PLEASE add mage tower weapon appearances to time walking!

Give me the new rewards for having already completed the MT challenges and I don’t care what they do. Personally, I think EVERYTHING should be attainable. I’m not a fan of time-limited rewards.


Considering people who played since Vanilla and such love to make it known, sure doesn’t look like it

I think it’s popularly is partly because of how it’s not tied to player power.

Torghast could’ve worn the new crown but they tied player power to it.

It’s objectively more fun than MT.

It’s been months since I stepped into GD. I can’t believe people haven’t given up on this.

Do yourselves a favor and move on. It’s not gonna happen.


What does SG stand for?


Apparently it’s an OG Horde guild going all the way back to vanilla and spanning multiple games including Eve.

I’m really grateful they accepted me and my wife into their ranks.

If they can do it for the fel-bear, they can do it for everyone else.

Blizz already stated why they brought back that specific appearance and why they won’t bring back the other ones.

I don’t know why people can’t accept this.


And I don’t know why people can’t accept other people wanting the mage tower weapon skins to come back. Strange world.


Not really that strange considering Blizz has stated multiple times that they’re not bringing them back. Y’all just can’t accept reality.

I was actually one of the people that wanted them to be brought back but Blizz has made their stance clear and that’s fine. You can’t win every battle.


True. But we all know Blizzard likes to change their stance once they realize it’ll earn them brownie points. So we’ll keep bugging them.


I’d be happy, but don’t stop there… mop/wod challenge modes and give players tokens when playing pvp in certain ratings to buy old elite mogs and mounts

People can show their stuff with the achievements to show they did the content when it was relevant…

All these things just give players more and more things to /play for

Edit; this is coming from a crap pvper, but someone who got just about all the mage tower appearances… I feel bad for the druids that can’t ever get the cool skins that I have, but never use because I don’t play druid much


Were that true they’d have already done it. Instead they tripled down.


many fixes to this game have been “dead issues” before. Just off the top of my head things like high elf appearances for void elfs and blood elfs. The mage tower coming back at all. Basically any catchup mechanic in the past few expansions like legiondary drop rates, the legiondary vendor, the corruption vendor, the essence vendor. A lot of these things had threads up all the time while the issue was relevant.

The reason why many of these things are an issue to begin with is that people make it an issue which isn’t a bad thing. Its more constructive then telling other people what is worth talking about.


You mean people should be encouraged to provide their feedback regarding a product? Nonsense! All speech I do not agree with must be shut down unless it aligns with my own views!

Just no. That time has come and gone. Those of us that were there, got what we could. Move on.


Blizz never gave an official statement on any of those things though, that’s the difference. They’ve made their stance on the MT rewards crystal clear.

I’d love to see an example of Blizz bringing back a time exclusive reward that they specifically stated they would never bring back.

The forums had thread after thread petitioning for the mage tower return and it worked, Blizz brought back the MT in a way they thought was fair and then made very specific statements on why they wouldn’t bring back old rewards. Like… it’s over guys.


Covenant swapping had an official statement if I recall correctly. So did cross faction groups. Blizzard says a lot of things, its fine to not agree with people, but if people want to take issue with a part of the game they are within their rights to voice their complaints even if others find it annoying or w/e.

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Before MT tower they will have to back track on WOD rings - Before WOD rings they will have to back track on Mop Cloaks: Before mop cloaks they will have to back track on Atish. Once those are done in proper order then maybe MT will return weapon skins: coming to wow in 2042 which of course by then we would have lazer swords with rocket launchers attach and using a sword makes you a NEEEERDD but you know, it will happen.


Don’t forget the WoD flying.

…or even Classic. /puke