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Looking for a new home after the current guild I am in has started to disband from turnover and burnout. I have only been back for a few months after a long hiatus (stopped playing early WoD for college).

I have r14 cloak and level 84 neck (should have C&S r3 in two weeks to complete all r3 essences).

I would love to get into a CE guild and help push down the content. I am able to raid most nights, but would prefer 2 nights a week after 8 EST (can push to three if the right opportunity arises). I am on Area 52, but also willing to transfer.

Feel free to reach out to me through (Leyoss#1692) or through this post.

Hi Beefoss,

Who are we?
We are a new guild made up of veterans, currently 7/12 H and we are looking to jump to mythic raiding quickly. Guild is being put together by a veteran with competitive raiding experience, previous guild hosting and raid leading. We are just starting our roster for mythic raiding. Please see below for details.

Raiding/Recruiting Info

  • Contact btag: exelzero#1102, dacuzz#1826
  • Server: Proudmoore
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Raid Times: 9pm - 12am (PST)
  • Ilvl requirements: 455+
  • Mandatory Addons: Deadly Boss Mods and Exorsus Raid Tools

What we are looking for!
Currently seeking mainly dps and healers. We are open to hybrid folks who have both dps/tank or dps/healing spec available.

Current demand:

Boomkin (Open to hybrid)
Holy Priest
Holy Paladin [HIGH]
Death Knights (Open to hybrid)
Shaman (Open to hybrid)[RESTO HIGH DEMAND]
Monk (open to hybrid)
Demon Hunter (DPS)

Guild culture!
We’re laid back, throw lots of jokes. We enjoy dark humor and fun ideas. However, when it’s time to get serious we put our mean war faces on and bring out the best of our quality as players to clear out content. Bring your beers to raid night and lets crack down some progression! We also get involved in Mythic + runs.

I thank you all in advance, and I wish you all happy smashing!


Hey Beefoss,

We are a 1-night/week guild aiming for CE each tier, and we are looking for more solid DPS to join our roster. We’ve got Hivemind just about down and will be working on mythic soccer next week! Outside of raids, we have a great community with various keys/visions/pvp and a very active discord.

I’m pasting our info below, drop us an application if we look like a good fit!


Extenze(A-Sargeras) is looking for more to help round out our mythic roster. We are a laid back group of friends that are looking for more fun people to push mythic content with. Our goal is CE, and we are looking for more that can help us achieve that.

Currently we are 5/12M! We finished AEP at 5/8M and BoD at 6/9M.
Our schedule is Tuesday/Wednesday, 9pm-12am est.

On off nights, we like to do alt runs, run keys (gearing alts and/or pushing high keys), world PvP, BG’s, and dip our toes in about all forms of content.

Overall, we have a strong focus on our community. There are some players here that are amazing, and could easily join a top 100 US guild - but they stay because the atmosphere we’ve created here is really fun. Our community is something I’m proud of and is easily the greatest thing our guild has to offer, and we are always looking for more to share it with.

From reading your post, I got the vibe that this is something you are interested in too. We are looking to add a Fury Warrior to our team, and I’d love to talk with your more about what we have to offer here. Add me on discord (JoeJ03#9450) if you are interested to learn more.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hello Beefoss! Us here at Ineptitoode [Tichondrius] would love to have you come get fitted for your guild tabard!

About Us:
We are a newly formed guild who are currently a casual group looking to become semi-hardcore, especially moving closer to Shadowlands. Built up of new and returning players with The Core of the guild built of Mythic experienced raiders looking to get back into the swing of BFA in preparation of Shadowlands. We are a generally Light-hearted group that enjoy doing multitoodes of different content but we know when to buckle down and take things seriously.

We are currently 11/12 H as a guild; However, most of our raiders have achieved AOTC and some Mythic Progression.

Any Ranged Dps
Any Healer
Warrior Dps
If your Spec isn’t listed don’t be afraid to apply anyway all will be considered.

Raids are Tues/Wed 7:30pm-10:30pm (PST)
Alt/Member Raid most Sundays 7:30pm-10:30pm (PST)
We also have a decently active M+ Community

We don’t ask much. Be on time, know your role, learn from your mistakes and be prepared.
Also at least 1 M10 a week and keep your neck and cloak caught up.

Or on Discord @ Joshxyz#3705

US - Horde[H][US][Mal’ganis] 6/12M, 12/12H looking for committed raiders for Mythic Progression/Cutting Edge in Ny’alotha and for many more tiers to come!

Hello, you’re looking like a snack. Snacks is a progressive and growing mythic raiding guild that pushes themselves as best as we can, we’re a guild that has Cutting Edge experienced players that are looking for more exceptional and dedicated players.

We raid on Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm-12am EST. We also do re-clears of normal and heroic on the weekends at normal raid times. A few things we expect from our players are to:

  • Keep up with you neck level.
  • Push yourself to be your best.
  • Keep up with your Cape.
  • Check your logs, fix your mistakes and research your class/spec to be best you can be.
  • Partake in mythic+ to do your weekly, or even push higher keys!
  • Listen to calls and adapt to new situations.
  • Be 15 minutes early to raid and inform us on times you might not make raid.
  • Understand that our spots are competitive, meaning we take our best 20 based on performance, dedication and comp.

We’re looking to get cutting edge this raid tier and to push as far as we can for many more tiers to come. We’re all vocal and exceptionally welcoming to everyone and involve each player. We do also recruit casual players only interested in Mythic+/Heroic and Normal re-clears! We have a big active Mythic+ community!

A couple particular classes and specs we are looking for but not limited to are:

  • Holy paladin
  • Disc Priest
  • Any Exceptional DPS.

A two week trailing system will take place when you join us, and we will determine if you’re the right fit for us! Our spots are competitive but our goals are to get every dedicated and committed raider the kills and achievement.

If this sounds like a guild you’d like to be a part of let me know and we can discuss our next steps to getting you to Mal’Ganis and raiding with Snacks as soon as possible. If interested please add me on discord, Titan#1410. Be ready to send me your logs if you have any. Thanks and looking forward to be raiding with you soon! :slight_smile:

Hey Beefoss!

I’m an officer from Loud Noises [A52] are we are currently looking to add a few exceptional DPS to our roster. We are 3/12M, raid times are Tuesday and Thursday from 9pm-12am server time. We have mythic+ teams that run most days of the week as well. If you’re looking for a fun, non-toxic environment to make steady progress this is the place for you! If you have any questions or would like more info don’t hesitate to reach out! You can add me on discord at cinna#9910 (preferred) or bnet at cinna#11744. Look forward to hearing from you!

Hey there, we’re 3/12M, not an established CE guild, but building a solid core roster for that with our sights set on Shadowlands. We raid 8-11pm EST Wed/Thu. Horde side on Zul’jin server. If you’re interested in learning more/have any questions, please add Blade#11885 on BNet. :slight_smile: