Please bring back werebear Forms

No I’m not, you’re interjecting your own point and ignoring my own. Why haven’t I got the fel bear on my druid while having various other MT challenges done? Because I’m not interested in the felbear. I’d actually be motivated if it were the other skins.


Good chat, but it really seems you are trying to drill your own point home and ignoring everything else trying to get the final word in. I’m done here.

And why are you interested in the original MT werebear?

The only ones wanting it to become obtainable are just as selfish as the ones who want it to stay unobtainable. Yes, it’s pure selfishness.

Also, I find it funny that they’re the same model, literally the SAME model, yet the fel werebear isn’t good enough, even though they’re the same model with just a difference in tattoos and colour scheme, nothing else is different. They just got a recoloring and tattoos, that’s it. Yet it’s still not enough. Do you know why people want the original? Because it’s unobtainable right now.

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i agree, these are pixels after all…but i think there’s better ways to address this issue.

i think the best solution is to continually add special rewards like this to the game…they suddenly stopped doing it after Legion…so now it feels like the only “cool” or “desireable” pieces are unobtainable from xpacs of past.

I think there should be a treat for every class at the end of every xpac…MoP style xmog, Mage tower rewards, etc.

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I think so, too, and I will gladly advocate for that with everyone.

The reason for them being so desirable, though, is because they’re unobtainable. They got Fel Werebear now they can literally go get and use. It’s the same exact model, it just has a tattoo and different color, otherwise same model, yet it’s not good enough. Why is it not good enough? I’d bet it’s because it’s obtainable compared to the one that isn’t obtainable. People look at rarity and say “I want it” - regardless of whether it looks cool or not, rarity plays into the minds of everyone. And obtaining things that is extremely rare is quite a nice high.

I’m fine for that, but again I just don’t want them to bring back the shiz they said they were straight up removing. They want to get new things? Let’s ask for new things. They want my toy that I got for the one specific event that is said to never come back again? No. I got it because it was said to never be coming back again. They’re not cheating me out of that, regardless. I will be just as selfish as anyone else and tell them No, just like they will be selfish and telling me Yes.

And also, it is full on selfishness on both sides, I acknowledge mine. They better be acknowledging theirs.

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I know why I would like the old skins, and it has nothing to do with it being unobtainable. You’d know that if you read my other replies to the other druid.

Lol, it’s pure selfishness merely wanting a chance at getting a skin for its aesthetics that many of us never had a chance to get?

I’m sorry but thats an apples to oranges comparison. The ones who want it staying locked want to protect their egos at all costs in a video game, and its pretty sad really lmao.

Different skins appeal to different people. They are not the same aesthetically. I fail to see why this is so hard to comprehend.

100% more new interesting stuff more often, especially druid forms, definitely


You said you liked the look of the older model but not fel werebear, but they’re the same model.

Yes, because it’s something you desire. Like I said, own it. “Yes, I’m being selfish but I want to look cooler.” Cool. I’d still tell you No, though, but that is actually being selfish, yes. If it has anything to do with desire or something you want, regardless of what it is, it’s selfish. Desires/wants/needs means selfish, that’s the story of life, the story of creatures/animals and most definitely human beings. I own my selfishness, too, don’t worry. It’s selfish of me to tell you No because it’s for my own gain, I own it, but I will still tell you No.

No, it’s not, actually. Regardless your base reasoning comes from a desire to want; this desire to want it is actually based in selfishness. Again, if there’s any desire involved, it’s based in greed.

Shaming language actually fully enforces it becoming more greed and selfishness, btw. Go learn some Psychology, then and come back and tell me your greed isn’t selfishness, that your desires isn’t selfishness. Take 3 psychology classes, though you’ll learn it is in 1. Go ask any Priest IRL; “If I want something, is it selfish?” They would answer your question in a few different ways, either 1) That depends on what you want it and why. To this you reply with “It’s on a video game, this item was locked behind a time gate and I wasn’t around during the event. I want it cause it makes me cooler. It has value in being locked away and it was locked away and said to never come back again. Many people got it because it was said to never come back again.” Watch them tell you “yes, anything rooted in desire is actually technically rooted in greed, which greed is selfishness.”

Shaming language doesn’t help, either. Have any Priest come look at this thread and they will tell you we are all being selfish brats, straight up.

Rooted in desire, and part of desire’s desire is in getting things that are hard to obtain. They’re the same model, actually, just a different skin color. You’re correct, they’re not the same in what value people hold or tie to them; again the fel werebear has tattoos that the regular one doesn’t and it’s a different color, that’s the only difference between the 2, otherwise they are the same model, same thing.

I full on agree with this, yeah, and I will stand by your side in regards to asking for newer things, more forms, etc. to be added. Something I really wish they’d add is the option to attach wings to the backs of our animal forms. How cool would it be to have wings on your back?


And what about all those who didn’t play vanilla and didn’t get corrupted ash’bringer?

This argument is silly. You missed out on limited time only thing because you were not playing then?

Oh flipping well. That’s the price for not playing then.


oops misread your post

anyways, i agree :100:

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I wonder what percentage of total weapon appearances corrupted ashbringer is vs what percentage legion werebear is of bear appearances…

Did you even read the thread? Its not about “missing out” its about a lack of options and then making one of those few options unavailable. If we had as many bear appearances as there are weapon appearances then sure strong argument for you.

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Again it would be if you were asking for new styles of said form not the old ones to return.

That’s my arguments point, returning something that’s no longer available when said it won’t in it’s original form. Just like the original ash’bringer, you can’t get it you can only get the new version. Seems you’re the one who doesn’t understand your own argument.

Those who get the form got the mage tower challenge then and got the ones available for that point in time and now get a new one for doing the new version and it’s still available.

Get the one available and be happy. Ask for new forms. The old ones have come and gone.

My argument still stands.

The new form was only for timewalking and i worked all of those 2 weeks to get it and later that year they told us that its gonna be available outside timewalking. I felt bad not gonna lie but later i understood its fair for everyone to have the same opportunity to get the form because its a CHALLENGE CONTENT (not easy to get) .and maybe unlock the old ones too because its the same CHALLENGE CONTENT (maybe harder this expansion without legendries and artifact weapons). Blizzard won’t make new forms because if they even mention werebear people that got it in legion would panic GROW UP ITS A GAME.

Ironic since you should grow up and accept you didn’t get them when they were available. Blizzard announced a year ahead of time to get your rewards because the Mage Tower would be going away. And by the end it was ridiculously easy to do. If you weren’t playing and/or didn’t do it, such is life.

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How am i supposed to know that i will like something in the past ? something that i didn’t even know existed in my world back then

I think you just proved my point of this thread and what I responded to

You accept that you weren’t playing when they were available. This isn’t hard to grasp.


What I’m saying is if you stick with that idea be ready to be disappointed nothing lasts ,just look at the fel werebear it was a timewalking exclusive and look now everyone can go and get it , because you think it brings you some sort of power over other druids . i don’t care if they bring it back .and why did blizzard bring back the mage tower you gotta think about the player base if 80% decide we want old werebear forms than guess what they will bring back all artifact appearances (player base gets old and replaced by the way generation and all if you didn’t know)

Blizz statement on the new MT

When the Mage Tower closed at the end of Legion, it was firmly established that those rewards would become unavailable. Many players pushed themselves to collect all the appearances they could before the tower closed. Reintroducing those same appearances now would diminish those players’ accomplishment, so success in a Mage Tower challenge will now award a Legion-themed armor set for your class

So if you didn’t care then best return to so. It’s not gonna and if it does it’ll be so far in the future it won’t matter because you likely won’t still be playing anyway.

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This is amusing for me ,guardian druids are ***t anyway why would anybody want a new look to get one shot by trash in M+ and still my point is things “CHANGE” and by the way they are changing the attack animation of werebears to look like normal bears. Go to PTR to see for yourself. Blizz just diminished your accomplishment silently :rofl:

I still think it’s silly to keep it exclusive.

Imagine if 10.1 dropped and they said the Wailing Caverns sets were retired. There would certainly be players coming out of the woodwork to defend the exclusivity of their Wailing Caverns achievements and how many times they ran them to get that Fang Set bonus.

And right now your probably thinking “But that’s trivial content!” Well… so was mage tower once you had Antorus gear. :man_shrugging:t6:


You have no argument. You are simple stating that the status quo should be maintained because “thats how it is”. Thats not an argument that is an opinion. What people on this thread are saying is that with such a lack of options for druid appearances, the old werebear form should not be unobtainable for those that want it now. You mentioned the corrupted ashbringer as some sort of example, but that doesnt fit the argument as there are loads of options available for weapon appearances.

You get it?

Rest assured this appearance will be made available again. It only took a few expansions for them to offer the reskin (which people where very angry about because it was suppose to be a form exclusive to legion). If you think Blizzard will keep this form unobtainable because of handful of crybabies whining about how it was suppose to be exclusive to legion and blizzard promised and wah wah wah you haven’t been paying attention.

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