Please ban the addon that shows parses in tooltips

Blizz, I think it’s about time you do something about parsing culture, especially here in SoD. Theres now an addon you can use to display someone’s parses in a tooltip when you hover your mouse over them.

The wow community in SoD cares more about parsing then my guild did when we were one of the top US raiding guilds. It’s a bit out of control how much gate-keeping the community does around parsing these days and I almost think it has damaged the wow community beyond repair at this point.


I disagree with you there. Kihra and his team put in an insane amount of time and work on Warcraft logs, FFlogs, etc. It’s extremely expensive to run that project and I know personally that Kihra only added it because of the cost of the project, not because he wanted to make money. You have to remember that logging sites are a passion project for this guy.


If it’s a passion project why does he have a patreon website to monetize it? Why does he run ads on the website?


Because it’s expensive to run. You need an absolute ton of servers to host the amount of data that is saved for logging.

You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

Why do you guys blame WCL and not the community? It’s ultimately the players that are misusing the WCL data. They should hold responsibility in how they act and use the data available.

It’s not secret that the data WCL brings to us is extremely useful and valuable. It plays a large role in the game in a positive way. but the community uses that data in the wrong way, which is why people only accept purple parses in a raid you can clear with all green parsers easily.


Nobody is going to pay 25 a month for that crap when you can just tab over and search the info anyway

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You have the right NOT to pursue legal action if you don’t want to. Just in case there was any confusion there

I should’ve known better than to post on a weekend. I hope you enjoy your break from the forums. Have a nice weekend officer Update.

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Anyhow, now that I’ve got that poster hidden, I hope the community will take a look at log and logging and do better when it comes to how logging data should be used. but I don’t personally have any faith in their ability to do so. So with that I’d just like to finish up by asking Blizzard to take some action here. Please disable this kind of addon.



I’m for banning it, it doesn’t do anything to help the community, it violates TOS when they charge anything for it, even early access, and it only fosters anti group toxic behavior.
BAN Vote from me.


I started my journey in vanilla. All we had was each other and the limited knowledge thottbot provided. The only way a lot of people improved as players was by meeting and learning from other players who knew a bit more. Having add ons that reduce people down to a number only perpetuates the problem on both sides imo.

Look at my logs for ST so far on this characters as an example of my point. This is an alt. I went in week one, still learning how to play hunter and put up some pretty bad numbers according to the logs. But we still cleared. I went in the following week and put up an average parse overall. 2 greens, 5 blues, and a purple on the 8 fights. Much better than the week before. I also walked out with 5 new upgrades including my weapon. Next week should be much better as well.

I’m lucky enough to be in a guild where parses don’t matter. They gave me a chance to play a class I am unfamiliar with in SoD and learn as I go. My issue with this add on is that it limits opportunities like this for the community. Raid leaders who like this add on aren’t gatekeeping the raid itself as that is impossible, I get the counterargument, but they are limiting opportunities and knowledge and in essence are doing more harm than good by slowing progress of the community as a whole.

And yes I understand other people aren’t entitled to others time, yada yada yada. I guess my point is I yearn for the old days when the average person was more patient, understanding, and willing to be helpful compared to what I see now. It seems 20+ years of being around the negativity that online games such as this and online content in general have has drastically changed the character and outlook of many players.

Add ons like this that reduce someone to a number also remove exactly what they need to get better. A chance. Even in vanilla we had bad actors, ninja looters back then, but they were strangers to us at the time and they were given a chance. Something like this addon that promotes this cold and often times unnecessary and abrasive way of judging complete strangers as if they have wronged you by simply trying to join a group is crazy to me.

I actually like looking at logs. But I use them as a way to gather info and improve. The way this addon is using it and the behavior it promotes is something I will never agree with.


I think the main argument against this addon is that it just increases random toxicity. People who likely have no clue what a parse even is catching strays in town/random dungeon runs and what not.


Yeah it’s pretty cringy to pretend WCL or more accurately their parent company archon is anything other than a for profit at this point.


Really bad take honestly. For almost a decade Kihra was losing his own personal money by running WCL.

He doesn’t need people sticking up for him, but to push a narrative that Kihra is out for only profits just shows how little is known about financing things like warcraft logs.

But even then, I’m in the camp that if you’re providing such a big service to the gaming community you SHOULD make money on it. Running logging sites has become a good business and even the older sites that nobody remembers anymore (like world of logs) was making money off of it long before WCL came around.


A lot of the greediest companies start out at pet projects.

I don’ personally care that he’s making money off of WCL just don’t sugar coat it and pretend that’s not the current motive.


It’s going to be free on its actual launch.

Why does no one understand this?

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It would be more accurate to say that they’ve announced something will be free at some point.

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It costs $25/month lol, who’s paying more than their wow sub just to save the 2 seconds it takes to move their cursor to another monitor and type the person’s name into warcraftlogs?


Yes, when the addon is ACTUALLY being launched.

It’s in alpha testing.

Y’all think you know more than WCL does about blizzards TOS.

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They’re betting on blizzard just not caring, which is a very reasonable bet since blizzard has set a precedent of not caring.


Fact: You are not smarter than WCL or Restedxp. They would not do this if it jeopardized
them in any way :sob: