Please blizz where is replica rank 14 gear for cata classic?

But umm…kinda proved i wasn’t though… now didn’t I. Don’t worry. I reported every single poster on the thread who talked to me. Not a single one of you had anything other than troll comments to say to me. View what I said. READ all of it, you will see that I am right. You people are ganging up on me now, spreading lies and posting with alts and are spreading false information about me. For those reading I have not been wrong in this thread and the point where they said “Wrong again” and got two upvotes on it, I was not wrong. They were simply spreading lies about me and were infact, trolling me. The gear IS R8 unlocked. All you have to do is look it up…not that hard. But if you are unable to look it up, then simply earn the gear yourself and you will see that it is indeed earned at R8 and above. Once you get to R8, you can then unlock the gear.

Ask questions from someone who has actually unlocked the gear and who has an average of AT LEAST 10,000+ HKs on every ALT that is played. Got boodthirsty and my ALTS get more HKs than most of you get on your mains.

You’re the one who trolled. You were wrong, you trolled and slandered my name and so were also reported.

Damn, I got baited. You’re just trolling LOL. Good one.


Hey there we go. Your second ever post there. The reason why me reporting you as a troll will actually get counted is because what I said was factual, I then went and described as to why, I did not simply call someone a troll and leave it at that. You claim I am trolling, yet cant name a reason why. I just posted up above why I was not.

This coming from a 2 post count poster that will never be seen again after today and got only one like from the other person who came at me out of nowhere in this thread and spread lies about me. Get your low count forum troll post alts to like your own posts and pat you on the back more. Oh yes and just to throw it out there once again.

1,800 IS R8.

I got it and yet I can mog my Drac to the R14 staff when that toon has never set fooot into a battleground.

I can mog it to a level 10 toon as well.

I can make a bank alt, buy them a dagger and …there it is R14 weapon mog on a level 1 bank alt.

Like what the hell. We supposed to believe a bunch of people who have a post history of 0 until they came to this thread and who are back t back spreading misinformation.

Not a single one of you is right in this thread.

You unlock the gear at R8. And saying that I am wrong and that you lock it at 1,800 rating and NOT R8 is trolling me right there. I just listed how R8 IS 1.8.

It IS NOT the same unlock system that it was for the level 60 Classic version.

So again. R8 = 1.8.

You trying to say I am WRONG and that it is not unlocked at R8, but instead is unlocked at 1800 and then you call me the troll for that.

Idk. I got R14 warrior,
R11 paladin
R9 Paladin
R7 hunter

No one who has ever gotten an RBG title of Grand Marshal or High Warlord ever calls it by the title name. You say I got R14 and 100% of everyone who has ever done any form of PvP ever knows exactly what you are talking about.

Oh hey um…wait a minute.

Do any of you, yes ANY of you actually even have a the stuff needed to even unlock it at all? Or is it just a bunch of people who are alt posting, talking about stuff that they can’t actually confirm.

You people don’t even have a single title among all of you, so there is no way ANY of this would be applicable to you. Thats probably why you are all getting confused nonstop and starting to nerd rage at me as soon as I stated facts.

And yes. ONCE AGAIN. R8 is 1800. So stop spreading mis information about how am am Wrong when I say it requires R8 and yet you are all right by saying it does not require R8, it requires 1,800 No one who does RBGs will say Oh I’m one thousand seven hundred and twenty two rating, I’m almost there to get to one thousand eight hundred rating. Nope. You say you are almost to R8. HWL, GM. You don’t say that you are 2,400 and exactly how much over. You either say you are High Warlord or grand marshal or you say you are R14.

No one states their rating. 3,000+ rating is still R14.

Transmogs still not in. IDK what these other guys are bickering about, and to be frank dont care. Put in our transmogs we were promised a month ago please.


Everything you post, In every single thread, is completely wrong. Go back to retail and leave us alone.


Please stop posting here and just play your dragon fairytale game


I’m not a huge fan of those sets personally. They were cool at the time but there are much better options now if I want to look cool.

So you’re ok with them promising something a month ago, not delivering, and being radio silent on said promise?

My post didn’t actually say anything like that. Try reading it please before replying to it.

Hey stupid orc. Wanna log in to retail and actually see the toons I am talking about? Or are you going to keep trolling and say I dont have what I say I have.

You have a very fragile ego if a poster saying they have something causes you to say that they are making it up. it up.

Go play your FoTM in SoD. Cookie cutter spec SoD sham.

I can log into my toons and prove you wrong. What the hell dude stop trolling me.

This person doesn’t. She and Beast and Thug are just forum trolls here.

No one from Blizzard refers to it as Vanilla.

They also do not use the term “the ability to wear” They use the term “unlocked”

So none of this was from Blizzard. Probably came from your mouth only as you posted no links and gave no proof that anyone actually said it. Pretty easy to say a random person said something without any proof.

I can prove to you people that I have what I say I have…all you got to do is long in…and view my toons. That’s it. Plain and simple.

Okay. This toon has done ONE battleground. KR. look at the mog it has on. It has the R14 staff. Like I said. I’m not making this stuff up. Stop saying that I am and getting likes on your posts by other forum trolls simply by spreading misinformation.

It did one KR. Not near enough to earn R14. And Dracs were not there in original level 60 WoW so was proving in my post that you can have your weapon to any class that the class that earned it can equip and has bought.

There you go on your stupid doofus orc trying to troll the forums some more making up lies about what people can and cant do with their toons and their mog.

Look. View the mog

Tenashachor - Character (

I linked so you cant make up yet another lie and claim my profile is hidden and you could see the staff. This toon right here that has not earned the staff…can mog to the staff. Why am I even talking to you people. All of the people I have talked to on this entire thread…have earned nothing. All they know is what they Google.

i been a shaman since 2006 and now we own and now im called a FOTM? lol ive played thru the good and bads retailandy. Did you know Retailandys are the scum of the azeroth

the main issue is that this is the cataclym discussion forum. No one cares if you have super epic ultra rank 14.5 bis godlike transmog with 100g per second buff. No one cares about retail. Its an afterthought.

I told you, you were a stupid orc. That is my drac. Not someone else’s. I posted on it to prove that the R14 staff can be mogged to a toon that did not earn the R14. Then linked their toons own armoury from that toon. I’m proving to you that it can be mogged when you were arguing that it couldn’t.

Mog already exists in Cata. You want to argue that point too? I can post on one of my Cata toons…that is fully mogged. Talk to me and not to my other posting toons. Only me.

But there is a bug we are waiting to be fixed. What is your issue?

btw what class and realm on classic you got R14?

My issue is you people making up lies about how the old level 60 battleground ranks you got were going to give you mog in Cata. Blizzard never said that. They have always said RBGs. I want it more than you do because I actually earned it. I went in to game, looked around for the mog, and could not mog my toon to R14 gear which is technically mostly R8 gear, but everyone calls it R14 to keep it simple…

but yea. Couldn’t mog into that. And a ticket to Blizzard said we need the Replica gear from RBGs, just like last time. And then they said in the ticket “You can make a suggestion about it on the forums, that sounds like a good idea” So in other words they just said no.

I wanted our toons that got titles from first edition level 60 BGs to be able to mog into the original version of the gear and that would not say replica.

And then our Cata RBGers can get the gear that says replica.

stop dodging the question.

btw what class and realm on classic you got R14?

Not dodging it. Not only have I already said before on these forums, but this doesn’t have to do with getting R14. From the toon I linked and spoke on? That was done on Illidan server. S11. On a warrior. That ran fury for most, but prot sometimes as FC and was mainly an orc warrior for Cata RBGs.

Classic it was a paladin. Began in ret but that actually hits like a wet noodle and you die a lot so DPSing as holy for the first few levels is much more powerful. Told to switch out, but then decided to stay holy spec. So did that and realm hopped as I could, my main one died out.

Any class can get to R14 in Classic. All it takes is time. It doesn’t take skill. Most of those who get to R14 won’t ever see gladiator. So therefore, getting to R14 does not mean that you know how to PvP. It means you know how to spend hours of your time.

Play smart, not hard. Just do a bunch of grinding right before the realms reset on Tuesday. Shaman for Classic I made in TBC. So got 0 BG titles.

Current dev teams seems to be on a mission to retail our Classics though.