Please add "/petattack" support for Fire Elemental

The demon damage scales off mastery as demo, along with DoTs for the felhunter. Yes, aff has like 1 or 2 more DoTs, but the mastery scales it higher. Go try playing the actual game.

LOLOLOLOL…no, no it doesn’t. Demo mastery increases dmg done when in Meta form. Read felhunter’s bite ability

Increases the damage done by your demon servants and damage you deal while transformed into a demon by 18.4%. Each point of Mastery increases damage by an additional 2.3%.

You can read it yourself too

“while transformed into a demon”

Reading is tough

That is talking about your personal damage, not the demons’. Only the first part is referring to the demons themselves. You are trying to tell a demo main, how demo works… Go actually play the game.

most insufferable person on the forums, you would argue that water is not wet

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Even just tested it on my warlock. There is no increase in meta form.

bro your comparing a 10min cd to pet classes OF COURSE IT DOES MORE DAMAGE get over it bro your hellbent on something thats very logical. why wouldnt a pet with a 10min cd do more damage than those w.o… dude is irked over something logical blizz does, this is why devs are confused on what the community wants cause of _____ like this

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How many more alts you going to rotate through :skull:

Then why does it do more than twice the dmg of a Doomguard(a comparable guardian CD)?

Every single one of your posts on that alt is inflammatory. Get a life.

You can clearly see in the logs William linked that Fire Ele is doing SIGNIFICANTLY more dmg than other guardian CDs like Doomguard. You got rekt with data. Take the L and move on

no matter the dmg it does, it shouldn’t behave like that? it’s simple as that. give us changes blizzard.

I still can’t believe people have an ego over a totem being placed

Give us this QOL WE DESERVE!

now that I’ve had a chance to experience this first hand… yeah please add /guardianattack

This is a change that needs to be made!

Blizzard, please consider allowing us to control our fire ele. Flame shock priority would be preferred but that or a guardianattack macro is literally all we are asking for. It sucks allocating talent points into totem duration (which we should want to use) only to have to pull our eles because out of fear that we will mess up mechanics or replace them because they aren’t behaving correctly. They constitute too much of our damage for us not to care about min maxing them

Did you think the changes to Hunter and Feral in Wrath were good changes? Be honest now.

Also, throwing my hat in with OP, relying on an uncontrollable pet as part of your kit is just bad design regardless of how you slice it.

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