Playing twinks is fun.

Correct for the most part. Toss toons are still geared with some bis items when attainable in reasonable time. How hard is it to get shoes out of Stocks per se?

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Whether or not it is reasonable is subjective. Most of the twinks I played with spent time getting gear in the hope that they would come across someone equally geared on the opposing side to duke it out with. Which happened quite frequently.

Since the brackets were split all we are left with is the trash who like to curbstomp lvlers with little to no opposition by abusing overpowered specs. Congratulations?

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I don’t play any “over powered spec”. I’m BM. lol

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If all twinks were like you I wouldn’t of complained about them being in the same bracket as lvlers.

Yea easy to twink still.

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Thats the problem. The mythical “new players” which people choose to believe in first experience for pvp is the 10-19 or 20-29 brackets. Both of those are a dumpster fire, due to class imbalances and lack of toolkit to overcome class imbalances.

After getting farmed and t-bagged by cheese specs they look at the whole community of twinks as the scapegoat when its just the lower brackets that are disgusting.

They are a dumpster fire with or without twinks.


I agree. The devs took the easy route of just separating the pool instead of fixing the outliers. The laziness and ineptitude of the dev team is depressing.

This ^

It’s why I went 39, 49, 59. The 19 and 29 are a perpetual train-wreck.

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Same here I branched higher. And now the only brackets who get consistent or any queues are the 19 and 29s who caused it to be such a s***show in the first place.

RIP bg queues.

As he rolls out another old one.

It’s been this way forever apart from Legion, what do you expect?

Lol no they are not. Having great fun in the bgs again. Yes you come up against strong teams, but that happens. Twinks are not running amok like they used to.

They are there occasionally but most are either playing level 20, leveling, or have decided they can’t play against each other because it’s not 2-3 shot city.

Tell Blizzard your concerns.

They didn’t cause it to be. Those brackets are determined by class balance and who has gear over the players with white/no gear.

Yes they did because they ran with FOTM, amongst other things. Always do always will.

And they geared no different than a regular fotm class is my point. Twinks at 19 were heirlooms enchanted, and other gear from the AH. It was really that simple…

Yeah simple but way OP along with FOTM.

It’s the same any normal leveler could do which is why those two brackets are imbalanced with or without twinks…

Levelers dont need and will never need the OP gear to play bgs. Heirlooms are a boost of course. I agree imbalanced, but if you are saying to me twinks did not make it worse, sorry I disagree totally with that, and so does out friends Blizz. Always have except Legion.