PLEASE consider allowing Undead Death Knights to use a "Human" model (image included)

I would freaking LOVE to see this option added sooner than later, as I have some friends that started playing again, but are on the Horde. As much as I love the Lore behind the Forsaken (I’m a huge fan of WC3’s Undead/Arthas campaigns anyways), I’ve just never liked how the Forsaken LOOK as Death Knights.

However, take a look at what an Undead Death Knight COULD look like, if given the option of a Human model, with the “Cultist” skin and Warfront armor:

As far as I’m concerned, that is perhaps the coolest Death Knight armor in the game, at the VERY least since the T10 Scourgelord armor (I’m also a big fan of the Nighthold DK set… T19?).

To me, this would finally allow the best of both worlds; I could play as a Death Knight fighting for the nation of Lordaeron (not Stormwind), without feeling like I have to sacrifice the ability to actually LOOK like a WC3-style Death Knight.

Plus, even though it sucks that SOMEONE decided to completely nuke the ruins of Lordaeron, it would be cool even just using the Bronze NPC to go back and walk the ruins, listening to the creepy sounds of Arthas’ return to Lordaeron from Northrend in the WC3 cinematic.

Now, it’s important that IF this option were allowed, it would certainly need to remain restricted ONLY to using those “undead” skins, and I would also add the “Cultist” skin, pictured.

For hair colors, I’d honestly love to have the full range of colors to choose from (especially since I feel like they would all look pretty good with the purple skin tone; I might even opt for a reddish hair color), but that’s just me.

Now, I’m certainly not going to hold out any hope for this. However, what I CAN say is I would faction-change in a freaking HEARTBEAT if it were an option. I know my friends are looking forward to whenever Season 4 Mythic+ starts, and I’d love nothing more than to be able to join them, without feeling like I have to play something that does NOT look like the WC3-era Death Knights that I fell in love with.


You’ll be able to play with them once cross faction goes live!

My personal opinion: we already copy pasted a model once. It caused nothing but outrage and entitlement. There are still wars waged between groups over it.

You can still do that through your own personal RP.

You will be able to. Cross faction grouping will be a thing.

So while this may never happen, at least you’ve got cross faction incoming. :slightly_smiling_face:


Look, if you wanna be a human… PLAY A HUMAN. Stop trying to get them to make horde characters into humans…


It helps if you’d read the entire OP and pay attention to something important:


Well they listened then, see?


As much as I disagree with Thalia and would love human model horde dks… the copy paste thing should never happen again. I’m still apart of it and it wont bring any good to the community despite what we crave.

Wow. Could you have a worse nonsensical response? :rofl::woman_facepalming:t4:

You keep digging that hole, though! Just keep showing how much you haven’t read anything here. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


I understand where you’re coming from. Especially after Nathanos.


Lighten up. It was clearly joking around… remove the stick my dude.

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I’m perfectly light, thanks. Just enjoying laughing at you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not removing the stick? Dang… don’t take life so seriously.

I’d be a big o’l hypocirte if i went around with a nathanos like model dk on horde saying how great and awesome it is as i continue to spite void elves taking blood elf uniqueness from us.
So i gotta agree we can’t do this.

Eh… I mean… I get it, though. I feel like the desire for human model Lordaeron DKs is much older than Belf/Velf controversy.

Maybe there’s a way to make them different somehow to get it added at some point. I’m not sure.

TBH since nightborne arent looking anything like night elves. I’d consider it fair payment. If we copy paste the alliance’s most favorite race (humans) which i dont know why its the factions favorite at all… with nathanos like models. Then Alliance copying Hordes favorite race blood elves makes sense and is valid. But thats just me, I can’t speak for the more die hard proud blood horde loyalists amongst the community.


See? It’s not hypocritical at all. You’ve got some solid reasoning. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not even just void elves. Night elves are Nightborne. Straight back Orcs use Draenei rigs. There’s a few of it.

A lot of the allied races are just lazy rejiggering of existing model skeletons. Even that new dragon race is just the new Male succubus rig.

I’d personally just rather have straight back Undead and call it a day. They exist in the game already as well.

Wait what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Death Knights are undead, so technically a DK can be in the appearance of any race. As far as Forsaken go, you are dealing with double-undead. They do not cancel each other out, it’s a double whammy/cumulative.

So they changed the way the walk animation works to counteract the feet, but the way they carry armor and move it’s the exact same. I personally think it’s one of the better rig swaps because of how much they tried to hide it.

Well they hide it very well because other than both being beefy i can’t tell how they share any similar rig…outside being beefy.