Playing without URH hurts the game

This affix - alone made classes viable.

If you want a good way of making all classes viable u just throw URH into the mix and most classes can be played.

DH / Frost Mage is a perfect example of last season - were good because of URH, but this season literally cannot be played because of the cooldowns they have.

Nobody wants to actually sit on a 3min CD blizz. There’s a reason why nobody wants to play frost / havoc. Their cooldowns are legit outdated.

Deathborne is the main source of frost mage damage, and they do tank dmg right now. You know why? Because it’s on a 3 minute cooldown and the dungeon only goes on for 30min. You get 10 uses out of DB in any dungeon, and most of the time unless ur perfectly timing it, it feels BAD to use.

Why is someone’s 3min cd, meta, db, etc feeling BAD TO PRESS? Like in a 15, you get absolutely negative value out of meta / DB because mobs die in two seconds. You actually feel bad pressing ur big cooldowns.


Some mages have been clamoring for damage outside of CDs to be buffed. It sucks hitting like a wet noodle outside of IV/lich window.


Yeah exactly. Like my frost mage is actually sad in 15s pressing DB. How am i upset using my omega massive cooldowns where i’m supposed to blast. same issue w/ boomkins / havoc.

why in the world is pressing a huge 3min feeling BAD to use. Literally look at any 3min cd class and they’re bad rn.

Agreed, it sucks.

I feel for yall boomkins (im assuming ur a boomy)

literally a 3min cooldown to do hunter damage without cooldowns.

no wonder people who play 3min classes are upset. they literally do hunter dmg without cooldowns in their “big blast” cds.


I am, fortunately the devs are aware waiting every 3 min to rival the damage of another spec doesn’t feel good and is being looked at for DF.

Fingers crossed.


When boomkins hit their 3min ramp set up - they should absolutely obliterate mobs. Not do 20k, like i do without tyrant up.


Dont the new mage talent trees alleviate some of this cooldown dependency?

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Yeah - it helps a bit. I think people just don’t like being based around 3mins because honestly it feels awful.

Ret palas, boomys, havoc, it’s all the same thing. all these classes have 3minutes that should be the most powerful abilities in the game - but they’re not.

Why am I out damaging a boomkin that has their 3min CA window when I don’t have tyrant up

this has nothing to do with skill level rotation etc. it’s because their class feels bad to press their 3min on.


Honestly, I prefer Vy back then than Urh relic.

Shrouded right now let us get stacks of bounties per each Dreadlord we kill. And we could choose which bounties to get at the start. If you didnt choose, you would would get Versatility as your Bounty per stack. I somewhat like this too.

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I think this is a subset of the game evolving into an almost entirely cooldown based game.

And unfortunately (or fortunately) cooldown stacking and burst damage profiles are always going to be better than sustained damage profiles unless the sustained is so high it’s almost at burst levels.


Frost DK misses Urh so much.

100% uptime Breath again please.

I feel like the same argument can be made for the dreadlord buffs after this season, though for different classes. Urh was good for the classes it was good for, but it wasn’t great for everyone.

But URH was more impactful than the shrouded buff - think about the classes that actually benefited from it.

sure u can do a million damage with shrouded but u never have CDs because there’s a 3 min window for like 60% of the classes

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Too much damage is tied into CDs and not enough in sustained. It’s a delicate balance act that can feel bad if the pendulum swings too far.


Yeah but it makes sense thought. You should not be hitting for 1 billion damage while also being ranged dps and able to be away at any range from boss. You need downsides and negatives to your class. Essentially whats being asked is to be made a literal god class with no negatives.

All CDs should be lowered to 1 minute and tuned appropriately. The 2, 3, 5… minute CDs were OK 10 years ago, but they don’t fit into WoW anymore. CDs should be up every other pull during a mythic plus run. Let players use their abilities instead of sitting on them for 2 specific pulls during a dungeon.

I’m not gonna lie, I sat here looking at this post like this:

I thought the all caps use of Urh was like, some kind of acronym or abbreviation or something for an affix I didn’t remember but I get the point now. Yes, having CDR and mana back in dungeons made them more enjoyable. I would argue more enjoyable than previous. I did keys and it had been fun back in the previous season.

I see no issue with it. It’d be fun. I would like for it to become a normal staple of M+ though and not tied to Zereth Mortis somehow.

The lack of URH this tier is legitimately why I’ve been playing Fire. The only constructive thing I can suggest is think of yourself as a mage and not just a frost mage.

why are 3 minute ramp classes doing surv hunter dmg without cds

like these 3 minute classes are being shafted because the front loaded class like surv, are doing 50k WITHOUT cooldowns.

There’s a TON of bosses that have zulgamex before the boss. If you have a 3min cd, you have 50 seconds left after you kill zulgamex until you have ur 3min back - these classes CANT do dmg if they pop on zulgamex and the boss.

meanwhile i get fairied and i have 40 second tyrant and i can tyrant twice on zulgamex and STILL have tyrant for the boss.