Please Add A Entropic Embrace Toggle

So you’re not paying attention? Heck I’ve gotten several of them to start putting people on ignore rather than engage. (though I’ll admit mileage has varied on effectiveness.)

I told you you’d be better off ignoring them.

Most other posts I’ve done regarding people’s behavior wasn’t directed at you.

We talked about the Avarie thing last… But I didn’t attack you that I’m aware of on Discord…

Actually we’ve always been pretty pleasant towards one another there.

I didn’t call anyone toxic.

You saw me listing why folk might ignore someone and assumed I was talking about you and pros…

If you read more into it than that I’m sorry.

Then you left the LoQ discord.

Sorry I wasn’t trying to say the two of you were talking. Just that you both seem to have that view. Whether it’s separately or not.

Quel’thalas did but not all the high elves. And no it did not make sense especially considering two of the Windrunner sisters were fiercely Alliance. We literally have Alleria’s statue near our front gate!

When people say “they want high elves to be playable” we are talking about the high elves who never left the Alliance.


the current faction imbalance has nothing to do with horde having blood elves, and no amount of options given to void elves is going to fix it


I’m not saying I would say no to what you’re asking for, I love options, but, let’s not use the race with the least customization getting some new stuff as a reason the race that has two race’s worth of customization should get even more.

Unfortunately my friend, that ship has sailed.

Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely think they should be in-game for players. However, as I mentioned earlier, I think they should be at the head of a third faction. High Elves have been through a ton over the past century, and their growth should be reflected in a meaningful way. They should not simply be a bone thrown at the Alliance.

With High Elves at the head of a third faction, then plenty of additional races will be available for playable status. Further, Blizzard can make “allied races” into proper variants for their parent races (it’s a staple in proper RPGs). Doing this, other popular player requests, like Wildhammers, Half Elves, Taunka, and others, can enter the playable realm.

I can set 10.0 ON FIRE if Blizzard gave me a chance. Third faction, led by High Elves, with six additional races announced over the span of six weeks, in an expansion focused on rebuilding AND claiming new strongholds for the three factions. Add in the restoration of locations like Gilneas and Lordaeron, with a renewed presence of the Scourge in a refortified Stratholme and a newly founded pirate kingdom somewhere, and we’ll be in business.

This. It bothers me every time I see a customization that effectively looks like alliance blood elves (i.e., high elf options to appease the alliance high elf playerbase).

I like my voidy void elves and it feels like I’m getting basically nothing (except black and white hair) because most of the changes are to try to appease high elf fans instead of adding new actual customization options like updated facial hair options to match how they updated some of the core races (such as male night elves with separate beard, sideburn, and mustache options).

I would much rather have separate races for alliance high elves and void elves with their own class options and racials instead of trying to water down void elves to try to appease multiple factions of players (those of us who want voidy void elves and those who want alliance high elves).


Next you’ll be asking for the name to change to “High Elf” when someone cursors over your character.

Where does it end? When Void Elves are straight up deleted from the game?


No toggle for it please. It is the only thing left to distinguish void elves visually from others as the void is our theme and identity

This is not justification to make it a toggle, specially since people had grown to like VE’s as they are currently.


@OP I honestly don’t care either way. I’m just saying that you’re all “don’t take away from me!” when you’re completely fine with taking away the uniqueness of the race you’re trying to emulate.

You can argue all you want that High Elves existed in the lore first, but that doesn’t change the fact that as a playable race in the game Blood Elves came before Void Elves by a decade.

That says a lot about you.

Basically this. Blizz shot themselves in the foot and now are trying to figure out how to fix the issue and make High Elf crowd happy which won’t happen short of giving actual High Elves.


High Elves never belonged to the Alliance. They’ve been Horde longer than they’ve been Alliance at this point. I respect your feelings but I feel differently.


This here is what I disagree with. There is some high elves in alliance, but because blood elves and void elves exist, it makes 0 sense to make a “direct” high elf race. It is stretching it as it is to even let void elves look the part.

My opinion is a more indirect approach, which also adds new levels of story, theme, and role-play value, add half-elves instead of high elves, with their own looks, model and skeleton/rig.

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Wrong. Entropic Embrace will generally have around a 20% uptime in combat, because it lasts 12 seconds, has a 1 minute ICD, and will almost always proc off one of the first few actions you take once it gets off the ICD.

Please stop crying; blood elves already have the best hairstyles in the game and void elves don’t.

The visual effect from Entropic Embrace sucks for the same reason the visual effect from Shadowform sucks, yet there’s a glyph to tone Shadowform down and no one says that’s totally unfair to affliction warlock identity, shadow priests already stole the dispel protection from affliction warlocks :sob:, etc.

Your comparing a class glyph of a class that can choose on what they can do vs. a race that has been intrinsically transformed into another state of being and basically becoming a void creature.

Yeah no, this is not a good arguement bud.

Also that is your opinion, entripic embrace looks awesome.


Not wrong. If you stare at your character in combat so much that you are obsessed with this while not rp’ing… then that’s a you issue and try not to die to bad stuff, because you’re so focused on what you look like.

  1. No one is crying.
  2. Hairstyles are subjective and irrelevant to this conversation.

… because a priest has nothing to do with a warlock. This comment made zero sense.

And Shadowform is permanent. EE is not. Poor attempt.


If you should never pay attention to what your character looks like while in combat then why are there glyphs for Shadowform and Moonkin Form? Also there are fights with long periods of low or no damage. If you’re playing a healer, Entropic Embrace sometimes even procs from your HoTs during boss fight transition phases, where everyone is frozen because some cutscene is playing for some members of the raid.

They are relevant. People who whine how much uniqueness void elves stole from blood elves should just get over it because blood elves have much better hairstyles anyway.

They’re both spooky DoT casting specs, and some abilities that were once unique to affliction warlocks were eventually given to shadow priests, such as a DoT with dispel protection.

Shadowform is not permanent; you can actually turn it off.

Because people spend a lot of time out of combat with their characters. This isn’t rocket science.

So? Why does it matter? God forbid you look purple for 12 seconds while in a boss fight. :roll_eyes:

No. They aren’t. This discussion has nothing to do with your subjective opinion on hair.

One has nothing to do with the other. One is a Warlock, the other is a Priest. One has a form, the other does not. You made the worst comparison this week and failed to make your point. Good job. :+1:

Meaning it’s not a short duration proc. It’s permanent when you turn it on by yourself. The only time Priests don’t use Shadowform is if they feel like turning it off out of combat. In combat, it’s always there. And it’s always visible— even with the glyph you tried to use as some ridiculous comparison.

Move on, dude. You have no argument worth anything here. And I’m not wasting my time on you anymore.


Weird, Shadowform and Moonkin Form only provide benefits while in combat, so you’re wrong yet again.

It’s not “for 12 seconds while in a boss fight”; it’s for around twenty percent of the boss fight at minimum.

It’s not really a “subjective opinion” that receding hairlines like the ones in almost all of the available void elf hairstyles are generally less attractive.

I made a good point actually; you’re the one who isn’t making a point. “One’s a warlock, one’s a priest, your argument is invalid, hurr durr!”

If only there were a way to please all people who have differing opinions on how Entropic Embrace looks! Maybe they could add an Entropic Embrace toggle like the OP has argued. I’d like to have as much control over how my character looks at all times as blood elf players have over how their characters look.

Oh there is! Don’t roll a void elf…

Or maybe don’t roll the race that is themed on the void with void racials?

Also no toggle.


I didn’t roll a void elf, I faction changed my character from a blood elf to a void elf so I could play with 99% of the community on an Alliance-dominated realm, so your solution is stupid.