i was soooooo discouraged when i learnt my tbc toons will be forced to wrath. the same way my vanilla toons were preserved. they need to let us clone these toons to tbc and wotlk permanently this time around
Night Elf flip to bump the post.
do a kickflip
I think I’d need a monk for that and I’m not going to suffer through Classic Cata just to get to Classic MoP.
without cloning, yes.
i think they should do a 3ish year cycle of vanilla-tbc-wotlk with a permanent last phase server of each expansion that u can clone ur fresh/seasonal toons to
Bump so there’s something else to read at the top other than pro/anti dual spec posts.
Waggle is the most important racial of all, and much better than the Blood Elf racial, which is good hair. Discuss.
I hate that they already seem to be handling this all wrong. They’ve got vanilla people thinking of the new servers as “fresh” vanilla, and they’ve got us TBC fans crossing our fingers hoping this will end as TBC Era. None of us asking for TBC Era are excited about starting over, we’re just hoping this makes up for them making our old characters worthless because they got pushed into expansions we aren’t playing.
Let people play the game they want to play. We can transfer if we get bored. (I will never get bored of TBC).
Agree 100%. They made the option to clone the characters or stay in classic era back when they release tbc classic. I felt betrayed when I lost all my progress with all my characters being forced into WOTLK. Had I known that I would have cloned my characters to just go back to vanilla when wotlk launched.
Please confirm for us, with all the changes happening to vanilla I am starting to worry
Please give us TBC servers with no 58 boost or Duel-spec or people coming in with 14 months of farmed gold to ruin the economy day 1
It’s funny that you mention that because just earlier I was thinking that the announcement of “fresh” has resulted in two opposing camps. Those who feel that this is THEIR classic fresh and all that that entails and those that feel that this is THEIR TBC waiting room. A lot of the possessive dialogue (mostly from the former crowd based on my observations) has been rather humorous as you would think that they believe that this somehow solely belongs to them.
Would have been better had they released a classic fresh and just given us a TBC “fresh” that would ultimately be/become an era server.
Yeah it’s just going to make everyone miserable unless they clarify their intentions. Vanilla “fresh” people need an off ramp when TBC comes around, and TBC people need assurances it will stay TBC forever, or give us a similar off ramp to another TBC Era server.
That’s another good question that has yet to be answered unless I missed it. Once vanilla content has reached its end and we’re jumping through the Dark Portal, is the vanilla crowd going to be transferred to vanilla era realms or is the TBC crowd getting transferred to another realm? If they were to do to the latter, why not just give us that particular realm to begin with?
They’re not going to transfer us to a different server for TBC, they at least clarified that the new realms are progressing into TBC. But are they going to leave the vanilla crowd high and dry and expect them to either pay for transfer to vanilla Era or just stop playing?
They really need to respond to our questions.
we need the cloning feature to return id gladly pay to clone to vanilla and tbc. let us choose which one for free
Their cloning system was a complete disaster. They have to do it differently if they do it again. You can’t clone the whole server, cloning has to be part of a transfer instead of a server split/duplication.
i cloned 5 toons and loved it man wished i got to clone my tbc toons the same way
But the way they did it split the population in half and doubled the number of realms at the same time (even though they had the same names). It was 100% botched and sabotaged both vanilla Era and TBC. If they could have gone back on their word they would have cancelled vanilla Era after that instead of just TBC Classic.
There’s already vanilla Era servers so there’s no reason to ever duplicate servers like that again.