.

I was told by a longitme friend that “everyone in WoW is so infatuated with Discord, if I don’t use it I won’t be able to get into raids or mythic+ again” my response “so be it, I will never use discord ever again, if that means my WoW competitive options are done because I won’t use Discord then they are”

Pet murloc you say?

puts on fake mustache to go get another one

Peeps that are seemingly unable to distinguish between ‘community moderation’ and ‘censorship’ are not worth listening to

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