Take an hint when the OP said “characters”.
This suggest he was multiboxing multiple game licenses.
Take an hint when the OP said “characters”.
This suggest he was multiboxing multiple game licenses.
On Win10 and 11, the feature is enabled by default.
This is incorrect. There is a Windows option to send inputs to inactive windows.
There is a windows option to make whatever window you are mousing over the active window which is different than what you just described.
It really doesn’t matter we anyone thinks on the forums - by the end of the day, Blizzard is the one who makes the last call. This isn’t a debate what is or isn’t against the rules.
That option is called “activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse,” however.
Different name, different function.
There is no windows function that sends keystrokes into background windows is the point
That is not the point of question, however. From the first post in this thread it has been about mouse wheel scrolling, which can be bound in-game, and is a native Windows 10+ default-enabled function to effect some activity in an unfocused window with no documented limit to that activity.
As this has now gone full circle, I take my leave.
It’s unfortunate that the OP has not returned to provide Orlyia the battle tag of the effected account.
Speculation about what’s allowed or not via multiboxing is better suited for the General Discussion forum.
There are no windows options that allow any keystrokes, or mouse buttons to be sent to inactive windows. There are only 3rd party software solutions to do that. You’re right though this is circular and pointless as you seem to be adverse to googling things.
Please stop. We do not know the full story in regards to the OP, and we don’t have access to any logs or the OP’s computer to really say what is really going on.
And on top of that, Blizzard is the one who makes the rules for there games, not any of us.
This discussion has already been beaten over numerous times now. It ultimately doesn’t matter what we think as we do not make the decision, and going in circles and resorting to hostility is just going to get the thread locked.
It is irrelevant whether or not there is a windows feature that allows keystroking in inactive windows. If any streamlining is occurring whilst multiboxing, default feature or not, it is against the rules. The safest bet is to not multibox, and that’s the end of it.
While I would usually disregard this as back-sass, it might help another reader to understand that this is not my “opinion”. It is a fact, demonstrated by the droves of multi-boxers that came to this very forum complaining about suspensions that spanned from several months to years, and outright permanent bans, during the ban wave blizzard conducted when they cracked down on said multi-boxing.
But what do I know? I’m just a 500-year-old mana addict.
I have 2 monitors and if i put a browser tab in both of them, i can scroll on both without ever clicking on the inactive one to make it active
I never changed any settings for that and i dont use any 3rd party solution.
You need to click on the window and activate the window that way. Just hovering the mouse over the window and using the mouse wheel to collect loot is called steamlining and not allowed! You do not have to use outside software to do this, this is built into windows and not allowed!
Folks, a lot of this is pretty much just guessing.
Blizz put out their rules in writing.
Philipx, if ya find yourself catching perma bans while multiboxing and cannot figure out why, perhaps consider just playing 1 account at a time, like normal and play to your heart’s content.
You can still manage to gather a ton of stuff with just 1 character.
I know this for a fact as I gather and Q for stuff and all that on either Lorethon here or Elehan, my druid. And I have a lot to sell on AH.
Good luck.
Mouse over window to make active is a windows accessibility function.
I use it at work all the time so I can change documents easily without clicking.
And? That doesn’t mean it’s not streamlining the process of multiboxing, or that your account won’t be penalized if caught doing it.
Doing this with multiboxing in wow will get you in trouble
I’m glad they’ve cracked down on multiboxing.
I’ve heard the same thing. You’d first have to positively click on the inactive window and then use whatever key you want to perform a function. I’m not good at searching, but I seem to recall an official rep clarifying that the mouseover function to activate a window was not allowed and that a positive click to activate the window was required to be in compliance with the new restrictive multiboxing rules.