Please buff feral!

I fought one earlier and found that there was a 3s gap between their defensives. Also, they were only able to get me to 20% in a stun off the opener. Entirely unacceptable.


Feral is finally balanced and people just can’t accept it.


Feral finally viable and everybody makes a stink.


Feral finally okay to play and some players still unable to be satisfied.



Can’t tell if you guys are serious or not. Regardless, they seem a bit over the top. Spiking to 1.5-2 million dps on two targets off the opener seems absurd to me.


Need pred swiftness clones back to be viable imo.


Sure why not. Might as well bring back Blood Fear for locks.

Have you considered Feral players may just be exceptionally good at the game?


Mana rift and blade dance dodge for DH will be the buff they need to help the meta out.

Oh and make it so reverse magic doesn’t trigger feedback events like triggering UA and Spriest horrify.

Ineffable Truth should come back for Hpal only.

While we’re at it, death and decay should non-DR fear for DK again.

TBH, I do respect the hustle of most ferals. There hasn’t been many times I can even think of that they were ever fotm.


speak it into existence my brother

Man, glimpse should go back to being a 90% wall shouldn’t it???

It’s my class fantasy.

Listen up I don’t think you understand how hard it is to play Feral [Feral Druid]. All this talk that we are “busted” and “constantly complaining for more buffs” just doesnt make sense. We are one of the few classes that FINALLY get to shine after all these years (looking at you WARRIORS ). Rotationally, its very complex for what we have to do to do “good” damage. Not only do we have to keep our Energy in check , we ALSO have to make sure our Rip, Moonfire, AND our Rip are perfectly up to do ANY damage. Also we’re entirely melee and we lose everything if you guys move at all. Classes like Mage and Enhancement Shamans don’t have to worry about these issues like WE do. On top of all of this, the apm it takes to play Feral [Feral Druid] is more than any other class has ever been. We are constantly getting FLOODED with Energy AND Combo Points (2x the resource management of other classes btw) and if we ever overcap, its gg (that means good game). When I’m playing Feral [Feral Druid], I’m never not pressing a button while warriors get to sit there and spin with Bladestorm for (3 [three] second cast btw [by the way]). I’d like to see other people even try and compete with me as a Feral [Feral Druid] because they would crumble under the weight of all the responsibility, apm, and mental pressure it takes to pull off what I can do. Whatever, I’m out, I gotta go do some high rating now, pushing for that 1.65k (1650 [one thousand six hundred fifty]) rating, later nerds.


Even if feral is the most OP class at this moment. It still feel liek they are only S tier. Their no god tier class, so it’s not that bad.

Succinctly and eloquently stated. Completely agree.

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personally think that weve seen double Spriest before double feral so clearly feral is in need of buffs.

i am a very below average wow player but i found ww dwarf monk to be a good counter to feral druids

this guy didnt play SL i see

And Blink Strikes for Hunter pets. Oh and Mists of Pandaland original Stampede on release.

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Yea, that was one of the few times. @_@

This should be baseline for a lot of pet abilities imo. Mostly for QOL.