Playing twinks is fun.

11/07/2018 02:25 PMPosted by Ruffiaann
didnt realize you could post with rules kinda thought this was an open forum but then anyone that plays a twink thinks they are special anyway

You can't make your own rules. The forums have never been anyone's personal diary.
11/07/2018 05:03 PMPosted by Idun
Please no negative twink views there are plenty of other threads about that.


You want to tell people not to post, make a blog.

Twinks and twinking ruin the game. Truth hurts.

Nothing like a poorly placed bad healer to spoil a Deepwind Gorge.
23 DWG 3 Wins - That 12% win rate is crippling.
Bad players ruin the game for sure.
Nom nom nom eating levelers till muh belly full. But seriously we war game when possible make a 39 and get in on the fun!
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11/07/2018 05:03 PMPosted by Idun
Please no negative twink views there are plenty of other threads about that.


You want to tell people not to post, make a blog.

Twinks and twinking ruin the game. Truth hurts.

At least we can get BIS gear for a lot of slots , unlike at lvl 120

yea if you visit xpoff com you can find the 39 bis list for classes so you can get a twink up and going, its a lot of fun.

bfa sucks, not buying it has saved me time and money friend

i usually run max level bgs, but im not getting sucked into this expansion so twinks it is for me


posts need to be 10 characters so i added this too

Man this new forum layout is cancer…

This thread kinda makes me want to dust off this old twink. It’s been years, I wonder how terrible I would be.

110 is lit

you would have a lot of fun if you regeared. just check xp off . com 39 forums has bis list and armory.

Gave it a bit of a look, it doesn’t appear that I’d have to do all that much. Just about ready to give up on the grind for my main.

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not a single twink in this thread mentioned the advantage of completely rolling over non twinks? that has to be one of the reason it’s fun, right? i doubt you guys would have fun if you xp off’d and stayed in leveling gear…


Twinking has been part of WoW since the beginning.
I personally have had fun throughout every phase that this game has thrown my way over the years.
The huge overhaul that BFA gearing system has brought forth is a masterpiece.
Custom characters have never had so many options and it is amazingly done.

Unmatched balance and access really set this system far beyond anything we have seen in previous WoW.


Activity is high because you have ‘normal’ players to ‘feed’ on.
It’s been proved before, that when separated…you guys nearly die out.

Sorry, I know you asked for no negative twink posts here…but twinking is a very negative thing to the MAJORITY of playerbase.
I don’t deny you are having fun, have the right…etc.
But in the end it’s just a minority ruining it for the rest.


Whatever, Twink = Loser that person have no skill at 120 and avoid doing 120. They’re alway looking for less 3 shoting to made lvling ppls piss off. I only have 1 Twink toon and not more. But I decided and it’s not worth it then stop play twink.

Need nerf on Mark of Hidden Satyr, Elemental Force and some scale weapons. Twink love to get Prinecess Threradras’ Scepter at 39 with enchant. It’s dam nearest 1 shot to everyone with 2 abilities. Also there is more somewhere in dungeons and that is already scale to your twink at each lvl bracket (19, 29, 39, and so on). That Xpoff site is need to be destory or change.

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Thanks for the contribution to our positive thread.

I use Wowhead, should this one be removed?


Yea, just 1 twink for tried out, see what is going on in low lvl brackets and then there is 2-3 shoting in 3 sec. I don’t like it, it’s completed unbalance and no improvement skills. At 120, they’re balanced and really hard to improvement skills.

Wowhead are fine and Xpoff is not. Both are different, Wowhead is for ppls to view info and where is drop from. Xpoff is just forum for build twinks and gather ppls for premade twink bgs.

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

thanks for the laugh mate, really made my morning

You should spend more time doing research on subjects you are clearly very uninformed with. Waste less time posting and spend more time learning.