Can we have race change available in TBC? or who knows… maybe starting the day Blizzcon announcement is made? I believe a lot of people would be interested in this service.
They didn’t add this until halfway through Wrath.
I mean, they COULD do it I suppose, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
Personally I hope they don’t. Ppl rerolling horde for some kind of advantage would just be massively easier if they could just pay $$ for it. Rather have SOME kind of wall to make people think twice about it. No one wants 80/20 ratio splits if not worse.
Race change not faction change
Don’t want to be an orc any more because it gets nerfed hard in TBC?
For sure! Tons of people would use it, and it would be a big cash cow for Blizzard.
It wasn’t in Vanilla, and it hasn’t been in WoW Classic.
I’d like in-faction race changes—avoids the issue of a lot of people race changing to Horde and making most servers 70-30 or something like that
the racial gets a buff, what do you mean?
Lol no hardiness gets nerfed by like 10%
I don’t wanna change my race but I would buy gender change if possible.
No thanks, blood elves will already overrun the game.
Don’t think most people care about that what so ever.
Please don’t add race change to BC, Blizzard.
Orc is still best pve dps race. And hardiness is still strong in pvp. It’s not like they are needed to the ground.
I guess if PVE is your end game, sure its passable, but its nothing compared to Undead and Human.
If you are talking about dps, orc is by far the best racial for both melee and casters.
Yup, but Arena is the real end game of TBC, so orc is poop.
Race change was added in Wrath.
Who knows what they’ll do with paid services.
I’m still waiting for account transfers to actually be a thing.
Nah still good for war. Sham idk, warstomp may come in clutch.