Please ban the addon that shows parses in tooltips

So you honestly think legal speech isnt complicated??

Like you think WCL didn’t talk to Blizzard about this?

You have no clue what you’re talking about, it’s all irrelevant anyway it takes 6 seconds to look someone up when you’re starting a group for free btw.

The add-ons coming out and you’re going to be linking that garbage till sod ends in 2025.

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parse higher maybe instead of complaining

they also need to ban raid logs period. adds nothing but toxicity.

How can they ban it when blizzard is the 1 providing the logs to WCL?

It’s not toxic, toxic is having bad players in your group holding the group back.

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no its not lol thats part of the game. not everyone plays on the same level.

And I get to decide who I play with, not you.

If you’re a hindrance to the success of my raid I don’t want you.

I don’t know how to tell you this, I don’t know why I’m bothering but I will anyway.

I’d like you to start pulling case files vs. Apple/google mostly. Focus on ToS cases.p

Here’s the thing, a tos isn’t legally enforceable. In fact every single time a company has tried to swing that Hammer judges have both fined companys and laughed it out of court.

Nothing you agree to in a click is binding and MANY things in video game ToS are straight up not legal to enforce but it’s an easy catch all and you can use it to scare normies who can’t afford lawyers.

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You boys really wanna dig into this maybe read the glider vs blizzard case. All of blizzards early arguments were thrown out. They had to prove damage to the shareholders and glider actually was killing the game.

Grey parser alert!

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But showing parses makes it easier to get invited because it’s an actual legit record of what you’ve done. It’s almost as if it’s a system designed to help ensure a successful pug. It seems like the only people that would take issue with this system is bad players…

These 3rd party parse tooltip addons have existed for years already.

The hard fact is that if you don’t care about parses you simply aren’t the target audience and shouldn’t come here teary eyed screaming for it to be banned.

Why do you care what addons other people use?
This information is already fully available to the public via the website, anyone who cares about parses is already looking them up this way. Nothing changes about your game play experience as a hyper casual who doesn’t care about parses.

This addon exists primarily for 2 reasons:

  • convenience: results are displayed in the client instead of the website.
  • stability: aforementioned 3rd party tooltip addons use the WCL API to aggresively scrape the website for parses, it’s caused performance issues in the past which the WCL team have had to take action against. They are tired of this happening repeatedly so have just decided to do it themselves ‘properly’.
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The community will definitely minmax every aspect of the game, that’s for sure.

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Almost like the game requires a group of people, as a team working well together, to clear content.

The addon just puts in game what people were already doing on their second screen. So basically you don’t want the addon to prevent lazy people from checking logs?

Factually correct statements that people aren’t ready to hear yet.

facts. and the 100% solution to this is to just
1-play w/ people like you
2-dont be bad at game

the real issue here is people crying trying to force others to play at a low lvl like themselves. this is a human pysc problem. not wcl/addon problem.

i believe their is greater issues with WoW. and thats addons

addons shouldnt be a thing in WoW, especially not in PVP. it completely ruins the integrity of competition. addons are basically like using PEDs in sports. theres a reason they are banned in professional sports! :slight_smile:

addons don’t enhance your ability to play, they just provide you more information so you can make better decisions.
wow only requires so many addons because the default GUI is garbage, lots of information is tracked and very useful but is simply not displayed to the user without 3rd party addons.

it’s an MMO with a HUD that is completely configurable by the user. If you want to be a non-addon using purist, go ahead. You will be blind to information that blizzard decided you shouldn’t see easily or at all.

and PEDs dont make you a professional athlete or a bodybuilder lol.

addons are huge crutches. half of the 2400+ mmr playerbase wouldn’t be 2.4+ without addons. ppl like pika, xaryu and waas all have said this also. idk if you understand how strong addons like weakauras, dr trackers etc play a gigantic role in arena.

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PEDs make you faster, stronger etc.

Addons don’t impact your abilities or how well you use your keyboard, they just display more information on your screen. They CANNOT play the game for you.

Comparing PEDs to Addons is disingenuous, it’s more accurate to compare addons to having a good coach, or a sports scientist performing an analysis on your form / performance.

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The best part about the addon, is it’s a premium addon, meaning you have to pay to use it, meaning it violates 100% of Blizzard’s ToS. Are they going to do anything about it tho? Nah, streamers use it :rofl: