Please Add A Entropic Embrace Toggle

It’s literally the same thing. You can’t say that it’s fine to add to representation to a race, but then turn around say the types of additions to that race, are now “it’s identity”. lol

This place is meant for requests, and a lot of ppl would like it. Just because you don’t. Doesn’t make it ridiculous.

They literally looked at my stats, and matched it to another character, that level of energy and searching, isn’t the same thing as saying “it’s right there”. But nice try, lol

The convo is about a Toggle request, and it was brought up that it would “further take away the identity of someone else” to add in options of the same vein, that were added for representation, and yes, a dark skinned elf, with natural colored dark hair is still representation. So I mean…I don’t know how that isn’t clear to you.

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"frankly I think we see this as correcting an oversight on our part, over the years. And just trying to improve representation more broadly. We are custodians of a fantasy universe and a world that we build and we don’t want to not do the right thing because we feel shackled to a decision that was made creatively in a different era that was fifteen plus years ago"

I know this was said and feels applicable to apply to any of the races that got added diversity options, I may have read the exchange wrong but I took the their just elves part as an extension of Blizzards stance to add the options to human skin toned races.

And it seems a bit odd for the OP to bring up that in context of VEs because VEs weren’t a human skin toned race and arguably shouldn’t have gotten that range of options that allows them to be non void.

But I may have confused the answer a bit given how OP seemed to bring it up so I read the reply in that context of VEs only, if so I apologize as I do applaud those options being added

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No. You are a void elf. You are not a high elf. You might look like one but you are still a void elf, and thus, you can live with turning purple on occasion. You’ll be alright.


You say it seems odd, but I brought it up as a point. Skin and Hair color options, are representation options in general. For players to feel more connected to their characters.

So for Rhielle to say that VE shouldn’t get any kind of option that allows for such agency, it as if they are saying that any of that representation is bad. Which you would understand if you read the comment chain.

But at the moment, it looks like you’re trying to make it seem like I grabbed it out of nowhere.

It is beyond messed up to say that a skin color or a hair color, is one fantasy race’s sole identity, and therefore shouldn’t be given to another, regardless on if other races have them, and regardless on if those options add for player agency and representaiton.

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Give a finger and they take an arm.


I mean, if this Blizz is finally listening to player feedback, then we should take every opportunity to mention the things we’d like to have or see. But that’s not us being ungrateful or anything. Not that you’ve outright said that, but it’s typically what that comment means.

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VEs shouldn’t have gotten those options because they arguably weren’t a human skin toned race where the diversity additions applied, being you know blue.

You can applaud the diversity options added to human skin toned races and take issue with the loss of visual uniqueness of Blood Elves and the watering down of VEs at the same time because the issue isn’t adding diversity options it’s allowing VEs a set of options in the human skin tone range that is the point of contention not the diversity being added.

Hence why you bringing the two up in the convo is odd, the diversity options to human skin toned races are one thing, VEs getting a second visually distinct theme that allows them to be non void is something entirely different.

As for what the other poster was saying I can’t speak for them but that seemed to me at the time to be what was being said.


It’s a little funny that you have your profile set as “private,” but feel the need to look up someone else’s main. Doesn’t matter how “easy” it is, you still took the time to do it. Something that has NO relevance to this post at all.

Holy crap this comment thread is toxic. Even if they gave the alliance high elves completely, it wouldn’t “take away” from blood elf identity. If they want to say that high elves are completely integrated into blood elves then they need to stop making high elves a major part of the alliance story.

And though I personally would love if they gave the undead (or blood elves) dark ranger options… That would definitely be the end of the Alliance. Blood elves are the most played race in the game for a reason. And Ion is quoted, on camera, as saying they were given to the Horde to “address the imbalance issue.” Well they certainly did that a little TOO well.

How they have to address the current imbalance issue. And obviously the mechagnome abominations aren’t going to do it.


Go ahead and post my alts. I don’t really care.

Not going to because trying to “discredit” someone in that way is a douche thing to do. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.


However, in the game we do see VEs that do have human skin tones. Both in Telogrus, and in Alleria herself, who is now considered a Void Elf. One could argue that was done for weird lore reasons, but her eyes aren’t even purple from the Shadow Corruption. They’ve intentionally set it up that way.

I understand a bit of what you’re saying however.

But this thread convo was never about if they should get or keep their visually distinct theme. Rather, if they should get a toggle, to help with the human skin tones they’ve already attached to the race.

But one could argue that the fault is also on Blizz, for having High Elves everywhere, and not making them more distinct from Blood Elves as it is.


Making up statistics now, eh? And also irrelevant. You’re a Velf. Deal with it.

It takes five seconds, because everything is Blizzard’s and you own nothing.

Thanks, yours was poor.

They don’t listen to ridiculous things like this. Just like they didn’t listen to people who begged to turn off Worgen form. They’re a Worgen, not a Human. You’re a Velf, not a Helf/Belf.

Wrong. Never once said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. You begging to turn off a Velf racial has zero to do with skin colors. My comment was just towards your nonsense in even trying to equate the two. They’re elves and you’re a Velf, not a Helf/Belf. You can deal with a purple proc.

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Actually it was, you even are quoted in this thread, as saying Elves should not have gotten darker skin tones for representation.

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No. I said there is no “representation.” Saying they shouldn’t have gotten the skin tones was an entirely separate sentence that had nothing to do with “representation” and everything to do with retconning the lore. If you can’t understand what someone says, ask first, instead of trying to push some false agenda.

And again… has absolutely not a damn thing to do with a racial proc.

If it fits in elven lore then it’s fine for the race. I do not know enough about all the elven lore to say they should or should not have darker skin options. What I will say is that adding features for ‘representation’ that do not make sense or fit with the story would be a poor choice.

Well, yes, technically, they did have to retcon the lore a little bit to add dark-skinned Blood Elves, but it’s not a huge retcon. A bigger retcon would be adding those skins to the default Orcs, since a big part of their lore is their skin becoming green due to demonic corruption. Mag’har already have those skin colors.

Male Blood Elves literally got so shafted on the customization pass, it actually just hurts. Hopefully, we get more.


We love High Elves, yes, but we shouldn’t completely destroy what’s left of Void Elf identity

Ask for proper High Elves instead

Void Elves go deeper into the Void

Blood Elves embraces the Light more than ever

High Elves, on their search for a new identity, accepts new combat styles (Shamanism, Druidism)


My thread has a whole section about EE.


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It’s not stalking. The user in question has likely used a pvp site or browser add-on which lists all your characters a bot has crawled up. Just deactivate the sharing data option and you will be fine.