Please buff bg conquest!

How is it fair we only get 15 conquest for winning a bg. You get 45 for winning a god damn 2s match at 0 cr where the players you fight are deaf, blind, and disabled. Please make it 25 per win so I feel like im not climbing some impossibly steep mountain on every character I play.

Edit: For a fury warrior, the total conquest required to get a full set is 12,875. Earning 15 conquest per bg thats a total of 859 bg WINS just to have enough conquest to get a 233 item level set. Assuming your winrate is 50%, you have to queue up for 1718 battlegrounds. Also, assuming the average bg takes 9 minutes (anywhere between 4-15 minutes) - you have to spend 258 hours in battlegrounds. That is ten days of pure /played just to earn 233 item level.

This is excluding 700 (the median conquest saved for a legendary) and the amount of time between queues.


Also excluding the conquest you get from weeklies.
Also excluding the large conquest you get from rated.

Don’t sit there crying about conquest gains when you already have solutions.
Play rated.

Why would I wait an hour for a rated bg on alliance when i could just wait three minutes for a random bg?

Edit: I just checked RBG lfg and there is literally ZERO groups up. Tell me how that is an efficient way to earn conquest when you cant even queue for it? And god forbid there is one up where all they ask for is 2700 exp and hero of the alliance at 1200 cr.


If only you were in a primarily RBG community with 700+ players currently online.

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Those do not exist.

Maybe que into all the daily wins.
Maybe do the weekly quest
Maybe do some rated BGs, which is the best way to farm conquest.
Expecting to get fully geared quickly from doing random BGs is just dumb.

All methods of gearing should be viable. I want to gear through random bgs because I dont want to rely on other people being online and willing to stay in a group just to queue for some stupid rbg where the enemy team is full of boosters and boostees.

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Can’t tell if lying or blind.

I’m convinced he’s a troll

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I am completely serious. I have 14 level 60 characters, 12 of which have a full set of rank 3 honor gear or better. I

Sounds like a personal problem.
Good luck with that.

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Not everyone wants to join a dedicated PvP guild just to farm conquest, and trying to join RBG pug groups thru LFG tool is very dependent on gear, rating and such… in other words high “declined” rate for casual players.

I think a good middle-ground QOL change for casual/unrated players would be just rewarding “full” conquest for each and every random BG win. For example: if you won 10 BGs you would walk away with 700 conquest. That would speed up the gearing process a bit.

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I also wish they buffed conquest gains after the first win. 70 cp for the first win of the day, 35 cp for all consequent ones. It’s still snail pace compared to spamming 2s, but sometimes I just want to just play some BGs and it feels a bit pointless after the first win.

They already did speed up the process and there’s so many ways you can get capped. Just because you don’t want to arena or don’t want to do rated BGs isn’t their problem.

You choose only BGs which is the slowest way. Arena is the fastest way to gear up for pvp. You don’t like it oh well. It is no ones problem but your own.

Also your math is WAY off.

okay rogue, have fun with your easy lfg life and gear

You can get a ton of conquest from RBGs like 260 for your first win of the day, then like 170 for your other wins. Which reduces your bgs wins required to 75 or less (you also get access to the vault which depending on luck can drop that number even more).

Also in 9.1.5 being 1000 CR in any bracket will let you upgrade gear to 239 (current 1400 ilvl) and 1400 gear will be 246 (current 1600 gear). Both of those ratings are extremely easy to reach.

Here is my priest alt who was able to get fully geared by doing the weekly pvp quest and with only 27 RBG wins.

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I keep trying to post on my priest alt so you can see how many RBGs it took for them to get geared but blizz is auto deleting the post. Weird

My alt is Vibecheck-emeralddream I was able to get fully geared by doing the weekly pvp quest and with only 27 RBG wins. RBGs are extremely fast for gearing

Good luck finding a group though.

Yeah pugging RBGs sucks, I did it at the start of season 1. Joining a team is so much more fun.