Please add "/petattack" support for Fire Elemental

Lmfao what a fried take

Just because you possess the knowledge needed to summon an otherworldly being doesn’t mean you’re powerful enough to wield control over it. You should be grateful that there isn’t an rng chance for it to be hostile when you summon it.

Honestly I see why not, it would be good for many bosses to be able to control them, in wrath you would get cucked hard on certain bosses, council being one

I agree. Hope to see some changes.

Adding petattack wont fix when guardians/pets bug out. All pets/guardians are doing it right now. Fire Ele is still doing 2-3x the dmg of similar guardians. All a /petattack does is make positioning totems easier, which is counterintuitive to the tradeoff of limited range, lowering skillcap for less skilled shamans…which will only buff the class, a class that is not hurting for dmg.

This thread is pointless flailing.


Either you were dropped on your head a lot as a child or this is grade A trolling, either way please seek out a psychological evaluation asap

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all he does is find posts where he can just spam a single sentence over and over to gaslight them as “proof” that whatever problem the OP is facing isn’t real and is just a skill issue.

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Okay, 2.3k post person whose every post is contrarian.

You people can’t even argue the logs I link or the comparisons to other classes I provide. So you flail about and reeeee saying, “nu uh, you are trolling”, like some grade schooler that can’t use their words.

Having the fire ele prioritize the target of your flame shock would be an easy solution to this problem. i believe searing flame totem already does this.

I totally support this for you, especially given that :potato: is against it. That automatically puts me into the opposing corner! :smiley:

Hope it gets fixed for you.

“duhhhh it’s comparable to other guardians…”

Fire elem, when functioning properly, is up to 25-30% of our damage. Maybe more of our dps budget comes from our guardian pet compared to other classes. Just because multiple classes have a summon with the “guardian” designation, does not mean all those guardians should be equal, or even close.

yeah after reading the other posts here, having it prioritize and attack your last target that you applied a flame shock to would be best

I dont think its unreasonable to have fire ele do the searing totem thing and follow the flame shock

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But it was argued. The log you linked had the Fire Ele miss attacks because of the bug, as was explained to you multiple times now. Again, it working 90% of the time for one person does not mean it’s fine. It doesn’t work 100% of the time.

I just find amusement that 90% of the argument here is him saying “cope” and the other 10% is him ignoring people explaining things to him.

I don’t have enough popcorn for this thread.

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It wasn’t though. It was mostly just people saying “nu uh, that’s wrong”. They refused to acknowledge how fire ele performs in comparison to other guardians. The logs I linked showed fire eles vastly outperforming other guardians and landing hits when bosses were pulled on top of the totem. All pets/guardians will show misses in logs right now because there are bigger foundational bugs with attack logic in NPCs/pets/guardians. Changing a fire ele to /petattack won’t solve the issue, it just lowers the skill cap for ele shamans because it removes the need to position your totems correctly…and ele shamans do not need their current skillcap lowered or their dmg buffed.

Congrats on your first forum post.

This is irrelevant. Most other guardians are not 20-30% of that spec’s DPS. Also most other guardians were already coded to be better (Searing Totem itself with Flame Shock). The fact Fire Ele is not is an oversight, not an intended mechanic.

But not 100% of hits. That’s the point.

It’s been proven through logs that you posted that even perfect totem placement results in <100% of possible hits being attained due to the way Guardians are coded in Classic. There is no skill cap involved with a broken mechanic.

Edit: You are essentially arguing that because Infernal has two broken wheels, Fire Ele having one broken wheel is perfectly fine. And that those who are better at driving with a broken wheel are ‘more skilled’ than those who are not, even though there’s a dozen other mechanics without any broken wheels. It’s a deeply flawed argument coming from a place of ignorance.

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No-brainer change for our PVE sham homies. Why they have not done this several xpacs ago is mystifying

did you mean like shadowfiend “the dps monster”? or earth ele?

Why thank you.