Ah yes, Wrath cratered from an event that happened in Vanilla Classic…
Wrath did not “crater” because of any game ending event, it naturally fell off with time as the content was ground out and people moved on to other things while waiting for the next thing to come out. And even now ICC still sees nearly as many raid logs 6 months into its run as SoD does in its new phase
token was added to classic wow in may of 2023 btw that is mid wrath.
in your data how do you account for people running the raid on multiple characters? or are they just straight up logs so 1 account running the raid say 5 times on 5 different toons gets counted as 5 runs?
They are supposedly banned but I still see people selling Maradoun drops. Wasn’t that pointed out to be GDKP? I honestly don’t care one way or another just curious if these people are getting banned.
WoTLK had a peak of 282,000 and currently sits at 62,000
where as
SoD season had a peak so far of 231,400 and currently sits at 96,000. with an all time low of 84,000
the data shows that wrath has never out performed SoD seasonal when head to head for the same dates. not that I view a straight head to head comparison the only form of comparison even necessarily a good one. but you and the rest of the gdkp clowns data analysis is not very good. WOLTK performance is fine but it is erroneous to say it has outperformed SoD. First of all SoD has WAY less content in it and is designed as a seasonal with a fraction of the devs that WOTLK had/has. Second WOTLK is viewed as peak wow for many people and contains the most icon villian in WOW. SoD is doing more than OK compared to the resources Blizzard has put into other versions of the game. sod has been a huge success and continues to be.
To bring this around to GDKP, the GDKP ban is not going away. in fact, it is going to be in future versions of the game as they come out. there are many reasons for this that i have explained. but you think you are good at the game, which you arent. and you think being good at the game means you have some idea what you are talking about. which you dont. and biggest of all, you are a cheater and a liar. the fact you do GDKPs and engage in RMT and defend it means no one trusts you because they know GDKP is full of dishonest cheaters looking to cut corners. So blabber on about your parses. you have no integrity bc you are in here defending GDKPs which are synonymous with cheating, botting, and RMT. Go ahead and look at the post where i laying out the issue in response to the OP. more likes than any of your posts.
I don’t have the attention span to read all of that.
What I do find funny though is that you keep calling me a cheater and a liar I’m not exactly sure where you got that from I’ve advocated that you permanently ban first offense for anyone who does rmt.
I don’t think anybody in here is sticking up for rmt you’re making up some fight no one is doing
Gdkp is a loot system you’ve already admitted that it can coexist without rmt.
That’s like someone who sticks up for the auction house and you sit here and call them a cheater and a liar because there’s rmt in that also
Also wotlk classic peaked at 626,000 raiders in phase 1 of Naxx.
you have no credibility bc you are associated with GDKP which is synonymous with cheating.
that is no different than saying sammy sosa or mark mcguire where great baseball players.
its completely different than someone who thinks the AH is fine but GDKPs arent. The AH argument is one of the stupid argument people who directly benefit from RMT pull out like they have something. You and heavywood being prime examples.
that 626000 number is global. i was just referring to US numbers but thats fine. US and EU+US are pretty similiar in terms of scale for comparison sake.
no the AH and GDKPs are different. GDKPs are entirely based around playing the game with your CC. the AH is where people buy and sell goods they have acquired. furthermore, money laundering across the AH is traceable. Not in GDKPs. GDKPs are like the “art” world. “omg this painting made with ketchup is worth 100 million dollars.”
no i didnt say that at all. i said its traceable. and its part of playing the game. There is def probs with RMT gold on the AH, no doubt. but its different than GDKP because the overwhelming majority of GDKP’ers are benefitting directly from illicit RMT gold. they dont play the game. they swipe their card and pay someone to run them through for the gear. Like i said before, you and the other GDKPers in here think you are so smart with this comparison. You arent. This decision was informed from a lot of complex information that blizzard has. They know where the biggest part of the problem lies and it was gdkps. the ah still has problems but they can at least track the problems with certainty there.