Please add right click option - No world buffs

PLEASE PUT A RIGHT CLICK OPTION IN CLASSIC CALLED NO WORLD BUFFS. Nearly every 2006 video I can find shows raiders raiding without world buffs. Can you add an extra option that removes world buffs if you enter any raid. It will only remove the world buffs if you enter the raid with the difficulty option on. This means more subs because now you can have both hardcore and casuals enjoying the game. You made small changes to the game like ectoplasmic distiller and its true you don’t want to make changes unless it’s very very necessary but you can make the game get more subs by adding a simple difficulty option of NO WORLD BUFFS. I am not saying to remove world buffs from the game like you did in patch 2.1 TBC. All Im saying is at least give us an option Blizzard, an option on our character icon to right click and do a raid without world buffs.


You can see what this gamer says and how not normal it is to have that many buffs.

" Back in 2006, Easy Company didn’t regularly get World Buffs for raids. This is apparently the first time the guild ever went and got world buffs, for their first Kel’Thuzad kill! Back in 2006, getting and stacking world buffs for as much time wasn’t really a strategy for most guilds. You can even see in the video when the guild runs to Naxxramas from Light’s Hope Chapel , instead of using level 20 Warlock Alt summoners." From wowhead link

Look at how many videos have no world buffs
There are like 80% of naxx videos without world buffs and 20% with. Give us this option.
That’s more subs and people will still have their no changes because nothing is changed. All you did was add an option like you added the improved graphics option.

Players are toxic about playing without world buffs and thus making it a big deal for others to remove them. With this option this will segregate the toxic players who secretly are in the raid and rage over wipes and then bring up the fact its our and the RLs fault for playing that way because the RL told everyone to right click their buffs off. So the good news is your toxic kind won’t be able to enter the raid with those buffs. Some people are willing to enter even when they were told its not a world buff run, they dont care. They want the loot and blame it on the loss of those buffs after a wipe because they had the ABILITY TO KEEP THEM. That’s the difference.

I can link 1532 more videos. I doubt you’ll find as many on youtube with world buffs. Dont change things. Add things, as long as people agree. You already added improved graphics.

And all you’ve done now is make the game harder and more vanilla like because nearly everyone who played naxx back then didnt have those buffs or the knowledge about them.

Option 1 zoning in raid but with the choice so you can either do it with or without. Dont DELETE WORLD BUFFS and dont force world buffs to be removed on zoning. Give us an option.

You got rid of them in 2.1 TBC. At least give us an option Blizzard.

And at least you wont have to waste your time with banning as many griefers who dispel world buffs Blizzard.

Goblin: Time is money friend.

Blizzard will get more subscriptions and make even more money than it cost them to make this simple option just as simple as it was for them to make a better graphics option. People WANT this. They want a hardcore game and using world buffs is similar to cheating or cheapening down the game which was why it was removed in 2.1 TBC. Then when people play a hardcore raid they will start saying, WOW this is how hard I remembered it was.

As you can see many want it. But I dont want world buffs removed like the links want, just an option to make world buffs, the buffs I linked removed from a raid you did like mc, bwl, zg, aq, naxx etc

Remember, all classes lose the world buffs so they all lose dps.

Giving an option incentivizes players to use it and creates mechanics raid leaders have to make sure no one in the raid has buffs.

I think people want a bigger challenge and due to the fact everyone knows the game with 15 years of experience, they will most likely find this new option fascinating. Just as they found arena to be fascinating despite it being just extra PvP and much harder than other PvP. This option will motivate them to make more runs without world buffs. Because its the option itself that will be the motivation. Not the fact they may not use world buffs in a raid where they can.

One is not the meta. That means more people wont agree with it.
Everyone wont be motivated to do something that isn’t the NORM but when there is an option for it. IT BECOMES different than you doing it without an option. When there is an option its BECOMES the NORM. When you make it just as equivalent and optional as world buffs no one questions it. People who agreed to it left because they question it.

To the report abusers who wouldnt leave me alone to show this to the dev. I WAS NEVER TRYING TO TALK TO YOU. THIS ENTIRE POST HAS BEEN FOR THE DEVS. How does that feel? To know you wasted all that time knowing that I never aimed at speaking to you. I never needed to tell you to kyselves because you never even existed.

I won.

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Or… Just start your own raids, and don’t require the buffs, easy fix.


That’s not the point. Read what I wrote VERY carefully…
because I have already ANSWERED that question.


Oh the guy below me, Kerpz. I never WANTED YOU to read it.
It wasnt for YOU or anyone here. It was for the devs. Lol…

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only posted lt like 20 time’s they really want you to read it

Report this thread for spam. The OP already has this EXACT thread posted: PLEASE ADD RIGHT CLICK OPTION - NO WORLD BUFFS


Troll post has doubled down.

I guess if you cut off a Troll’s arm it really does regrow into another one!


Don’t really care about the world buffs back and forth … but why was this post flagged??

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It’s his 4th duplicate of the thread.

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He’s been spamming this post multiple times and spewing gamer words and KYS at people who reported his spam. Guys a toxic loser

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This is totally nonsensical, people don’t accidentally get World Buffs so who would benefit from this option? Guilds that don’t want to bother already don’t bother and guilds that want them get them, their is no group of people who want to raid without buffs but can’t stop themselves from waiting at the Ony head spawn. There’s also no reason why this would bring in subs, casual and hardcore raiders are already separate, your massive post has basically no idea or useful information in it.

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Not if its the Meta dummy. That option takes World buffs out of the Meta.
Just because you have the choice to not use world buffs doesn’t mean it is an option you can feel comfortable with. Some guilds will go off at you fool.

No, it doesn’t. META means most effective tactic available. An option to not use world buffs won’t make people not use world buffs.

People who don’t want to use world buffs can already do so. This option adds nothing.

Well META in my vocabulary means what is the standard.

And an option to not use world buffs (something that is already possible, by the way) will not change the standard.

With the option we can now make either the standard. Not having an option means you have a double edged sword. You aren’t free to do both as standards.
Some people will yell at you and that’s THE POINT. Duh…

The option to not use world buffs already exists, though. You can already right click the buffs off.

People have the choice not to get world buffs, yet they do.

As Sylvanas says, You don’t have TRUE FREE WILL without that option. Someone will YELL at you.

Then put them on ignore.

I can’t believe you’re still dedicating yourself to this topic. I know Blizzard saw this already because they unflagged my posts that you falsely reported. They read it. You got what you wanted

And you know what they’re gonna do?

Absolutely nothing. Because again, this isn’t a feature they will ever implement since it doesn’t change anything other than what the players can already manage to do themselves.

No because even a tauren like you should understand that as long as you keep world buffs as the meta, everyone will mainly do just that and stuff the alternative. Then you’ll end up with the majority of players saying Vanilla is too easy and get more bored. Force them to change options and that will motivate them. I can’t believe youre that blind, but don’t worry, I am dedicated to restoring your sight young one. The earth mother is near.

So wait… now your post is about “forcing” people to choose one? I thought it was just supposed to be a right click option?

Again, I still don’t bother with World Buffs.

I can’t believe you think Blizzard will ever care about this change. I may be blind, but it’s a good thing I’m not stupid as well.