Please allow normal flying in War Within on Day 1

TBC flying is fast, fun, fluid and precise!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Dragonriding was fine because we had to gather glyphs all over the continent. It worked as a sort of utility glide during leveling.

I don’t even think DR should be at full force at launch, much less normal flying.

Why? There’s literally no reason to restrict it. If you’d rather not fly, you can always use a ground mount.


There’s an aspect of leveling experience that can only be obtained from the ground.

Waiting for months to get flying might be too much, but full-blown flying at day 1 will hurt the experience, for sure.

Can you get this experience just by choosing to use a ground mount for your own leveling?

Not for sure. That’s your opinion. I think having flying on day one is the best leveling experience.


They don’t want you to have it for some reason it bothers them.


This is the crux of their argument that honestly makes me mad sometimes. It’s just such a selfish and/or trollish stance.


No, it has to be designed with that intent in mind.

It’s objectively better. Specially because you are getting flying later. That flying experience will be there after.

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You can use regular flying now, and is relatively easier to get, so stop complaining upon the forums, and start working towards it. You’ll have it in several days playing casually.

Dragonflight on the very first day, and it was 830% flight. It’s also much like how flight is within the real world too

Other than vanilla, which wow expansion has been designed with ground mounts in mind?

It absolutely is not.

Wrong. Not having flying is just an annoyance. It extends the tedium for no reason.


Honestly, I doubt it’s even because of bots.

It’s more likely just Ion throwing a fit he couldn’t get rid of normal flight entirely, like he’s been trying to do since WoD, despite it consistently backfiring and causing massive player dissatisfaction.

Sure, cool we get it ‘from day 1’ in TWW… but it’s gated behind more than a day’s worth of playtime and leveling for most normal folk, despite supposedly being the ‘inferior’ flight choice according to some people + likely in Ion’s eyes. So why is it gated, then? Bots can use Dynamic flight as easily as Normal flight, so it barely presents any real stopgap to them.

We should just be allowed to choose from the offset, not force people who want Normal flight to go through hoops just to get it - however worse it could’ve been than what it is. I don’t mind Dynamic, but I’d still choose Normal over it every day of the week if given a choice. But Ion - and a lot of weird cultists on the forum - think I, and others like me, and others who have actual medical issues that prevent usage of Dynamic, shouldn’t get a choice.

And that’s real messed up.


No it doesnt have to be “designed that way”, you just need everyone else to suffer with you.
And it is only “objectively better” because I would be playing FFXIV where they are smart enough to not mess with flying. Skipped 9.0 because Pathfinder spitegate. Will skip 11.0 until real flying is available because DR/SF isn’t a good enough substitute and there is NO VALID REASON to restrict real flying and not DR/SF. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:



I won’t be back until he is gone.

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All of them with the exception of DF?

That’s a compulsion for rushing things. It’s the problem of giving stuff too fast, too many times.

You understand my point has nothing to do with removing DR or flying, do you? But you got this visceral reaction like I’m trying to get something removed. Of course, it’s because a bunch of spoiled players want normal flying on day one. What a shock.

Literally, anyone who have played this game in any moment in its entire history had flying restricted during leveling. BC, Wrath, DF, SL, everyone. The only thing that changed is how and when you obtain it in some expansions.

You kill any sort of progress or connection with the zone and progress by handling this on day one. This is the point where devs got to think about the game health than giving in to nonsensical demands.

And Cata which required flying for much of the content.

Granted, but lease charge 4895g for it.
Charging 4894 is basically giving it a way for free.
and Charging 4896 is HIGHway robbery.

Charge Exactly 4895g

I personally don’t want flying at all in the next xpac. Don’t get me wrong I love to fly, but it really hurts the world

Nah, delayed Airswimming actually let me make money as a gatherer for a little while in Dragonflight before the old gather bots were able to do their thing again.

You think bots need TBC Flying…