Please Add A Entropic Embrace Toggle

Hi There,

I realize this post will almost immediately be attacked or bashed. But I would like to request one more feature for Void Elves, and that is to add in an NPC in Telogrus Rift, that will allow us to hide the Entropic Embrace effect (the racial where the void elf body goes full on voidy).

Honestly, even on my voidy colored Elves, the effect is often times a bit much, and I’d just like the ability to hide it’s effects. As it stands, Vulpera can change their racial mount’s appearance by summoning their camp and clicking on a bag, so I don’t see what harm there would be in adding this option in for players who’d like that.

Especially when at this point High Elves are shoe horned into the Void Elves, I think it would be a nice option to have.

AND BEFORE THE BLOOD ELF CROWD comes stomping on in here, to attack my post. It’s not like I’m asking to take anything away from you. Although I easily could, since the High Elves have been a part of EVERY major Alliance evet, like ever, so by all rights things like Paladin(which they could easily do a DK thing were void options were hidden when selecting VE paladin if they did it), Shaman, or even Druid would make sense for VEs…I’m just saying the toggle would be nice.

Also, because of how that crowd is, I feel like I need to add in, that the Blood Elven theme that sets them apart from High Elves, is not their skin or hair color. It’s the following:

Pheonixes as Opposed to Hippogryphs
More Hawkstriders as Opposed to Unicorns
Fel Corruption, or Light Empowerment due to the renewed sunwell (see yellow eyes in game).

So instead of asking to take High Elven stuff away from VEs, ask for Fel corruption options, Phoenix like options, or options that are more Light Forged, like Lightforged Magister tattoos and what not, due to their Sunwell. Just saying.

EDIT: Especially when Nightborne are even getting Glowing Hands, the option for this toggle doesn’t seem unreasonable. Especially when no one initially wanted VEs, we all wanted HEs


I agree. <3


If you could hide what few Void effects you still had as a High Elf-RPer, then you would be taking away more uniqueness from Blood Elves.


It’s always just “one more feature”. :sweat:

You have, already. All racial distinction is gone. We know how easily Void Elf fans can take what they want when they ask long enough.


You chose to be a void elf, with all that entails.


Also, I found OP’s main.

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The tea. I didn’t even recognize this was an alt tbh.


Yet another Void Elf thread to mute like there wasn’t over nine thousand active already.


I don’t really care either way if you get the toggle but, considering VEs already have far more customization options than NB (eg. 20 skin color options vs 3) and are getting even more in 9.1.5, I feel like “NB are getting something” isn’t much of an argument.


And in typical Blizzard fashion they wet the bed and decided to give players some crappy hybrid fictional race (even by WoW standards) that ruined the possibility of them ever truly giving the Alliance a HE option. As a Blood Elf and what remains of the High Elven race I am opposed to giving the Alliance an option to toggle their racial simply because you are that race for better or for worse. If they gave Blood Elves an option to pick between the factions like the Pandaren then I am all for both factions having the same race. They do not however. You are a Void Elf, with it comes certain inherent features which happens to include but is not limited to the racial, Entropic Embrace.


Has purple eyes

is a belf

??? how


yes please. 100% support this.


How what? :face_with_monocle:

High Elves in particular do not take away from Blood Elves, like at all. Just look at things like Pandaren. Also, without an influx of Alliance players, the game will die out.

I am not sure what the revelation of posting for a request on my hunter really means, or why that degrades asking for a toggle swap.

That’s a fair point, but especially since they gave BEs blue eyes that High Elves have, and how in all reality more High Elves exist the Void Elves, it would just be nice to actually get to be the most request race since WoW launched.

There was a glitch, that gave NPC High Elves a more Arcane eye, that looks more realistic, and is white/blue/purple. Instead of just giving them VEs because of the purple colors, they gave them to both races as a cool bonus, when they corrected the glitch.

I’m not arguing against NB or anything. I was just saying that since they are finally going above and beyond for NB, that it wouldn’t be unreasonable for this request to help players who have desperately wanted High Elves, get that. Although the NB did get far more then LF when they were supposed to be equal in this patch. Although I’m honestly ecstatic for my NB atls.


Nope. You’re a Void Elf. It barely lasts long to even notice it while in combat. We didn’t get a form like Worgen because of people like this that would whine. So now you can deal with it, because there are others of us who wanted that look full time and we got screwed.

They aren’t. You’re a Void Elf. Your previous history is meaningless.

It isn’t. Because none of those are cosmetics.

Irrelevant. You’re a Void Elf. The effect is short. You’ll live.



personally im of the type thats the opposite, if they added a toggle my void elves would be permanently entropic form rather than the non spell effect.


My point is they’ve already gone above and beyond with adding things to VEs to appease HE fans without doing anything for NB so going “they’re getting something so we deserve something too” is disingenuous.


High Elves did not steal from Blood Elves, but Blood Elves did give away most of our unique customization options to a model that was already modeled after us, so it can feel poor.

Pandaren were designed to be neutral from the beginning, so the claim falls a little bit short.

I do agree with this. But I don’t agree with more Void Elf options being the solution.



You are a Void Elf, you should be voidy. In fact, you should be more voidy than you are. Any further options for Void Elves should go towards giving them more void option, not less.


No, it is bad enough Void Elf’s unique identity was ruined for the sake of alliance high elves. We wanted more Void customizations not less and now all chances of more are gone.

Blood Elves a core race in the game have been 1 billion % shafted in the name of whiny folk who don’t get how much their identity has been stripped of them too. Blood Elves need their own equally unique niche options similar to void options if not more now because it’s only fair. Blood Elves should get Dark Ranger options, San’layn options, Fel Blood elf options, and yes High Elf only customization like tattoos and more, and the Druid class. Void Elfs should get none of what I just stated. You’re still a void elf and that’s that. You should be asking for more uniqueness and not the killing of a core race.