Playing with 'Friends'

Your first post in this thread specifically brings up queue syncing with more than 5 people. Nobody has said anything about queuing with more than 5 people. You brought up a topic which was not relevant or being discussed here.


Calm down. You are so angry you are contradicting yourself.

I imagine your tipped your fedora as you typed this.


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Counting down and queueing at the same time while crossing your fingers to get into one instance is most definitely not an exploit, nor does it require any third party programs.


No one said it required third party programs.

It is unintended behaviour that gives people an unfair advantage over others. It’s the textbook definition of an exploit.

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A community I’m in will sometimes count down from 5 using in game chat to queue. It’s not necessarily in the spirit of fair play but it is most assuredly not an exploit. No scripting, no macros, no third party programs, no clever use of game mechanics. It’s just two people pressing the queue button simultaneously.

Yeah they do use it, it’s not required though.

Is english a second language for you?

I’m curious as to why you’ve chosen to emphasize the use of third party programs so many times in this thread if it wasn’t central to your point.


Because it’s the main way people coordinate to bypass the devs 5 person limit on groups queueing up to play battlegrounds.

Pretty high rate of failure for an ‘exploit.’ :man_shrugging:

‘Let’s queue together. We probably won’t end up in the same instance but gosh, I hope we do.’

Criminal masterminds. Ban them all.


You are purposefully understating how easy it is for these groups to sync their queues. They will have 1 of each group zone in to check if it’s the right map and if need be /afk out and log an alt.

Just because it isn’t 100% reliable doesn’t make it ok. Item and gold dupes that aren’t 100% successful aren’t ok. Invulerability exploits that aren’t 100% aren’t ok.

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there is zero way this particular situation could ever be stopped without some serious new coding and I mean crippling a lot of things, all to fix the most outlier situation around.

It’s also something I guarantee isn’t attempted often and its success is astronomically low.

They’re purposefully syncing queues to try to bypass the 5-person limit for a premade.

If syncing queues didn’t work, they wouldn’t bother doing it.

That too.

If you guys cared about fair play, you wouldn’t be trying to bring a premade raid into a casual bg that’s not supposed to have premade raids.

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…no, playing with your friends means playing with the people you call friends, or guild mates at the very least. If you have none, that is your fault. Battlegrounds is now and always has been a “team game” regardless of whatever else one might say about it.

So if you identify as a “solo player” in a team game…you are already doing it wrong.

As for the rest, simply remove the queue limits. I mean, how dare players try to play together in a team setting? Preposterous.

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It’s an MMORPG. The central idea is to play with other people so… Yeah, it’s Blizzard’s policy

No one is asking for a singleplayer battleground.

not on that 110 you aren’t.

Are you sure? …because this complaint specifically addresses those mean team players that gang up on the OP for …LOL DAYS AT A TIME and prevent her from completing her PVP goals…

There is NO SUCH THING as a solo player in a battleground… Well unless your plan is specifically to lose over and over again…so no surprises here.

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Perfectly understandable, and it seen most player like and are more than Okay with such abuse. Some players like it Hot
I’m done with this topic