Please Add Flying to Korthia & The Maw

You could give me a jetpack with nitro thrusters and I’m still never going back there. Would be nice though


It’s not. Korthia and the Maw aren’t final patch zones.


I run thru literally everything in the Maw… or I would if I had any attention of going back there. Add flying and maybe I would. :wink:

Would love to go stalk some rares but I don’t like spending twenty minutes just navigating the place. And forget about it on squishy alts. Still bugs the holy hell outta me that they put that w-boss way back up there in elite hell zone that my crummy alts can’t easily get to…


OP never said “we.” :woman_shrugging:t4:

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If it’s not current content, which the 9.2 patch will probably make it, then I’m ok with it as a compromise. I wish the entire current expansion would never get flying, but you can’t get everything you want.

As for cherry picking, 70% of the text in your post was about flying not changing the difficulty in the game. This is such a weird argument since flying in WoW behaves almost exactly like noclip, which is a cheat in all games that implement it.

Who was that anti-flying mage that said “flying is cheating” and is “easy moding the game” and is this person their alt? In any case, that’s a whole other conversation.


How about we leave the Maw and Korthia and just not go back?

Then we dont have to worry about flying there.


It isn’t necessary. It adds to the content though in my opinion. I don’t know how you can even claim it is necessary when people have done that content without flying, thereby proving it really isn’t.

The time to add flying to these zones would have been long ago. If they added them at the start then it would make more sense but really the Maw they didn’t even allow mounts so that wasn’t going to happen.

It probably does in Korthia considering looting chests and nests and caches is ‘content’ in that zone.

Is that what’s OP’s problem is, can’t find their way up the trees?

Also the discrepancies in gear make it impossible to get to rare before it’s dead.

Doubtful, considering they asked for it in 9.2. The content is old by that point and useless.

They originally signed it on behalf of all pet and mount collectors. So the content isn’t useless then for those purposes.

I have no idea why you are still posting in this thread since you are so against the idea of flying in Korthia, for reasons I can not understand (it will be legacy content and liekly irrelevant in 9.2, anyways).

I actually gave some examples of why flying would be beneficial in this zone. Konthrogz, Reliwik, Venthyr rare, etc. If you are in certain parts of the zone when these events start it is nearly impossible to get to the rare in time before they are dead.

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I would even take this as a compromise. Something similar to Mechagon pre-flight!

Yeah it pretty much is. Because only two mounts require doing parkour for them. And again, it’s old content. Just like it’s stupid easy now to get the Silverwind Larion.

And so. If you are in the zone enough, you will be in the area sooner or later.

Well if it is so easy to get, why does it need to be made easier yet? Do you seriously, think blizzard is going to go back and do the work to make these two zones into flying zones, just because someone wants to make ‘efficient’ use of their time?

The zones are already designed for flying, similar to other Shadowlands zones, they would just need to add invisible barriers around the zones.

You are acting like this would be a major overhaul, such as Blood Elf/Draenei starting zones, when it would likely require very little effort on Blizz’s part to implement


I hope they would but like some others have said, some of the areas you unlock never get flying. I am sure Blizzard takes that into account as play time as you have to run everywhere. It’s another thing Blizzard will hear and not fix cause they don’t care.

They should have unlocked Flying for the entire expansion when you learned it in Korthia but they are too lazy or hate us too much. I’m going with the former.

really? do you have any proof for that because I understood there was a need for them to do a huge amount of stuff to make flying zones and that is why WoD flying for one was delayed for 9 months.