Please Add Breeding Centers

I believe so. I am sensing a theme.

It already exists - It’s called the Goldshire Inn on Moon Guard.


Op,they were actually thinking of that back in wod but didn’t bring a form of it til now in SL. I guess that’ll be it for awhile .

The awesome feature isn’t the breeding center. It’s that they conveniently place them next to large bodies of water so that you can drown all those imperfect pokemon that you’re “releasing into the wild” (which I’m sure would also be completely ethical if that’s what you were actually doing).

I know that my favorite aspect of Pokemon is catching a Machop and making him my best friend until I realize he has the wrong ability or can’t inherit the right moves, and let’s not even get into those terrible hidden stats. I love that no matter how great of a trainer you are, no amount of training will ever overcome how arbitrarily terrible your best friend is. Sorry, buddy, to the river with you! I mean, right after I lock you in the forced breeding center for a while with a Ditto that’s shaped like a certain male pleasure device.

Pokemon is my favorite eugenics simulator.

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People use flagging as a downvote and hope ideas they don’t like get removed in the process. Fortunately the mods see right through their shenanigans.

After people asked for weddings and babies, asking for a breeding center sounds soooooo damn wrong lol


What’s wrong robotmouth, the AH dried up and you have nothing else to do?

Those are collectors of battle pets.
They very same people who would likely engage with this type of content being discussed.
Also, based on that site I would imagine a ton more players engage with battle pets on a more casual basis.
144k serious or semi-serious pet collectors feels like a big number.


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Oof, I feel inadequate after signing up for that site now. Barely snuck in the top 15k >:(


If that’s what you need to tell yourself, go for it my dude.

they talked about doing this in WoD but ran into problems


I’d love for you to stop posting about wanting babies tbh.

Yes they are. They post like every day if not every other day about wanting babies and breeding in WoW. It’s just plain scary.


Don’t assume that I did not read the op’s post. I did, in fact no where in my post did I say anything sexual. I used the term breeding with the same context as the op with pet breeding. It was your mind that went into the gutter and added the different context missing the joke completely.

Also don’t assume I don’t know how pokemon games work. I own a complete first edition set of the cards and have been a fan since before the games came out. Blizzard did want to set up the battle pet system for breeding to be a part of it, that is why pets have different stats and sexes. For whatever reason they decided not to go in that way. Over in the pet collecting forum this type of feature has been talked about on and off for years now.

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OP, whats the matter with you?

You create some of the creepiest threads.


Oh, I’m all for improvements or meaningful additions. I love pet battles! I spent the better part of 2-3 months JUST pet battling non stop when MoP first launched. That’s not an exaggeration either. I really did that. We haven’t really had any of those since they added dungeons, and even they could be better. The achievement pets are also pretty awful to get. I just don’t think that this system is what we need.

These must be the captive breeding programs the Pandaren keep taking about…


Oh I know OP wants a Pokemon breeding centre.

They have made multiple posts about how well they are doing on the AH and how much money they have, now they are asking for something else to do, I was pointing out how the AH must have dried up and they now need something else to do.

I’m pretty sure that the OP is fully aware that their thread title makes it look like bait.