Please adjust the season 4 gladiator cutoff

posting in support that blizzard shows us some love. In the same situation.


Waiting on my mount blizzard

Yea would be great if they looked into these ladders and banned players.

Would be better if they IP Banned those who cheat, not just ban one bnet hey

I really hope blizzard does the right thing for us. Just adding this here to link together.

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or a thought u could actually investigate the bans since all of the oce bans besides kevc are just the oce community mass reporting people. Not to take away from detach deserving a title as he does.

What I received from customer support.

‘Once all rewards have been verified and distributed the process is considered final. Our developers already account for the minor variations that disqualifications and other issues may bring in the original process and this is not re-reviewed again as a result. That means the current rewards are final’

So, they have accounted for these bans and have intentionally decided not to make any adjustments. I feel like me and a couple of buddies could make a bunch of level 80s, win trade our way up to gladiator and take most of the oceanic glad spots next season.

Working as intended blizzard.

You are part of the problem, paying for a title and then copping a ban - You’ll be forever seen as another Kelp

coping a ban for what its not against tos the sperg oce community is the problem mass reporting people.

Blizzard afk

50% of the 3v3 glad spots were boosts. The cutoff didn’t change. The cutoff didn’t change last season, either.

This is the new blizzard. Get used to it.

For the record, the cutoff dropped substantially in season 1/2 due to DQs.

While boosts are annoying they aren’t against TOS. My issue is with wintraders who have already been disqualified yet are still taking up glad slots.

Me and a couple of buddies could make a bunch of lvl 80s, wintrade our way to glad and take up most of the glad spots. We’d end up getting banned and no one would end up getting glad. What a great system.

They did DQ quite a few players on the NA ladder but the cutoffs were not adjusted. This is the same thing that happened last season. There’s a giant thread about it somewhere

Still waiting on that mount blizzard

get fugged lol, you are bad at the game and got the proper title you received, stop crying and play better next season

Daily update

Still no mount or title

“Buy a boost from the r1 boosting cartel next time retard” is what he means

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Snowstorm plz

still no glad mount blizzard