Please add "/petattack" support for Fire Elemental

This is such a dumb take, I doubt anyone enjoys this so called skill cap you’re talking about.

Have you not seen warlocks?

All pets are missing hits too. Adding /petattack won’t fix that. It just lowers the skillcap for bad shamans.

Low skilled players typically don’t like skill caps, yes.

Half the replies on this thread are you calling people salty or low skill. Adding nothing and outing yourself as a person who cant accept other opinions.

If you rotate a few more accounts maybe you’ll be believable.

The more hilarious thing here is that you stumbled upon the truth of the thread accidentally but aren’t good enough at the game to realize it;

Pets ‘missing’ hits is because the Hunter/Warlock are not microing them correctly. This is an actual skill that can be used. Giving Fire Elemental a pet bar would actually increase the skillcap of Shamans due to the fact that you can now micro the Fire Ele to avoid death from current raid mechanics that kill it 100% of the time.

As it stands, Ele cannot be used at all on certain fights like Omnotron (though a skilled/geared group can allow the Shaman to pad with Fire Ele and just deal with the stacks) and will automatically die on fights like Maloriak if used in the wrong phase.

But adding the ability to control the Fire Ele now adds a skill that wasn’t there before, but again you are too ignorant of the mechanics of the game to have realized that is what would occur.

having a way to focus our ele would be a huge help for us shamans blizzard please at least give us the flame shock functionality

dear blizzard, this person does not speak for us and at times has accidentally made arguments for us in spite of their best efforts, ignore this person and do what needs to be done.

says 2 post shaman of the “Glizzy Guzzlers”

wOW wHaT A sKiLlCaP iSsUE. (I’d put SS here but yanno, Blizzard is a group of commies with a forum platform layout from 2002, give me a discord and I’ll happily send it your way.)

Ele is 5 yards away from a 400ft tall 200ft wide boss that is actively aoeing the platform said Ele is standing on as it stands there looking out at space.

Fix pls, thanks.

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LeArN To pLaY … skillcap issue :woozy_face:

Ele shamans are doing fine on the meters. They don’t need a buff to reduce their already low skillcap even more. Their guardian outperforms every comparable guardian objectively in the data.

So your argument is, balancing the class, assuming that was actually an issue (cough UH DK cough) is a worse solution than fixing an aspect of the class that is completely broken?

Again, you never did answer regarding the Wrath feral changes, were you as impartial and opposed to those changes? I’d bet a whole lot to the contrary.

In Wrath Blizzard made nerfing FIERY WEAPON a priority on warriors under the assumption “iT wILl ScAlE”, when all it did was like 200 extra dps and warriors only ended up “scaling” well enough to dominate Gunship…LOL. Why? Because people ask for really dumb tweaks and Blizzard goes for the lowest hanging fruit.

Adding /petattack will:
A. Not even solve the problem this thread hopes to solve
B. Only lowers the skillcap requirement for shamans to do the bare minimum of positioning totems while their ele already massively outperforms Guardians with targeted abilities(like Doomguard)

This entire thread is pointless and the non-stop whinging from the “buff me” crowd just fuels Blizzard to stop persuing more important issues…like, I dunno, why ALL pets and guardians are currently having targeting bugs…

A. Not even worth responding to, complete nonsense.
B. Not sure why you continue to conflate skill with a bugged mechanic, they are not the same thing.

I can assure you we would be completely fine with all pets and guardians functioning properly.

What does “functioning properly” mean, and do any temporary pets have controllable actions for any class?


Yes, Blizz should fix that, not add in a /petattack to fire eles…like I said.

They are defined as “guardians” in-game, Doomguard will target Bane of Doom target…and it MASSIVELY underperforms fire ele(and still bugs out, making this whole thread pointless for adding /petattack)

I don’t know that performance is even on the list of considerations here, yet. Obviously Army of the Dead doesn’t have controls, but maybe less obvious, UH DKs get a pet with controls. It doesn’t have a time to live. Frost and Blood DKs do not have tools to control their pets.

Are there, or even have there ever been any temporary pets in game to this point that have controls?


Yes, they are called guardians. You dont have “pet controls” because they are not pets. The lock version targets Bane of Doom…and fire ele still outperforms it.