Well, I guess you’re an adult if you clutch your pearls and faint if you see cleavage or hear a funny, er I mean, “offensive” joke.
i wager fart got removed when spit did, because a certain balding wow streamer encouraged people to spam spit on players with the store mount in tbc classic and there was allot of complaints about harassment
I’m mean if you were to ask me, I think the war within storylines are more “adult” than many of the older ones. It feels more personal while adding splashes of darkness and humor about it.
You would be suprised…
One of my biggest complaints when i got back, besides not being able to fart on people anymore, and being forced to wear pants. At least they fixed the pant less part.
This is like saying “what, you’re upset because you got some water on you?” when someone complains about being followed by a guy with a super soaker targeting them for something innocuous they’d done. Like buy a store mount.
Don’t tell that to Rockstar.
It’s hilarious that you and others believe this.
For one thing, most of his viewers don’t even play WoW. He mentioned that in one of his transmog comps years ago. And for another, he was being sarcastic.
There’s no way that the few people that still play WoW that watch an ex-WoW player would make such an impact that Blizzard created a policy to combat it.
This was the case… they had to freeze rolling out transmog for cash with the helments from players kicking people with them.
They didn’t want that to happen again.
You know, I still remember when Blizzard started removing emotes/jokes and people on these boards were saying that Blizzard would replace them.
Most of what you mentioned was changed when Blizzard was in the middle of a massive scandal. It was all a PR stunt, not because they suddenly became arbiters of morality
Also, they removed female portraits for being too risky but there’s still goblin pinup girls in the barber shop in bikinis. Pick a lane Blizzard
… 1/10 bait. Try harder
This dude acting like 90% of the female elves and draenai aren’t walking around half naked.
So you are saying you miss being a prick in game without consequences.
Yeah that just tells us that most players would prefer their women wearing dental floss for clothes.
Which is in opposition to the stance taken by the developers yet provided as an option.
Also more skimp mogs please. Looking for some skeezy tier sets kthxbye.
Was that not obvious. I had no issue with /spit on people that I didn’t get along with.
It was a feature of the game that allowed you to show someone that you had no respect for them.
The provocative quest dialogue and NPC depictions were also great. We’ve embraced a culture of censoring visually attractive depictions of characters.
Legion Sylvanas was one of our first tastes of this with her “practical” body armor hiding her skin.
No, Blizzard. Sylvanas is a lightly armored undead elf with cleavage. Own it.
Being a prick hasn’t gone away. You just see it in more passive aggressive ways. Which is way more pathetic
It helped build comradery. My greatest rivalry and also cross-faction friendship was a night elf rogue that I spit on in many vanilla battlegrounds as my troll rogue.
Both of us ended up making low level toons on each other’s faction just to shoot the shoot between battlegrounds.
Game is, and always has been T for Teen.
What you consider “adult” is just adolescent bs. It was edgy when you were young, it is tiresome as adults.
Yeah exactly. Nothing was solved, nothing got better. It was a stupid PR stunt.