i know this is an old post but whatever. Anyways why would you want to change something as important as your characters race? you might as well make a new character
You are describing a faction change, not race change. A race change is restricted to the races within your current faction.
With a race change you could change your human warrior to a dwarf but not an orc.
Racials SIGNIFIGANTLY change in TBC. PLEASE PLEASE allow an in-faction (non-new races) race change for TBC.
Many of us have done a lot of work to optimize our char and the rug is being pulled out from under us with complete new changes. Well you could have looked it up and been aware but for example maybe you wanted to be an UD warrior but the edgemasters meta made it impossible for you. Maybe you wanted to be an Orc warlock but the racial was useless so you picked UD.
Getting to 60 is only one small fraction of what it takes to build your char so the new 58 boost is only a little helpful.
Please offer a race change for TBC classic.
And for those who don’t want this, please explain yourselves. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to change my race? Because you don’t like the ‘idea’ of it? Because its not important to you? Come on don’t be selfish.
Race change would be amazing as i have a level 39 orc rogue that I won’t touch. I have a 60 hunter I did tributes on, a 60 mage I did Mara on. Ive worked hard and plan on continuing to do so but I’d like to have a chance to finish that rogue and be proud of what I have. Would be sad to give an orc rogue thunderfury and have them boost a raw undead to do arena. There are a loooooooot of people that would be relieved to here of a race change. Not too late!! Thank you
I leveled a druid up to find out on atlasloot that the ring in the nose popped out of the BiS helm for classic and tbc… I rerolled because of the look. That’s what everyone wanted. The genuine classic experience. Oh no you made a mistake there goes days or weeks. I’ve done it more than that. We had our haha but be cool if we could let ppl off the hook of something we know is on ppls minds. Race change without faction change
No guild banks were added in TBC. Patch 2.3 to be exact. See the patch 2.3 notes here.
hardiness lul, orcs get a toep in tbc
would love a race change i would love to be a draenei on my main and alt
Sorry choices matter in classic. Sorry you can’t change your race to the new meta… use your boost
I mean… hardiness is still good its just not as good as better UD / Human racials in arena…
I’d like to add my voice in requesting race change (not faction change). I play Paladin, and I love it. I really want to be a Draenei! Not for racials, or optimization, but because I love Draenei. Now I just hit 60, and am, no joke, facing an existential crisis
Do I continue playing this character? Do I quest, grind up BiS gear, attune to All The Things, join raids? Do I undergo my long, tortuous and EXPENSIVE Charger Quest? I don’t have thousands of gold or multiple 60s to back me up, this is my first. I wanna bring her into TBC.
But I won’t, if she can’t be Draenei. I’ll do it, I’ll level a new pally from scratch if I have to. But my old one will be obsolete There’d be no point in me playing her anymore… I’d probably even just Activate her Clone in the Classic Era realm, and keep her there, for when, in some time, I eventually feel like playing Classic Vanilla again. I’d really like to at least… know, in advance.
We’ve seen your willingness to compromise and make tweaks, Blizzard; today’s patch is proof of that. Being able to store world buffs in an item? That’s pretty awesome~ Thanks, Chromie. So, even if race change wasn’t originally in TBC, it wouldn’t be such a big deal to make it happen this time around, right?
Also… quite aside from my desire to just play the race and class combo I love, there are lots of other good reasons to implement in-faction race change with TBC. The most obvious being that a) it’ll bring you money and b) it’ll keep people from feeling cheated when all our racials radically change with the expansion. You know, spare your forum mods from some whining =D
So… you’re a zombie IRL?
I don’t understand this argument. I’m not a 75 year old man, but by gosh I play one in game. Oh wait, I also play 3 female characters. Am I gender-fluid now?
Fantasy is a core element of RPGs, so the argument “I need to play a character that conforms to my gender identity” is pure navel gazing.
to the OP’s idea:
You want to play as another race? Level a character of that race. Or “go back to retail” as my horde friends are fond of shouting in Alterac Valley:)
This is exactly my point… I dont even mind the racials… I want this for pure aesthetics. I made a mistake of NOT rolling human for my lock, and I want to have a human character. So I am for in faction race change!
I hope they add Race change since they are adding Boosts.
please add this
Guild banks were added in patch 2.3. Solidly TBC.
Negative Andys like this guy make me cringe so hard it’s unreal. at least guys acknowledged that they have changed the game and are adding boosts. we can make the game what we want. could have compromised with race change for existing chars but you just say “NO” solid point though, thank you for your input. really went into detail there xD thank you.
SHOULDNT HAVE TO GO INTO ANY DETAIL!!! Stop trying to ruin the game with your selfish request and wait for the release of the versions that offered your lazy convenience quality of life change bc your Lazy and just chasing fotm racial for your class. Min max with your skill and not your credit card noob. How about you get off icyveins and just play the game!! So tired of these people… YOUR ILK ARE WHATS WRONG WITH THE GENRE AND WHY WE ARE CONSTANTLY GETTING CRAP GAMES!!!
If you are so desperately obsessed with being FoTM, reroll.
Or, if you want a game where decisions are largely meaningless, Shadowlands is waiting with open arms/tentactles/whatever.
Either way, please stop trying to make TBC something it isn’t.
as i said, Negative Andy. You used more words and still failed to bring productive input to the conversation. Why you mad bro we havin a back and forth here xD interesting choice of words though. def gives you something to think about when someone with that attitude claims that someone else is selfish and ruining the game. Im gonna move on now!! wish you the best take care, thank you all and see you on the other side!!!