Please Consider Moving Discord to Mumble

Discord works great for me.


Oh myā€¦another huge advertisement fail.

ā€œYou can pay money or use any one of the many complicated alternativesā€

I guess you have the public server option in thereā€¦but who wants to use a public server?


And mumble will never win out against discord if the best advertisement they can come up with this is this post on the WoW forums.

Yeah except I have no correlation with Mumble besides I use the software. That this literally is not an ā€œadvertisementā€, as I originally stated?
Itā€™s to make users aware that there is an option, and to encourage users to use it.

Again, I donā€™t think it would kill to even use a public Mumble server just for voice comms, so all users can participate freely. At least everyone has the option then.
I have an issue with so many users using Discord and forcing it for raids and dungeons and comms. Just throw everyone in a free public Mumble voice chat for the raid, then go back to Discord if you wish.

Also, ā€œprivacyā€ isnā€™t really a concern for my voice chat platform.

Except it is for many people, hence why Mumble has gained traction. Youā€™re not only submitting all your voice and text data to a third party company who collects and retains it for however long they please, but Discordā€™s clients itself is very invasive and collects a lot of information about your machine. As someone previously mentioned you can use it in the browser, but it still collects a good amount of data. You may not care personally, but there are lotā€™s of others who do.

All 3 of those have NOTHING on discord.

Discord has many issues besides just privacy (which I consider alone a massive improvement over Discord) with their servers going down reasonably often, and they will throttle the hell out of servers if too many users are using them. Resulting in robot-ting.

Voice Quality

Mumbleā€™s voice quality is exactly the same, if not better in certain circumstances due to less throttling.
Mumble uses the Opus codec (As does Discord), and supports up to 510kbps (max Opus supports).
Last I was aware Discord charges you Nitro to use past like 128kbps. But I think they changed this to something like the more people you have invited the higher you can go or some reward based system, Iā€™m not sure.
But voice quality most definitely is NOT an issue.

Video chat

Their video chat albeit is a feature Mumble does not have (currently: is not something that is needed at all for WoW.
Jitsi Meet is an alternative option for privacy respective video chat.

It is worth remembering tooā€¦ Discord charges $10 a month for HD Video chat and 100MB file uploads.

You can send pictures

Mumble can send images.

Has it? I play multiple games that use Voice chat and this advertisement is the first time I have heard someone mention mumble in years.

Even when it was a viable competitor for voice chat, I didnā€™t know anyone that actually used it.

Bad product is bad.

i never see anyone use it. So I don't join. Rated BGs all ask for discord join

You really arenā€™t coming across that way. You literally sound like someone giving the worst sales pitch ever.


You really arenā€™t coming across that way. You literally sound like someone giving the worst sales pitch ever.

Not intentional, I guess Iā€™m just poor at expressing?
Not entirely sure how else I can state it. Itā€™s not an advertisement.
Itā€™s free and open source, itā€™s been around for years. The Github is right here: The most pay any of the developers get as far as Iā€™m aware is donations.
I honestly am not sure what else you want.

Iā€™m just trying to be clear. Discord has issues. I donā€™t understand why stating it has issues, presenting them clearly, and offering an actual alternative.

THey say this is not a sales pitch and that if it sounds like one it isnā€™t intentional.
Yet they have only around 10 forum responses and they are all in this thread .

Definitely not a sales pitch

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Bad product is bad.

Then donā€™t use it.
All I asked for was to at minimum consider using a public server for guild voice comms like raids and events and stuff to avoid alienating users who have issues with Discord.
Itā€™s not like everyone needs to go make a Mumble account now, or like Iā€™m asking you to delete your Discord completely and switch to Mumble.
Youā€™re just flaming, Iā€™ve tried to genuinely answer all your questions but youā€™re just complaining about every single point I donā€™t know how else to help you.

Yet they have only around 10 forum responses and they are all in this thread .

Itā€™s almost like I stated Iā€™m new to the game about 10 times.

None of that precludes people from having a stake in its success

I can only speak for myself but I donā€™t ā€œwantā€ anything. Just as you say you are pointing something out, Iā€™m doing the same. You come across like a bad sales pitch and your entire post history is contained within this thread. Makes it suspect and I just wanted to point that out.

Thatā€™s not a complete sentence but I feel certain I know what you were going for and no one is saying you canā€™t or shouldnā€™t express your thoughts on the matter. However, in that same vein, you have to understand not everyone will read your post, ā€œsee the lightā€, and flock to your ā€œsalvationā€.

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Discord Vs Mumble- Comparison

Parameters Mumble Discord
Audio High Quality Average
Bandwidth Required Low Good
Secure Yes Yes
Screen Sharing Not supported Yes
Hosting Need to purchase. Bot Hosted by Discord
Video Conferencing Not supported Yes
Premium Offers premium plan Offers premium plan
DDOS Protection Not very protective Yes
Browser Not supported Yes
Media Only audio calling. Images/Video calling
Cloud Synchronization Not supported. Yes
Android Mobile App Not available Yes
Multiple Channels Yes Yes

Edit: Other then Audio Quality Discord seems to offer better service then Mumble


What, nobody is forcing anybody to use Discord, lol.
I used Mumble years ago and yeah thereā€™s a reason why Discord is more popular.


None of that precludes people from having a stake in its success

Mumble the software makes no money. There is no ā€œsuccessā€ from it.
The only money they make is from donations, and I think they offer server hosting which is completely optional. Iā€™m not entirely sure how used that is though. Either way that is itā€™s own thing, and completely independent from the software itself. Anybody can take the software and do what they want with it.

Offering server hosting is a common thing amongst open source software. Itā€™s entirely optional.
I run my server on a VPS personally.

Discord Vs Mumble- Comparison

Ok so:

  • Hosting
    Iā€™ve already addressed, you do not ā€œneedā€ to purchase. You have free public servers, you can host at home, host on a VPS, or rent a server. You have 4 different options. Discord only provides you with one option, in which they completely control and can censor, ban, anything they please (which they have a history of). You follow their rules.
  • Video Conferencing
    Yes I agree, it would be nice for Mumble to have this. But it is in no way from what I can see, needed for anything for WoW. You also can optionally host Jitsi Meet (although understandable if you donā€™t want to host two things). This is something you can speak your mind about on their Github if you wish though.
  • Premium
    Mumble does not have any premium plan, or any ā€œplanā€ in general. Not sure where you got this from? The software is completely free and libre.
  • DDOS protection
    This is not an issue with most VPSā€™s and server rentals they are designed to handle this. Public servers are most commonly on VPS or rentals. This is really only an issue if you host on a home server/computer and your network canā€™t handle it. Understandable, but you have options.
  • Browser
    Mumble has a browser client.
  • Media
    Iā€™ve already addressed it can do images.
  • Cloud Sync
    Everything is done through the server youā€™re connecting, and you have a cert. You do not have to trust third parties.
  • Android Mobile App
    There is, Mumla. Works great. Discordā€™s mobile app is also privacy invasive and requires an insane amount of unessecarry permissions (

What, nobody is forcing anybody to use Discord, lol.

Nobody is forcing me to download Discord yes, but if I want to be able to participate in guild raids, or guild events and stuff, many require voice chat which 99% of the time and use Discord.
Also this isnā€™t just for me, but for anyone else who has the same concerns as me, to provide them with the option.
Many people use Discord for this exact reason, Iā€™ve talked to a couple people in game who just straight out say they donā€™t like Discord, but use it for being able to raid and stuff because thatā€™s what their guild or community uses.

In my point of view, it is less of an issue to download Mumble, and join a public server for an hour or two, then it is to force users to create a Discord account, give up their personal information, just so they can voice chat with the guild and have fun. Not everyone wants to do that, some will do it because peer pressure and stuff but others donā€™t.

Again, all I ask is the consideration of the option.

Another thing mumble has over discord is text-to-speech for server messages. I donā€™t know why discord doesnā€™t have it, it seems to be a strange thing to leave out, but itā€™s a big reason we still use mumble. (We use both, actually, just for different things - each has its pros and cons.)

(Specifically, mumble will read out in text-to-speech, by name, when somebody joins or leaves a channel, or disconnects from the server. Discord just has the boop-boop sound, which could be anybody doing anything.)

Actually there is a bot that announces ppl.

We use it. Its called KITT after knight rider


I didnā€™t know that, Iā€™ll look into it. Thanks for the tip!

Another thing mumble has over discord is text-to-speech for server messages.

TTS is cool, personally Iā€™m not a fan in large groups I find it annoying. But yeah it has granular options for stating what you want it to say or not.
I know it also has positional audio for WoW (and other games), not sure if it works or how it works. Never really cared to try it because I like to hear everyone. Just a cool thing though.

Actually there is a bot that announces ppl.

Mumble has it integrated, and can show who joined, disconnected, muted, deafens, information,warnings, etc. And has options to change soundfiles and choose if you just want notifications, tts what not.
Iā€™m sure all doable by a bot on Discord, but each users can set it up how they like on Mumble. Not sure how well it can be done client side with the bot on Discord.

So this is like a fully paid for ad for Mumble.

I thought everyone moved from Mumble/Vent to Discord because Discord is all around better? I am not that invested tbh.


I doubt mumble has the ability to support as many customizable bot functions as discordā€¦

And if it does, I am going to guess it isnā€™t as easy to install them


Iā€™m not going to keep addressing that.
Believe what you will, not sure how to help you. :confused: