Playing twinks is fun.

Ok no problem. Not going to communicate with someone that is negative.

I’m not negative, was making an observation.


You can twink in the 120 bracket now. No need to mourn the loss of overpowering levelers; you can do it endgame! I hope you like raiding and pushing mythic keys though.

End game has always had that, and that is not the definition of twinking.

Twinks are player characters below the [level cap]who have gained the best powerful gear for their level with enhancements such as expensive weapon enchants, leg patches and BoE/BoP greens, blues or epics. Twinks are mainly used in PvP fighting and Battlegrounds

Everyone knows what a twink is, but there is no tangible difference between a “twink” and dps spec with 230k health and op trinkets fighting scrubs with 170k health and bad azerite traits. And no, endgame has not “always” had power gaps like there are currently. Inbe4scalingbro.

Everything is fun when nobody does wrong to others :hugs:

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You said twinks at 120. That is endgame for this expansion, you are aiming for the best gear, that’s what most players play WOW for. It’s nothing like twinks at all.

Anyone but a low iq pedant knows exactly what was meant by the comment and wouldn’t have responded in such a way.

I see so you want to get personal, fair enough.

People are even using Twitter to complain about twinks STILL, over a month later :joy:


anyone who gy camps = twink
anyone who outgears you = twink
lose a bg for any reason = the opposing team is 100% twinks
anyone who has a different opinion to you = twink
oh you picked up the zerker buff in wsg? = you’re a filthy twink


Oh you have a glider?? Twink!


With a stack of 20 I must be an uber twink. :upside_down_face:


This is true, the average leveler would only come across a blingtron 5000 in SW once or twice before leveling out of it.

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Just WOW, what has happened to the player base.
And this comment from the same Twitter.

“Yeah, the non level-capped BGs are garbage right now. It all comes down to has more twinks, almost every single game.”

"I decided to level one too through BGs and it was the single most frustrating leveling experience I’ve ever had."


Twinking is really only expensive if you are lazy. Especially now.

Most of the best gear is heirlooms or dungeon/quest gear. Not BoEs.

Almost all enchants are old-world enchants and can easily be farmed (enchanting skill and level wise) by undergeared max level characters. (Exception here is legion neck enchant, however you can do WQ for epics/blues).

Just like at Max level, you can spend a lot on other people’s effort or do it yourself.

I have several alts that I’ve leveled up (because outside raiding, bgs, arenas and m+ what does endgame really offer?) And I’ve easily gotten their professions up. The only semi difficult one is vanilla really. And BfA.

Twinking used to be a lot more expensive with low % BoE drops being BiS but now gearing is the easiest it’s ever been imo.


Word. You don’t even need to be BiS, heirlooms/crafted/dungeon drops will get your far in your random BGs.


I laughed.

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Twink: I don’t like the gear treadmill at max level

leveler: I don’t like to spend hours farming for gear I will level out of in hours

Twink: you’re lazy

me: ?


I’ve said the exact same thing several times. That’s how I know that most of those who defend the playstyle and use the term “lazy” are just messing around, trying to get people going because the hypocrisy in it is as obvious as a flying brick.

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