I level a bunch of alts, but I typically will only play with one or two beyond that. For me, it’s a good sign if I’m happily leveling alts at this point in the expansion because it means I’m still energized to play. Sometimes, I just end up taking breaks at this stage. When I’m really enjoying the game, though, I make alts.
In Vanilla, I had like five level 60’s.
In BfA, I had a 120 of every class (except Demon Hunter, which I don’t care for).
I didn’t really level alts in SL or DF.
This expansion, I have four 80’s and am playing heavily with my Evoker and a Mage alt.
The Augmentation Evoker will be my main raid spec for season 2 until and unless my guild needs me to get back on the healer.
The Frost Mage is an Engineer, and I’m enjoying the heck out of leveling that. I haven’t done a lot of engineering, historically speaking, and it hasn’t been since MoP that I actually leveled Engineering all the way to the end and did the whole pets/toys/mounts thing.
It’s a good time.
I level a lot of alts because that’s super fun, but if I play any of them seriously beyond that, it’s usually just one or sometimes two. Never more than that.
Out of the 13 “alts” I have… 7 are lvl 80… 3 of them are 628+ ilvl and 8/8H. the other 4 are only 608ish… I just claim to have 3 mains at this point. Tank, DPS/Heal off spec, and huntard. Just to round out the needs of filling any role.
14 alts now and all after getting to 80 Do delves until al champ gear making sure all vaults are 616s for all of them… I can’t stop I just can’t haha
i have a lot, most are the same professions, i run the around gather , get them to level cap, nice to switch up, i have all major professions covered to make tools and some gear
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30 alts… maybe 31 now
Um, but yea as people said above. I just like leveling different characters and seeing all the stories and what not. Not all of them are max level (none of them are right now since I just came back after a break during SL’s)
But yea, I just like to try every race and every class on both factions. My goal one of these days is to have different servers with different race class combos. So like one server has a bunch of human toons with all their classes. Another server with BE’s. And one with Trolls. Etc.
It’ll never happen, but man would that be cool.
I play tons of alts, but I don’t worry about gearing all of them. My 4 main guys I will get decent gear, nothing crazy, just good enough for farming older content solo and the rest get whatever is easily available or on hand from leveling everyone.
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I literally roll dice…nah, just kidding.
I cycle through my alts for various things. Usually it’s to mount farm and collect TW badges. My main has the best gear, but I slowly get my alts gear as I do TW.
in previous expansions, i have typically had a “main” in each role: tank, healing, dps.
as a “serious casual”, i am not pushing the envelope of endgame content, so gearing and playing is not that big of a deal.,
in TWW, I have stuck with the tanking role in m+, as frustrating as it has been.
I have gotten four tanks to 2k score and 619-622 ilevel (bear, VDH, BDK, warrior). I am working on my prot pally. not likely to run the brewmaster in m+.
but to your question about gearing, i will give blizz a high five for alt gearing. between renown, siren isle, crafting, and delves, you can be at 600+ ilevel within just an hour or two and ready to go off into the progression endgame content of your choice.
the recent changes to earning crests in m+ (you get more) and the amount needed to upgrade gear (you need fewer) and the ability to upgrade convert crests (you need fewer of the lower crest to get the higher crest), make it all a much smoother process.
i guess the one area that is tricky is really filling the vault for all of the toons. since I have a 2k score goal in m+, my toons cap out at ~ 619-622 ilevel. Once they reach that level and I max out the gear track with runed, and maybe convert a few guilded, I am simply on to the next toon and do it all over again. so I am more or less focusing on one toon at a time.
54 alts, all level 70, all around ilvl 480. I hoarded lots of dalaran defender gear from the pre-patch event. I still have more if I decide to fill the last 11 slots.
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I’m the same way I have multiple hunters and monks with different specs and races, but I’ve leveled every class to max level
Far too many and I blame Delves.
I have three characters who range from 631 to 639, three - I think - who are 623-625(?), and a bunch more who are in the low 600s. For good or ill, easy leveling in TWW opened up a world of options for altoholics.
At most I have like 4. My main, usually Warlock, and then Hunter and DK as alts.
Sometimes I’ll throw in Rogue, or SPriest, depending on my mood.
But DK, Hunter and Lock has been my core cycle for a few expansions now.
BFA was actually when I had the most alts, despite it being so alt unfriendly.
I usually get my main fully PvP geared, then I have 12 alts I mess around with for fun (602-608 ilvl).
I have about 50 alts; however, not all of them are geared, maybe about 2 or 3. The reason is mounts/forms (for druids), toys, and stuff like that I like to farm, or combinations of races and classes
I play 5 characters. Prot Pally, Guardian Druid, Arcane Mage, Sub Rogue, and Hunter. I deleted every other character shortly after I transferred all of their currency off them and emptied their banks. I don’t have time for more than the Druid and Mage, but keep the others free if I need them.
I pick a main each season and invest all the time I can. Beyond that it’s other games and other responsibilities.
Never was interested in alts, probably never will be.
I leveled 5 other alts to 80. Two of them I play regularly as alts. My Mistweaver is decently geared at 634 and my Pres Evoker is 617. For the most part I just do world quests and run keys with them. It’s fun getting away from the main and playing other toons time to time.
I used to have several max level alts in previous expansions. Now I just have my main (Pally) and my old main (Druid) that Ill log into everyone once in a while. My Druid has been sitting at 73 for a few months now. Just dont have time like I used to.
Delves have been a game changer for alts. I set my goals at unlocking the tier sets for everyone. Haven’t even come close in season 1 though! Maybe I’ll do better in season 2.
Oops, meant to reply to the OP, not you. Although you’re still welcome to read it
I have 37 characters, ranging from level 70 to 80 (most are 80.)
Cheapest gear I can find on the AH with the highest ilevel.
Outside of my original 10 characters that I’ve had from the vanilla to Wrath era, my characters were created for their heritage armor and to mount farm so I don’t give a fudge what they’re wearing.