Please ban AV afk people

Its so irritating seeing people blatantly afk in av but your single report does nothing and even commenting in chat to report said cheater is somehow to much work for most players

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Av has high rate of false reporting.

Rogue X is afk.

I’ve been the rogue. Rogue x is not afk. Rogue X is waiting to see if they ghost cap.

Or they do my favorite…leave the crap geared player alone on the point. the recap and a thrill kill.

Night elves too. why aren’t you moving night elf. Shadowmeld.
Someone is coming. I don’t know when, but they will be here.

Why I like wrath beyond. Stealth dk’s are fun. Most expect rogue or a cat…not a dk.


Same stuff still going on 20 years later. Too funny. First they ask us to go take towers. Then they report us afk when we try to take them :blush:


I was reported for not giving assist all to someone who wanted to set everyone as main tank targets. False reports are high in AV

I can even justify cave sitters.

I’ve have some AV’s gone to hell I sit a bit. Death waits for me outside the cave. I just add 45 seconds to the time I am right back at that cave lol. why speed run your demise lol. Live 45 seconds longer between the cave visits lol.

TBH…the funniest thing in all this is the afk’s are usually not in the cave or off spots on map.

It be noob hill. the best people to report that…can’t. Your can’t report other faction iirc.

As rouge/druid…I’d happily report 20+ people on noob hill as horde. I’ve recapped, walked out the tower, and lived. Not even 1 dude to beat me down out of petty, but justified kind of, spite.

AFK or idiots. and its against TOS/social contract to call them idiots. So AFK it is lol.

You should never hold a tower in AV unless it’s the one at their base.

At least you can queue for AV. Era has no pops thanks to SoD and Anniversary.

It depends.

I’ve been in turtles I’ve had lots of fun ping ponging between IBT and TP.

horde jsut kept sending 1 dude to recap. I cap tp, drop to the hill behind TP, see the dude recap, cast AOE to find a stealthy…and go to IBT.

I recap TP, head to IBT, sneak past him in the middle…hit IBT as they retake TP. Repeat.

Basically just trolling the dude since I was not in a turtle mood.

It took a few minutes of this for them to send more people to hold them.

then I busted balls in east/west tower. they had to pull some off the turtle for that too.

I stopped defending towers many years ago because people would report my rogue afk for sitting in stealth waiting for the enemy to try to capture it.

Mindless Zerg it is!


it doesnt help that nearly every addon in existence interferes with the click reporting ppl on the av map

sure, but not many people are worried about ghost caps in the starting cave.

Ban bots first imo. Until you ban these accounts that actually ruin the game longer term you shouldn’t be banning anyone.

AV is a joke and most don’t play it properly anyways.

I like it when they start flaming you for suggesting you report people for AFKing.

Played AV tonight and saw tons of people AFKing.

Rogue who goes behind Van and just stays there stealthed the whole game.

Warrior who defended tower then once it burned just stayed there the whole game.

Hunter who feigned death in the middle of nowhere and just stayed there.

All of these people should be banned.

I watched several people last night just sit as a ghost and follow the crowd…the last was literally so blatant we had the gy just outside the horde base yet they are running around as a ghost while we are fighting to take the one inside the horde base

I love using mindvision to call out afk people. Had a mage afk in the horde mines and when called out they said they were defending it from alliance. The mage did not move from there the rest of the match. And no, no alliance came.

The sad part is its almost impossible to get others to report them so they get booted

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lol, writing in av chat is more likely to net you more votes than the dude afk. FACTZ

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Nah people cant be trusted to report properly. Awful, awful idea.

Why is the initial reaction to just ban people? Ban for this, ban for that, ban because they’re afk, ban because someone said something I didn’t like, ban because a lvl 1 character isn’t being used and has the name I want… it’s exhausting.

Getting booted from the BG is the obvious desirable outcome, which is difficult without enough reports, but when that doesn’t work you simply want to just ban the person? You feel afk’ing in AV is enough for them to have their account taken away for days, weeks, or forever? Yikes. I hope you agree with life sentencing for petty crimes.