Please blizz where is replica rank 14 gear for cata classic?

Still not in the game after all this time. It’s super unfair you guys give legendary Transmog freedom right away which wasn’t a thing in cata dare I add again!! but I still can’t mog my rank 14 gear that I’ve grinded and probably shed off some years of my lifespan because the lack of sleep I had during it was horrible. Please add the vendor in the game, come on… it’s been over a month! Also, I think we should be allowed to mog white tabards ontop of that since we have retail appearance tab and leggos :slight_smile:


You can get R14 in original Classic with barely over 19k HKs. Not that much PvP tbh.

You played hard. The best grinders play smart.

Transmog wasn’t a thing in original Cata. It came in MoP prepatch to get people to buy the new gold sink mount.

You don’t need R14 to get that gear at level 60. Never have ever. And most of the pieces don’t even have an R14 name. RBGs get the mog. Blizzard has actually never said that they were going to. This is from them saying that they might allow it back even before original Cata came out and they didn’t know when they were going to put mog into the game.

But we had battlegroups back than and BG9 and BG4 were starting to do back-to-back premades so then Blizz added RBGs to combat that and then added the titles as well as putting in the mog for it later in MoP prepatch when Mog came out. You must regrind to get what you got.

Blizzard literally said that we would be able to mog Rank 14 gear / weapons about a month ago. That is what OP is referencing.


Every single thing you just said is irrelevant to his post and not accurate on top of that. Great addition.


Since R14 in original Classic is a competition with the other players on your server, there is no way to assign a specific number of HKs to it.


Been 3-4 weeks since we heard literally anything. Gonna be another 3-4 weeks. Maybe next phase if we’re lucky.


We’re on a 3-week streak of them breaking new things and not fixing any existing issues for the last 3 resets. The one intern they got working on this is obviously backlogged.


Huh, I know all this info :slight_smile: but you are talking about og vanilla and classic era/sod?…I got rank 13 in vanilla classic now it is cata classic and we still don’t have the vendor.

Patch 4.3 was Dragon Soul, not prepatch.


November 2011 (4.3 and transmog added) to August 2012 (MOP PREPATCH), which was a very large chunk of Cata. Not sure why people continue to spread this “mog came with mop” misinformation, but this isn’t the first person I have seen say it.

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No. It is 100% accurate.

You say everything I said is not accurate? Lets see. I said you don’t need Rank 14 to get that gear…FACT.

You think you need to get Rank 14 in order to get that gear.

And everything else i said was true too. Why do you people call it R14 gear anyways? In retail WoW you dont need R14 to unlock it. In Classic you don’t either. You never have. Most of the gear is not even named after the R14 title so there is zero reason why you should think that. Just the weapons are named after the R14 title.

I gave an example of how few HKs are needed to get it. I see people back to back saying you need over 50k some say you need over 100k. People like to exaggerate how much it took to get to R14.

Again, nearly everything you JUST said is wrong.

Its called R14 gear because you need R14 for the entire set (including weps). Also it takes MONTHS of nonstop playing/having multiple people on 1 account farming literally a million honor per week to stay in bracket 1. All this HK nonsense youre saying is irrelevent.

People farmed 15+ hours a day during its peak competitiveness and these people did trucker speed and any other stimulates they had to stay awake as much as they could to farm for literally 2+ months straight. Its a no life title, anyone that has it is a super dork. It isnt a skill title its a time sink title.

Each faction has a different name, grabdmarshall/ high warlord so its easier to call it R14… so its called r14 set.

So yes, if you wanted all the pieces you needed R14 for it during vanilla classic.

You are wholesale ignorant on the process to unlock these sets and again as per above everything I just pointed out you got wrong.


No its actually called R14 because the title is the 14th ranked title. You can get the majority of the gear at Rank 8.

Never been the case. That is wrong. It is from RBGs where you get that mog. And it is not even R14 req to do so.

Na. Looking at my paladin right now who I faction changed over to make into a Blood Elf. It is called
Head Warlord’s Lamellar Faceguard
Shoulder Warlord’s Lamellar Pauldrons
Chest Warlord’s Lamellar Chestplate
Legs General’s Lamellar Legplates
Hands General’s Lamellar Gloves
Feet General’s Lamellar Boots
Weapon High Warlord’s Greatsword (which is actually kinda small compared to the ally version)

Out of all that ONLY the weapon is named same as the R14 rank.

Every piece of gear I named was not named after the R14 title. I have it and you don’t, that is why I know and you don’t know. Unless you think that Warlord is R14 and that general is too?

Are you fkn 12 years old? I FULLY explained why everything you said is incorrect and you STILL failed basic reading comprehension.

To get the FULL SET which INCLUDES WEAPON you need R14 for. Each faction has different rank names so when talking about the set its called R14 and ALWAYS HAS BEEN.

In classic vanilla you need R14 to purchase the full set (WEAPON, genius) with gold and AFTER VANILLA the set becomes buyable to everyone for honor.

The transmog (Cata + mop idk after) requires 1800+ RBG OR Rank 8+ from vanilla would let you transmog the items.

You have demonstrated time and AGAIN that you know NOTHING on the topic. Won’t be educating you futher and if anyone reads your absolute schizo responses have mercy on their soul.


You’re the idiot here. You DONT NEED To get R14 to get the R14 set.

And as you just said here

OMG WoW. So you mean it is NOT R14 then?
So um…like exactly as I have been saying to you the entire time.

Btw that is the FIRST time you have mentioned R8. You ONLY did so because I mentioned it first.

Weapon is not a part of the set. You’re the only one who has no idea what they are talking about here.

Official Blizzard site says the weapon is NOT a part of the set.

The SET is called Warlord’s Battlegear.

No weapon has ever been listed as a part of the set, ever. I listed the weapon simply to sate the name of it and to show that that is the ONLY item that you buy that has the same name as the R14 title.

All other gear is R8. You only know it is R8 gear because I TOLD you it was R8 a long while back. Now you are pretending like you always knew that and are trying to argue with me about that when I have it and you don’t. I have it on a warrior, a paladin, another paladin. One of my paladins that unlocked the set is only an R9.

My R14 toon has it, R9 toon, R11 toon. All have the set unlocked. You can get an R14 wep and account bound mog it to any toon on your entire battlenet account as long a you can get the weapon on that toon.

You should try actually getting a title instead of arguing out of ignorance.

You actually got a like when you have zero idea what you were talking about, you were wrong on every point.

And you quoted my sarcasm and replied to it as if it was a real question. That was a rhetoric. I think that you’re the one who is the 12 year old here if you cant even make sense of simple things.

Weapon is NOT a part of the set.

For Cata and beyond everything unlocks at R8 and above

For level 60 version of the titles, you unlock different gear at different ranks.

Nothing you unlocked in Level 60 PvP will unlock stuff you do in RBG PvP. In no way shape or form could anyone play an RBG and think that it is the same as level original Classic PvP.

The SETS are 2 pieces, 4 pieces, 6 pieces. With the weapons not being included in any of the sets.

Rank 7-10 [Lieutenant Commander’s Investiture]

Rank 12-13 [Field Marshal’s Raimen]

[Grand Marshal’s Mageblade]Grand Marshal’s Mageblade] ( Purchased from PvP Vendor Requires Rank 14 (Grand Marshal/High Warlord)

Oh look, wrong again


Been seeing people arguing back about the requirements to transmog R13/R14 PvP gear during Cataclysm. It seems there was almost zero documentation on this, and very minimal blue posts, which explains why people keep getting things mixed up or misremembering. From what I researched, players needed either the original r13/r14 titles or 2400 rbg rating during all of Cata and first six months of MoP. It was reduced to 1800 during patch 5.2 / March 2013.

Cynwise WordPress Article from November 2011:

If you had the right to wear this armor back in Vanilla, you have the ability to wear this armor as a mog set. However, you can’t use your old set – you have to go to Area 52 and purchase a lookalike set. You have to have the Feat of Strength to be eligible.”

Swifty Video from December 2011 titled " World of warcraft Swifty Duels vs Warlocks ft. Faetal Rank 1":

At 7:44 he says “The pre-bc gear, the only people that can wear it are the people that got the titles.”

Video from early MoP (recorded during 2012 PvP season) titled “World of Warcraft Rapidy gets YELLOW BANANA transmog!”:

Finally got my lvl 60 field marshal gear because I got over 2.3k RBG rating last season

Warmane Forum post from MoP Patch 5.2 / March 2013:

As of 5.2, people with 1800+ rbg rating can access them as well


This might be the biggest troll post of all time.


Ty for the explanation, most accurate one I’ve seen. I think everyone has all the WoW expacs mixed in their heads for things like this lol.

In RBG system it deosnt work that way…


Glad you can get your forum likes from a bunch of idiots who have no idea how the game works because none of them actually play.

Hey do you have ANY of that stuff? No? Oh that’s right. Your only source is what other people tell you from outdated sources that are inaccurate. You know nothing. You are bad and should feel bad.

Oh hey and guess what…I said R8…DIDNT I? Yea, thats right. I did. You said NO. 1.8k.

Hey um guess what R8 is…Thats right…it is 1.800. So holy crap am I RIGHT or…am I RIGHT? 1.8 = R8.

So here. Let me break it down for you since you think that R8 is not 1.8k, you then “corrected me” about how I was wrong when it was infact, YOU who was wrong.

Lets seee.

R1 1100
R2 1200
R3 1300
R4 1400
R5 1500
R6 1600
R7 1700
R8 1800 <--------------
R9 1900
R10 2000
R11 2100
R12 2200
R13 2300
R14 2400

OMG WOW Would you LOOK AT THAT? I’m RIGHT AGAIN! Even as these pathetic forum trolls keep claiming me wrong and then getting upvotes from the people that you were the one who was right and not trolling, but that I am the one who was wrong and who was trolling.

Get out of here. All a bunch of trolls. Blocked and reported everyone. BLIZZARD CAN LOOK AND SEE MY POST. THEY WILL SEE IT WAS 100% RIGHT.

Blocked and reported for trolling. I just proved that I did not. You called me a troll and got upvotes when everything I said was entirely accurate. I don’t like that. Get out of here.

Blocked and reported for trolling. 1.8k IS R8. You knew that, but you said I was lying about that and got upvotes. You Claimed you saying 1.800 Is right but that me saying R8 is wrong when they are infact…the exact same thing. So me saying R8 WASD right. You people called me a troll for saying that. Again for those of you on this thread who got tricked by the forum troll known as Warriorszx. the person with a post count of ONE and who spread misinformation with his one and only ever post, he lied and misled people.

The entirety of his post was full misinformation. Those of us who did PvP back in original WoW before first ever original edition of Cata did not get out Classic BG title to unlock gear either. You get one title and one title ONLY per toon from that. And it is the title that you ended with when TBC prepatch came out. You could not select any title underneath that one, and got only the achievement for earning that one single title.

And also, 100% of all him saying about being able to wear the armour and all that…all false. More troll stuff. You got flagged for trolling. Anyone who has unocked this stuff knows that I am right.

How to tell this is a troll post here? Because

No one who works for Blizzard refers to the old games as “Vanilla.” That is only something the player base does.

So you also got flagged for trolling. Blizzard can see from what I quoted that you were indeed trolling.

Since I am the one who gets called a troll here for saying that R8 unlocks that mog and you people jump on me and say it is not R8, it is actually 1.8.

Get out of here with your low post counts of 1 post total and all likes coming from the same account to try and boost your posts up to trick people into thinking lots here are agreeing with you.

Yes. I agree. Thank you very much for alt posting and telling your own toon how great your own toon is. I really hope your alt also logs in to tell this other alt of your show right you are and how wrong i am and how R8 does not equal 1.800.

So yes. All quoted by me, reported from trolling. I just made a detailed post to prove that I was not trolling, that I was saying the truth. Then you had to resort to alt posting to discredit me.