Please Add A Entropic Embrace Toggle

Most folk don’t see a big difference being created by hairstyles. In fact a great deal on both sides see hairstyles as akin to scars and damaged ears. QoL rather than specific to a race or group.

Hair color was a bit more of a sticking point because of the (admittedly small) lore of Void Elves.

Of course there were arguments for and against.

Technically she presented it as I support the anti’s and not the pros at all.

She and Gnomest have had this viewpoint for awhile, and I suspect they’re not the only ones.

If they want to assume I’m lying about my stance then so be it. If they were paying attention to my actions as well as my words maybe they would think otherwise.

Still I don’t think Sara needs to be poked on this. If thats how shes going to believe things have gone thats up to her.

The fighting about it at this point is silly.

Even that ponytail is modified pretty good because of the tentacle. (Which is actually a shame cause sans the tentacle I think Blood Elf folk would enjoy it.)

Give me onyx skin tones!

I guess the babies bit? I don’t know. It’ll probably be restored though.

True, but I find most can.

At the very least they can mute folk they find objectionable.

At least if they really are tired of the fighting. Otherwise they’re just looking for an excuse I think.

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Honestly I don’t think you should care, not supporting HE options on the alliance is not a character flaw.

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At this point I don’t care what they think I support or not.

I know what I support.

If they want to continue the fighting and the finger pointing and the “You’re not enough of a pro” thing, thats on them.

I have my high elf.

I have my void elves.

I have my blood elves.

I want more things for all three but I’m not going to say my wants are better than someone elses.


How does High Elf RP even go? Do you just announce it for all to hear every few minutes?

“YUUUUUS, Ever since i stepped away from the blood elves it’s so nice to be a high elf again”

“You there, did you know im actually a high elf? hair flip


Trp or other mods are used to give an idea of your toon and what people are interacting with if they engage.

It’s no different than any other rp.

Writing a book there yin?

Punishing an entire race in the game because you disagree with some people is not the flex you think it is fam.


Ok, this is the point where we back up, and make some clarifications.

I understand that many Alliance players want to play High Elves. I, for the record, will advocate for a SEPARATE RACE of them to appear. HOWEVER: I greatly mind the fact that their fans have used the existence of Void Elves as a vehicle to “create playable” High Elves. Sorry you didn’t get your Elves to play with initially, but what’s being done now, isn’t right.

I’ll go so far as to say that I hate it. Void Elves have been warped by the Void, mentally and physically. It should be reflected in some way, in every option selected. You should NOT walk into the process, then out of the process, looking exactly the same.

And even IF by the grace of lameness you do, Entropic Entropy absolutely SHOULD be there to let you, and everyone around you know, that you aren’t the same xxLegolasxx that you were before. So, screw the topic of this thread, an Entropic Embrace toggle should NOT give an option to turn it off. Rather, it should only leave it on. Be proud of your new self.

Having said that: I think Blizzard should make separate, playable High Elves. They should then take advantage of the existence of Blood Elves, High Elves and Void Elves, and work them into a Dawn, Day and Dusk theme. Then make a third faction and yeet High Elves on it :stuck_out_tongue:

Not today. And, to answer your High Elf RP question: isn’t that the exact opposite of what did when they announced themselves as Blood Elves :rofl:


Well written.

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How would it if most of us are Horde anyway? We’d just change our looks.

This. I would love for them to separate void elves and high elves. both fans deserve their dreams. Shoehorning the high elves with void elves was a very big mistake and dishonerable to both sides.

This is why I stopped using Unian as toon on the forums. as much as I love her. I hate the discomfort the race is now.
Yes, you can absolutely loathe something simply because of it’s fanbase. It’s happens and it’s hardly something you can control. The brain is a weird machine.


pls no more stuff for velf
or elves in general

a lot of other race customization is getting over looked for elf stuff


That is not what I am saying.

No, being a pro or anti isn’t about who attacks. No, this isn’t how a community actually works. Let me put it this way to you, you’ll pull up a Pro on anything. But where is you pulling up the Anti’s on there behaviour? :thinking:

Honestly Fen, let me ask you this. Why are you actually defending them from there behaviour, but you’ll be on someone’s case such as myself if it is my behaviour?

I mean, if you like, lets go back to before Lann left the LoQ discord server. Remember when Lann started posting here, him thinking of Blood Elves losing stuff, but then was attacking the High Elf community on the forums over skin colours? Yeah, what did I do, ask you if you could ask him to just calm down on the forums. No, you didn’t do that, instead, you attacked me on discord thinking I am entising him with his post.

Or the other day, when I was wondering if I did something wrong to Fallyn to be ignored, oh that’s right, I’m toxic, even though you tried to make it like you’re not talking about me, but you obviously were. I’m not stupid Fenelon. Maybe it is time you come out with the truth to everyone.

I don’t know what Gnomest has of you, but I have entirely different opinions about you.

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Just wanna take a moment to point out from what I’m reading it seems like the common denominator in the situation being described is pretty clear hence why there isn’t a need to comment on people outside of that?

Furthermore aside from that entropic embrace shouldn’t be allowed to be turned off on VEs.

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Go back to your Blood Elf thread!

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While we’re at it can we make blood Elves San’layn?


Just not gonna be happy until Void Elves aren’t void anymore are we?


They shouldn’t keep taking VEs passes either VEs pass should be Void options


And it felt poor to us to have blood elves be given to the Horde, Alliance fans who have had high elves since Warcraft 3 and even VANILLA WOW where high elves were part of the Alliance and even aggroed Horde in the few zones they were in.

Quel’thalas left the Alliance long ago we’ve been Horde longer than we ever were Alliance at this point, and the story always made more sense with the connection to the forsaken on their door step.