Please bring back faction pride

Pandas existed from WC3, and vulpera fits perfectly for the Horde players originally signed up for under Thrall with them being noble savages rather than the idiocy we got with Garrosh and Sylvanas.


See you’re still showing it but please continue. Brave PvE king? How nice of you to assume. Check the PvP achievements. I actually agree about the faction war but since I tried to tell you you’re going about pleading your case wrong, it ruffled your feathers some.

I’m not offended in the least. In order to be offended, I must first value your opinion.

I think ‘lots’ in that sentence is pretty subjective.
is a million ‘lots’…or is 1000 ‘lots’ ?

Personally I dont think its a huge portion of the player base who are sitting on the edge of their sit at dinner waiting to get back into a BG

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Ive played REAL pvp games…THIS crap AINT it, lmao.
Tab targeting? Seriously? You call that juvenile nintendo 64 crap pvp?

Not to mention the constant math changes going on in this game, there is nothing ‘pvp’ about it.

REAL pvp says the ONLY differences between players are SKILL.
Doesnt take a lot of skill to tab over to the next opponent and be computer locked there till he’s dead lmao


Having pride in imaginary video game factions…yelling FOR THE HORDE or FOR THE ALLIANCE in public, even at BlizzCon, has always been cringe-inducing.


I completely agree, I mean you might aswell just call both sides “the alliance” no reason to even have two separate names at this point. One of my favorite things about classic is that your faction still matters and people have faction pride. With retail People who constantly whine and moan about how stupid the faction war was are the same exact people that Blizz listened to and look at the game now, it’s trash in every aspect.


That’s exactly what they are. :person_gesturing_no:


During WC3, Pandaren were an April Fools’ joke.

And your “made up wife” can still turn warmode on and pvp with you


So much of a joke that it got to hang out as one of the major heroes in the entire Frozen Throne Orc Campaign.


You have to realize that this fan base is getting old. Like literally 30’s to 40’s.

I know everyone freaks out when they hear this. But this game should be on its way out. They need a whole new story and graphics to bring in new blood. I’m talking some sort of sequel not just expansions. Either way if they don’t…. They really should consider it.

They probably did consider it.

Then watched EverQuest 2 and other MMO sequels completely and utterly fail to convert the majority of their existing audience in addition to bringing in a significant new audience and decided that wasn’t the move.


I mean even look at cities skylines 2 getting murdered.

An exception would be Warhammer Total War 2, but then we got 3 that is a mess.

Faction pride is impossible because most wow players are sheep and just mindlessly follow the goat fad.

Of course it never hurts to try.

No, Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos.

While the meta builds and gear reqs of classic make it exceptionally boring to me to bother with pvp there any more, this is a silly statement. The only thing that fits this definition is if you took UT99 and removed every weapon besides the shock rifle.

Pvp is player vs player, thats the only qualifier. Everything else is personal preference.

As for the faction thing, the whole foundation of the game is built on it. While I am personally indifferent to cross faction mechanics for people to play with friends, I do feel like the current iterations of the gameworld suffers from the homogeneity and loss of faction conflict.

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Faction pride can be simple as having a frikin commander give u a quest etc where u feel like ur part of an army thats either on horde or alliance. I swear i dont feel like any of my toons are part of any faction. Its like they are almost above it all and juat do what they want. For examplr, recently i Was leveling some toons in wotlkc and in northrwnd u are not the dude in charge, there are clearly folks higher rabk than u who again have to report to someone higher and ur taking orders and executing what needs to be done. In DF im basically best buddies with an aspect :rofl:


There was lots of PVE faction pride in the story for Wotlk. There was Wrathgate, the tournament, and they even did things like snuck in a Horde vs Alliance battle in ICC for who would get to down the Lich King.

Modern devs just aren’t as creative…


If the factions are going to start fighting again, I want out of BOTH factions and I want to serve a neutral adventuring company with the other sane heroes so that the Alliance and Horde can go self-destruct.


Eight he exception of final fantasy but it sucked at first then they remade the whole thing.

All I’m saying is this needs some sort of revamp to get better.