Please buff feral!

I will respectfully see you in the arena. I can’t be banned again

So you can’t explain why you’re accusing me of cheating. Got it.

Just beat me in solo shuffle respectfully. But you and I know you’re terrified of me

no i change my mind fight me in the arena coward

Cripple fight!

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you’re welcome to que as well, but you’re a ret… You’re already classed as a cripple buddy

I’m already done with my goals for the season. Maybe you’ll see me next season if you can go up like 1000 mmr, give or take.

I’d dodge me too, but maybe I’ll see you soon

I’m glad Blizzard listened. #blessed


Your satire post backfired!

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It wasn’t satire!!1 :sob:

rip needs about 15% buff for feral to be viable again.

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True… true. I did some shuffle last night and every game had a feral. I was disappointed. When ret and DH were OP, I would often see 2 or even 3 of them in the same lobby. That hasn’t happened yet for any of my matches for feral. Clearly feral is underperforming.

Hate druids but guess its feral time. Just have to roll a druid least there is a massive xp buff atm

Feraltime would be a good cartoon for kids.

That’s a warrior talent, not a hunter one!

Also, arent you the guy who just calls everyone a wintrader and every glad is RMT while providing zero evidence?

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