Half hour at 85, Dragon Soul and 75 Panda engineering.
Woo I’m twinked and I’m also lazy!
or… Dungeons I did on my way to 70 have lasted me all the way to 80
twinkin be easy mon
Half hour at 85, Dragon Soul and 75 Panda engineering.
Woo I’m twinked and I’m also lazy!
or… Dungeons I did on my way to 70 have lasted me all the way to 80
twinkin be easy mon
Wouldn’t have said that if I were you.
… why not… should I be scared???
Can you post your guide on how casual levelers can solo raids for gear upgrades?
EDIT: I’m waiting. It should be easy for you to do “mon.”
Step 1: Make friends!
To do what? Cheer you on while you’re soloing the raids?
Why are you trying to solo a raid at level? Have a friend run you through.
God, did I really have to explain that?
I’m not God, but i’m flattered.
I wanted you to admit that you’re suggesting atypical behavior. How many levelers out there have raid gear as the norm? Before you reply with more conjecture, think about that.
Doing a raid gives you better gear than dungeons, takes less time, and gets you good transmog.
Having a single friend makes it entirely possible.
Even when I wasn’t twinking, I’d still hit a bud up for a quick run through Molten Core or something just to hold back the tedium.
Regardless, my hunter is wearing BC dungeon gear with gems that are purchasable with marks of honor, which any PVP leveler is going to have by the ton, and he’s even stronger than my druid.
Still waiting on that guide.
Step one: Dont act like https ://existentialcomics.com/comic/9
Step two: Make friends
Step three: run eachother through stuff and have fun
Step four: Slay people in bgs. Preferably with aforementioned friends to ensure victory
What does “atypical behavior” have to do with anything? Yes, it’s an option, just like everything else. You don’t have to get raid gear if you don’t want too. But it’s better than Heirlooms in most cases.
Ah, so you admit that you’re going well outside the norm for something and expecting others to do the same.
Word of advice, my friend… not everybody has the same resources. I’m sure you already knew that.
Dungeon gear actually is higher than raid gear in some instances now. With the bonus to ILVLS in dungeons, heroic dungeons are giving craaazy good loot, along with any dungeon that drops epics (Heroic ZA, ZG, normal Trials of the Crusader). Heroic dungeons are too much effort though, even for me.
The only reason to get raid gear is getting gems.
Resources being a friendly demeanor? Yes I suppose a lot of people are lacking in that, but thats part of life. You slowly grow into an enjoyable person to be around.
In that regard, you have some work to do.
This is true. It’s just fun poking the dog from time to time
I feel bad for doing it now. He doesn’t even have a friend who can run him through an old raid on occasion.
Why do you have to troll? I thought we were having a conversation. Are you incapable of being civil?
I’m referring to the general “normal” public. Just because something is feasible for you does not mean it’s feasible for everyone else.
The general normal public has every capability I have in regard to gearing. I’m broke af in game. Money isn’t my resource.
Just saying people can’t do it isn’t a conversation. They can.